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Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 86:1189–1194 (2015)


Original Studies

Creation of a Transcatheter Fenestration in Children

With Failure of Fontan Circulation: Focus on Extracardiac
Conduit Connection
Stefan Rupp,1 MD, Christin Schieke,1 MD, Gunter Kerst,1 MD, Nona Mazhari,1 MD,
Axel Moysich,1 MD, Heiner Latus,1 MD, Ina Michel-Behnke,2 MD,
Hakan Akintuerk,1 MD, and Dietmar Schranz,1* MD

Objectives: We report our experience with a transcatheter technique to bypass the lung
and to thus improve single-ventricle preload and reduce venous congestion in Fontan
patients. Background: In the absence of a dedicated power source to serve the pul-
monary circulation and a significantly elevated transpulmonary pressure gradient, fen-
estration of the Fontan circulation is an option to improve hemodynamics in patients
by relieving excessive systemic venous pressure. Methods and Results: From 2005 to
2011, 22 transcatheter fenestrations were performed without any major complications
in 19 patients (median age 3.2 years, interquartile range (IQR) 2.7–3.7 years)) with failing
Fontan circulation and exceeding systemic venous pressure. In 16 patients, the proce-
dure was performed for acute postoperative failure 1–24 days after surgery. After per-
foration of the conduit and atrial wall by a Brockenbrough needle and gradual balloon
dilation, premounted stents were expanded to create a diabolo configuration with flar-
ing stent edges, leaving a slight but definitive central waist. The procedure resulted in
regression of pleural effusions and a significant decrease in systemic venous pressure.
Clinical improvement was observed in 16 of the 19 treated patients. Follow-up demon-
strated sustained fenestration in 85% of treated patients for at least 24 months. Con-
clusion: Transcatheter creation of a Fontan fenestration is a safe approach despite the
anatomic gap between the extracardiac conduit cavity and the atrial wall. Stent im-
plantation allows defining the diameter of the fenestration, reduces spontaneous
occlusion, and ensures sustained clinical improvement. VC 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: Fontan failure; transcatheter fenestration; extracardiac conduit

Pediatric Heart Center, University of Giessen and Marburg,
Giessen, Germany
Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics
and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University Vienna, Vienna,
In what is known as a Fontan circulation, the sys- Austria
temic venous circulation is connected directly to the
pulmonary arteries. The surgical technique has been Conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
modified over time since its introduction in 1971 and
has become the established palliative treatment for *Correspondence to: Dietmar Schranz, Pediatric Heart Center, Uni-
versity of Giessen and Marburg, Feulgenstrasse 12, 35390 Giessen,
single-ventricle circulation [1,2]. Originally described Germany, E-mail:
for patients with tricuspid atresia, the Fontan procedure Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver-
has now been extended to almost all forms of single- sion of this article.
ventricle circulations such as mitral atresia, double-inlet
left ventricle, and hypoplastic left or right ventricle [3]. Received 3 February 2015; Revision accepted 8 May 2015
However, the altered hemodynamic situation in indi- DOI: 10.1002/ccd.26042
viduals with a Fontan circuit results in an 65% lower Published online 29 June 2015 in Wiley Online Library
exercise capacity compared to biventricular healthy (

