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Pere re) “Birth Pangs of a New Middle East’ Signs Of Chaos And Crisis In SAUDI ARABIA The Middle st chaos has now reached Saudi Arabia as well. Iraq, Syria, and Libya are already decimated. Yemen is in flames too crushed between Iran and Saudi Arabia, fighting out their sectarian turf wats to control the region. Turkey as well as Saudi Arabia is now also clearly feeling the violent stresses and strains of a belligerent and aggressive US policy of reshaping the politics and graphy of the region which the former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described as {he birth pangs of new Middle East”! indeed, these are extremely violent “birth pangs” Already 5 million Muslims in Middle East have been killed, 8 million homeless & tured into .es, and the slaughter seems unstoppable. .. expanding into other Muslim nations in the Greater Middle Bast. The first reshaping of the “old Middle East” was done during and after the First World Warand was, also brutally violent, In fact, World War was waged to carve out the Ottoman Empire to create space for the Zionist State of Israel on Muslim lands. 20 million people of the world had to die to create the modem day Arab nation states in the Middle East and to plant the seed of Israel. Two decades later, a Second world war was needed and a sacrifice of another 50 million people to once again change the geography and politics of the world and the Middle East, leading up to the formal creation of the State of Israel Beginning of the 20th century brought staggering wars, bloodshed and suffering for the humanity while the Middle East was carved by the Zionist powers for their grand strategic objectives. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Jordan were all chopped out of the great Ottoman Empire and never existed as separate countries before. A hundred years later, been proposed where these J be further sub-divided. Gismembered, balkanized and redrawn oF iogether in a Neo-Con project called * for which a “now which annihilated alt the “New American Century Middle East” is needed. A Middle Ea Greater Israel",has no lange lates poses no threat 1 Muslim coumniries around Israel and depoptl; ands for newer Jewish settlements the Musi Israel needs to expand and only way to do that isto remove and decimate populous hostile Muslim countries around it, It can only be done violently through brute force applied in a genocidal ar of total annihilation ~ the Sth Generation War. So far, Pakistan has been comparatively immune to the brutal war of annihilation in Iraq, Syria Libya or Yemen. But if the war enters Saudi Arabia, then its impact on Pakistan's security economy and religion would be staggering. There are ? million Pakistanis working in Saudi Arabia. Every year, almost $ billion dollars of remittances come from the Kingdom. Above all, the two sacred Masjids, Haramain Shareefain, are in Saudi Arabia, making Saudi Arabia as the most visited country by Pakistanis for religious rites. Destabilization of Saudi Arabia woul direct and immediate impact on GCC states also, where another 2 million Pakistanis work and from where other 5 billion dollars remittances originate. Pakistan simply cannot afford to ignore the developments in Saudi Arabia even if the process of Saudi destabilization is beyond Pakistan's control, There are multiple forces working within and outside Saudi Arabia which are collectively contributing to the chaos emerging in the Kingdom. Some of the crises are self-created by the Monarchy while the others are driven by the “project for the new American century”. Reese ee In the following pages, we have identified major signs and markers Which éleadly 5 that a tomado és going (0 hit the Kingdom very Noon, The timings cam be debated but jg, inevitability eannot be. In the broader terms, following factors are directly contributing to the chaos and: isis jn Saudi Arabia. 1. The Project forthe New Middle East Go Ralph Peters Map & redrawing the borders. The Oil Crash and threat of a Sau default. The 9/11 law suit. 4, Warsin Syria & Yemen. 5. Conflict with Iran & Shia rebellion within the Kingdom. 6. Threatof Daesh & Saudi population. 7. Powerstruggle within the Monarchy. Each one of the above factors are bad enough to destroy a Govt. Imagine their collective devastating effect when applied in tandem, simultaneously and with ugly haste. The pattems clear, The Project for the New Middle East - Col Ralph Peters Map & redrawing the borders: This is the real grand strategic objective of the ‘wars we see in the Middle East today ~ redrawing the borders on ethnic, sectarian and communal lines. The maps drawn after the first world Was have become obsolete. Now « new and violeat redrawing is being done. Iti all going according to plan which was clearly explained in 1997 in the “project for the new American century” report, the Neo-Con think tank running the US foreign policy today. Saudis were a target all along. Now their tum has come too. By supporting