C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

1190 Rupp et al.

controls [4] and higher overall morbidity. Several sion in our retrospective analysis were identified by
abnormalities such as valve insufficiencies or rhythm searching the database of the Pediatric Heart Center in
abnormalities may lead to further hemodynamic com- Giessen, Germany. In the 19 cases retrieved from the
promise and should be treated to optimize hemody- database, the anatomic lesions requiring a Fontan cir-
namic and clinical outcome [5]. culation were tricuspid atresia (n ¼ 2), single left ven-
However, the absence of a dedicated power source to tricle (n ¼ 2), double-inlet left ventricle (n ¼ 3), double-
serve the pulmonary circulation is inherently associated outlet right ventricle (n ¼ 6), and hypoplastic left heart
with a chronic elevation of systemic venous pressures syndrome (n ¼ 6). The diameter of the polytetrafluoro-
due to its direct connection to the pulmonary artery sys- ethylene (PTFE) Fontan conduit was 16 mm (n ¼ 3),
tem. Low pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is essen- 18 mm (n ¼ 2), 19 mm (n ¼ 11), 20 mm (n ¼ 1), and
tial to allow passive blood flow through the pulmonary unknown in two patients in whom the Fontan operation
vascular system. Increased PVR may lead to chronic ve- was not performed in our pediatric heart center. Clini-
nous congestion and progressively deteriorating function cal reports, laboratory data, echocardiographic and car-
with effusions, protein-losing enteropathy (PLE), or he- diac catheterization findings, and surgeons’ reports
patic dysfunction. Increased pulmonary resistance may including technical aspects of each procedure were
additionally lead to reduced preload of the systemic ven- reviewed. Perioperative hemodynamic variables such
tricle and is responsible for low cardiac output [6,7]. as systemic venous, left pulmonary artery, right pulmo-
Typically, a distinction is made between high PVR with nary artery, ventricular end-diastolic, systemic arterial
a precapillary pulmonary vascular component and a pressures as well as arterial and venous blood oxygen
high transpulmonary gradient and PVR with an elevated saturations were assessed. Because some patients were
systemic venous pressure due to postcapillary pulmonary critically ill, not all variables were consistently meas-
hypertension. In addition, there is mixed PVR with fea- ured during the cardiac catheterizations for Fontan fen-
tures of both types. Medical treatment with drugs such estration.
as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors and/or endothelin re- The paired t test was used to compare the variables
ceptor blockers is the first-line treatment to lower preca- of interest. The authors had full access to the data and
pillary PVR. However, medication alone might not be take responsibility for its integrity.
sufficient to stop clinical deterioration with development
of PLE, pleural effusion, and/or ascites and to improve
the patient’s clinical condition. Several studies suggest Technique of Transcatheter Fenestration
that a Fontan baffle or conduit fenestration might repre- Conscious sedation for catheterization was preferred
sent an additional treatment option [8–11]. Conduit fen- and used in 14 interventions, general anesthesia in 8
estration allows unsaturated blood to bypass the lung, interventions. General anesthesia was used when
resulting in reduced systemic venous pressure and aug- patients were still intubated and ventilated after surgery.
mented systemic cardiac output at the cost of systemic Intubation was not performed for the transcatheter pro-
arterial blood oxygen desaturation. However, spontane- cedure alone. Femoral venous access was chosen in all
ous closure of the fenestration is common, in particular patients except one in whom the subclavian vein was
immediately after surgical creation of a Fontan circuit, used because of obstructed femoral veins. After local
when most patients develop a mixed pre- and postcapil- anesthesia, the vessel was cannulated and a bolus of 100
lary form of PVR. In these emergency situations, an international units (IU) heparin per kilogram body
additional therapeutic measure that effectively maintains weight was given before the fenestration was created.
patency of the fenestration could avoid acute low car- After the procedure, heparin was continued at a dose of
diac output or systemic organ congestion. 300 IU/kg/day. The Fontan conduit and the systemic
Percutaneous creation of a Fontan fenestration in atrium were delineated by angiography.
total cavopulmonary connection with extra-cardiac tun- The step-by-step transcatheter approach is depicted
nel was described previously in a small series [12] and in Fig. 1a–d. After angiography of the inferior vena
in case reports [13,14]. We present a retrospective data cava and Fontan tunnel (Fig. 1a), a Brockenbrough
analysis from the largest cohort of patients treated by needle was advanced through a 6 Fr long sheath
transcatheter fenestration in a Fontan circulation with (Cook, Copenhagen) to the selected perforation site of
extracardiac conduit. the extracardiac conduit. Only in one procedure was a
Nykanen radiofrequency ensemble (Baylis Medical,
Montreal) used for reopening a closed surgically cre-
ated fenestration.
The ethics committee of the University Clinic Gies- After perforation of the conduit and atrial wall with
sen approved the retrospective study. Cases for inclu- the needle, the needle position within the atrial cavity
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
Transcatheter Fenestration in Fontan Patients 1191

Fig. 1. A: Angiography of the inferior vena cava and Fontan tunnel. B: After perforation of
the conduit and atrial wall, the needle position within the atrial cavity is verified angiographi-
cally after contrast medium injection through the needle. C: Exact placement of the stent
within the septum is guided by angiograms obtained with manual contrast medium injection.
D: The desired configuration of the stent is achieved by slowly filling the balloon with diluted
contrast medium. This allows expansion of the stent from both ends and results in a diabolo
shape of the stent.

was checked by contrast injection through the needle eter was needed to dilate the rigid conduit before the
(Fig. 1b). A Hi-Torque Pilot 0.014 cm  300cm coro- sheath could be advanced. The sheath was advanced
nary guide-wire (Abbott) was advanced through the through the conduit and the atrial walls by inflating the
needle and looped within the atrium or positioned in a low-profile balloon, so that the taper of the balloon
pulmonary vein. Next, the needle and the dilator of the engaged the end of the long sheath. The balloon-sheath
long-sheath were carefully exchanged for a 1.5 to 3– ensemble was then advanced into the atrium by simul-
5 mm low-profile balloon catheter (Maverick, Apex, taneously pushing the long sheath, with the balloon
Abbott) to pass and dilate the conduit and the atrial effectively functioning as a dilator for the sheath. This
wall. Afterwards, the balloon catheter was exchanged way, the balloon catheter, the inflated balloon, or the
to further gradually dilate the initially established com- long sheath could nearly continuously seal the open-
munication. Because of the ridgid conduit, different ings of the conduit and atrial wall. Using this tech-
balloon catheter sizes up to a final diameter of 6– nique, bleeding or pericardial effusion was not seen in
8 mm became necessary for advancing the 6 Fr sheath any patient. With the long sheath in the atrium, the
to the atrial side. In some cases, an 8 mm balloon cath- balloon was deflated, and removed together with the
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
1192 Rupp et al.

guide wire, and replaced by a balloon-expandable 8  Pre- and Post-Interventional Hemodynamic