the Neo-Cons in accelerating the destruction of other Arab nations like Iraq, Syria and Libya, Saudis only accelerated the process of their own demise. The Oil Crash and threat of a Saudi default: The international oil war has destroyed Saudi ‘Arabia's only source of income, wiping offalmost 90% of its income in the last year, throwing the country into a $97 billion budget deficit, forcing it to draw almost $200bn from its $600 bn reserves. At this rate, IMF thinks Saudis would be bankrupt think tank, players. In control of space a ‘transformation Is likely tobe w long one, absent some ‘catalyzing event such as « new Pearl Harber 2000, PNAC produced a report calling for the 1s wars, perform global constabulary roles and the exberspace. The report recognized: "the process of rophic and cert ALE of years only. With oil down from 100 dollars to 25 and then rising slight! mode to find Saudis are panic lternate re enue sources, The panic Jed to the firing of the veteran oil minister Ali al- Naimi, the most powerful man in the oil world. state within 5 years. Other market experts giveit couple Now the young prince tries to lead his country into a dangerous murky world of oil wars. Alternate income sources would take time to develop, perhaps 5 to 10 years, forcing him to borrow, sell ssets, impose taxes and try to stop wastage of around 80 to 100 billion dollars in State M= = rkers in Saudi Arabla torch buse sacked Wo! ut in protest at UNP: risation plans shock oil sector ding cuts, ans spel ee 2016 ‘e push to shrink IMF Says Saudi Arabia Could Be Bankrupt By; @ INDEPENDENT Saudi Arabia is reportedly looking to borrow $10bn in its first international loans in a decade The 9/11 law suit and US congress bill: @ JNDEPENDENT ‘ eatens to sell off US Saudi Arabia thr ss passes g/t bill , assets if Congre: e THE LATEST pill would let 9/11 victims’ families sue wit could backfire. i 2 iit ore UE Pees ee ons This Saudi Arabia. Here's ho Wars in Syria & Yemen: Syria and in Yernen, facing crisis at both fronts Yemen has been a special humiliation for the Kingdom where the Houthis have not just held out spainst the Saudi invasion, they have also been ble to counter attack souther Nairan and Jizan regions causing bh exoults of Saudi population and ne Saudi border towns te involvement of Iran in the war has given serious feapon systems to the Houthis who are now able 1 hit deeper into Saudi cities in southern regions. There isa stalematenow and a UN brokered peace Jeal is in progress but billions haye been los nly bre ‘pion cunare basins ules fashion envionment tech id Saudis in Y men peace The New Mork Times jes Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Re Prono Saudi minister says Syrian rebels should air missiles syria also, Bashar ul Asad is now fully g ih backed by the Russians 2s well along wi, a serious setback 10 Saudi plans any Iran, foreit » billions of dollars of Saudi investmen, gthe rebels: into supporting there Saudi attempts to involve Pakistan inte a tape ‘on to fight the wars in Yemen and Syrig sailed so far, though Pakistan has agreed ig | joina Muslim military coalition for peace keeping ¢ but NOT for combat operations in Yemen or on behalf of the Saudis. Pakistan's refisal was a major military setback for Riyadh forcing them to sue for peace in Yemen and taki back in Syria where they are not involved dineetly but through mercenaries only. DAWN i d gro sakistan will not send 9t a idi-led military und troops 4s} alliance: Azi jn and Jian Joimen's Houthis attack Saudi Arabia's Naifal ooce & MipDLE East Saudi Arabia suspends schools in Najran aft Houthi mortar attack get surface-to Conflict with Iran & Shia rebellio within the Kingdom: Iran feels These wars have brought Saudi Arabia on a direct place the Ce collision course with Tran in the region. But With US. signing. strategic situation got even worse when the Interior heen cad fang of oct Minister and Crown Prinee Muhemmed Bin able to export its oil and also Nayef executed the Shia cleric Al-Nimr, putting _relations between Saudi Arabia and US ca the Kingdom on a war path with its own Shia exploited when US needs Iran more than it n Population and Iran. Now this blood feud is Saudi Arabia in the greater M irrevocably ignited eee eral Rcaaaee ie on to launch open Shias in Sy Shias in the Kingdom are in majority in the din their own eastern regions Eastem region, where the Saudi oil is, Now the dangerous sectarian war has been ignited in very egion is morph and simmering, under full delicate audis, covert support of the Iraniar es for into a low level The New York Gimes Saudi Arabia Cats Ties With Iran Amid Fallout From Cleric’s Execution cos coo, skh i a Nt, Sai Arabia TRIBUNE Shia protesters shout ‘death’ to ed to dissuade Saudis fron executing Nimr ; threater E harsh revenge’ ove US says it tri TAR 9? Furious fran WORLD WAR 3? Furiou 1s to DESTROY Saud with Thousands march in Saudi Arabia to mark ee 40 days since cleric’s execution e Threat of Daesh & its 10 Te Cal veath between ema ae : support: rhedioni erates extreme Rison ete and Saudi Menarchyaremeracne™ise” ogg, which are MOY l= iia gd ’ Deeshand ie Mom ih it Tage ssh YOu rEg 3 So ee al thee tnerior Ministry, Govern same Salafi Wahabi sect. Fare methods to crs the Sen te tae be rosin within the angry yg the cada religious elements te bing Dae as decir waron Sad A ~ S peso enna in heh Brat 8 FFE tinge whe fey nl te une Ki cage more ae ready tj Dees fhetor would emene a8 (he most lethal they y 2 emeniainllll, the Kingdom and the royal Family, | Saud Cleric: ISIS and Saudi Arabia, Cut from the Same Cloth be anxio with isis ISIS TAKES RESPONSIBLITY FOR SUICIDE BOMBING AT MOSQUE IN SAUDI ARABIA fornaca COMMENT IsIL/ Daesh Threatens to attack Saudi Arabia after Executions The New York Gimes ISIS Turns Saudi Against the Kingdom, and Families Againt 1 oo Meee Power struggle within the Monarchy: A power struggle is clearly visible within the Royal family. King Salman is an ailing king and has broken off from the tradition to make sure t his bloodline should rule the Kingdom in dec to come. For the first time, a geandson of the founder King Abdul Aziz and nephew of Ki Salman has been appointed as the Crown Prince, 56 years old Mohemmed Bin Nayef, the powerful Interior Minister and head of Intelligence. But the more radical step was to appoint his own 30 years old Son Prince Muhemmed Bin Salman as the deputy crown prince and the powerful defense minister, Now Nayef controls the Interior and Intelligence, while Muhemmed bin Salman controls the Defense & the Economy as well as the Foreign Ministry. In fact, itis this younger prince who is actually considered as the de-facto King of Saudi Arabia, yielding great influence over his ailing father King Salman. This heavy delegation of total power in the hands ofa 30 years ades ld prince has certainly ruffled many feathers in the Royal family. Also, Nayef is not the son of @ King. The Sons of late Kings Faisal, Fahad, Khalid and Abdullah also have claims over the crown and are not pleased at the appointment of Muhemmed bin Nayef as crown prince and the younger Muhemmed as the deputy crown prince, basically sealing the line of succession for the next 50y ee ome Pag ise Mussa rs. ! changing the world Pree wae) MARKET INSIDER wen arm oon The 30-year-old prince who is ‘There are also extreme differences between the ed. two powerfull “Muhemmeds” as they are While the younger Defense Minister Muhemmed Bin Salman is responsible for igniting da wars in Yemen and Syria, it is the Interior gerous Minister, older Muhemmed, who cre diplomatic & security crisis for the Kingdom by executing the Shia dissident AI-Nimr and put the Kingdom on a war path with Iran directly. A mess which the Defense Minister has to clean up now and the blame game has begun. Prince Nayef' is known to be a brutally cruel man, who believes in crushin the dissent with an iron hand. There are over 15,000 political prisoners in dozens of mega jails run by his dreaded ‘Mubahis e Aama, internal rency. His harsh Intelligence methods are severely criticized by the moderate mem 1s of the royal family who feel that he is alienating and isolating the loc: turing them aj harsh methods. H Nime at this st population and inst the monarch through his was advised not to execute 12 when the Kingdom was already in crisis due to economy and ternal wars but he still went ahead and ignited a blood feud with Iran and local Shias. Younger Muhemmed, the defense minister, is also controlling ¢ Economy in th dangerous times Kingdom is facing its toughest when economic crisis since its creation. Revenues have dried up and alternat sources are not yet in place. Economic crunch is hit panic is setting in the Mot ¢ the country hard and chy and frustration in the local population, In haste to te resources for immediate day to State and to initiate running of the ernate revenue generating projects, Prince Muhemmed is fore: joans and sell shar to take from the Kingdom's crown jewel — the Saudi oil company Aramco. A move ich is being strongly opposed within the saner and senior members of the Monarchy The economic crunch is also hitting at the revenues of the 15,000 plus princes and and a 'brutal' battle iran: What the Saud) REALLY means princesses who get lavish stipends from the State 2 The attempts to cut back almost $80 billion wastage in State exp: ses have eamed him many enemies within his cousins and family who are used to a lavishly free flow of cash, Prince M Foreign M { bin Salman also controls the sistry. Foreign Minister Adil Jubairis tandpicked by the prince himself. In the present erioration of relations between the Kingdom US, Russia and Jran, the younger Muhemmed finds himself in a foreign poli is be debacle also and 1g blamed by the other senior royal family members for the Kingdom's diplomatic isolation. Right now, there is a fragile trace within the royal family but the fractures would become more visible once the going gets tougher in the eoming days.

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