18 mm bare-metal stent (Genesis, Cordis) on a 003500 Parameters
exchange wire. The stent was positioned to span the Preprocedural hemodynamic parameters showed
conduit and atrial walls. Exact placement of the stent mean SVC (superior vena cava) and IVC (inferior vena
within the septum was guided, as necessary, by cava) pressures of 18.3  5.3 mm Hg (n ¼ 19) and
repeated angiograms obtained with manual injection of 17.8  4.5 mm Hg (n ¼ 20), respectively. Mean pres-
contrast medium (Fig. 1c). Controlled configuration of sure in the functional pulmonary venous atrium was
the stent by slowly filling the balloon with diluted con- 11.0  4.2 mm Hg (n ¼ 12), resulting in an average
trast medium allowed expansion from the distal ends. transpulmonary gradient of about 7 mm Hg. Corre-
Stent expansion was facilitated by the higher resistance sponding systemic venous oxygen saturation was
and elastic recoil in the central segment of the created 62.4  10.1% (n ¼ 12) in the SVC and 57.6  20.8%
canal, which was surrounded by tissue, compared to (n ¼ 9) in the IVC, while mean systemic arterial oxy-
the lower resistance at the stent edges within the atrial gen saturation was 92.5  5.5% (n ¼ 22). After creation
and conduit cavities, resulting in a diabolo shape of the and stenting of a Fontan fenestration, mean pressure in
stent. A diameter of 4–6 mm of the fenestration was the IVC decreased to 12.9  5.3 mm Hg (P < 0.05).
aimed at (Fig. 1d). Both oxygen saturation and sys- Systemic arterial oxygen saturation decreased from
temic vein pressure decreased after creation of the 93.6%  6% to 84.6%  6% (P < 0.01).
right–left shunting fenestration. Twelve of the 19 patients showed an improvement
A final angiogram was performed to ensure the cor- in their clinical condition in terms of resolution of PLE
rect position of the stent (see Supporting Information and effusion within days after fenestration. Four
Video). chronically ill patients improved within 4 weeks, show-
ing reduction of PLE/effusions or plastic bronchitis.
RESULTS One patient showed only a minor regression of PLE
with a limited improvement of his clinical condition.
Over a 6-year period from February 2005 to April In one patient, transcatheter fenestration did not have a
2011, 121 patients received a Fontan circulation in our significant effect on early postoperative circulatory
pediatric heart center. Transcatheter fenestrations with failure, and because of the persisting life-threatening
stent placement in the created communication were per- situation, a takedown operation was performed on the
formed in 19 patients in the same period, however two same day, immediately after cardiac catheterization. In
patients were transferred to our center for therapy after another patient, fenestration was performed as a rescue
the Fontan procedure was performed in another hospital. maneuver under extracorporal membrane oxygenation.
Three subjects underwent re-fenestration because of a The rescue procedure was performed without complica-
closed stent. In two cases the stent was reopened, and a tion but did not stabilize the hemodynamic situation
new stent was placed in the existing stent. In the third sufficiently and the patient died.
case, the stented fenestration was found to be closed
and a new fenestration with following stent implantation
was performed. These stent implantations are also Procedure-Related Complications
included in the statistics. Therefore this report describes In our analysis of 22 transcatheter interventions in
22 stent implantations in 19 patients. 19 patients, the overall rate of intervention-related
There was no procedure-related death or major com- complications was low. Severe complications such as
plication. At the time of the transcatheter fenestration, accidental false route perforation with effusion or even
the patients had a median age of 3.2 years (interquartile tamponade or acute cardiac decompensation did not
range (IQR) 2.7–3.7 years). Transcatheter fenestration occur. One patient started to vomit after initiation of
was performed within the first 24 hr after completion of sedation. In this case, aspiration could not be ruled out;
the Fontan circulation in six patients, between 3 and 24 however, the respiratory situation remained stable. One
days after surgery in ten patients, and between 237 and patient suffered from recurrent atrial tachycardia,
4,448 days postoperatively in six patients. Spontaneous which was successfully treated by intravenous injection
closure of an intraoperatively created fenestration was of adenosine.
the main reason for transcatheter re-fenestrating in five
of six patients who needed to be treated within the first
24 hr after completion of Fontan circulation. Elevated Risk of Spontaneous Stent Closure or Insufficient
pulmonary artery pressure, ascites, and/or pulmonary or Communication
peripheral edema were present in all patients despite Two patients showed secondary clinical deterioration
supposedly optimal medical therapy. after stent implantation. A second heart catheterization
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
Transcatheter Fenestration in Fontan Patients 1193

was performed (10 days and 14 days after the first cavopulmonary connection. Transcatheter fenestration
stent implantation). The stented fenestration was pro- improves acute postoperative low cardiac output, pleu-
ven to be closed, and restoration of stent patency by ral effusions, ascites, and PLE.
balloon dilatation was uneventful, and the fenestration Pathophysiologically, different hemodynamic condi-
remained patent after the second procedure. In one tions can result in failure of a Fontan circulation. A
case, the stented fenestration was found to be closed fenestration is an effective tool in patients with preca-
and a new fenestration with following stent implanta- pillarily induced systemic vein hypertension (mean
tion was performed. pressure > 15 mm Hg) and an “out-of-proportion”
Two patients experienced only a slight improvement (>5 mm Hg) transpulmonary pressure gradient (TPG).
of their clinical situation after stent implantation and In addition, fenestration is useful in mixed systemic
suffered from persistent effusion. A second catheteriza- venous hypertension. A mixture of pre- and postcapil-
tion was performed, and the stents were uneventfully lary pulmonary artery components is often seen in the
re-dilated to a larger diameter. Effusions resolved over immediate postoperative course after establishment of
the following days. a total cavopulmonary connection [15]. A cardiopulmo-
Overall, in 85% of the patients who were discharged nary bypass induces an inflammatory response that
home and followed up in our hospital (13 patients), the results in transient endothelial and cardiac stunning
fenestration was found to remain patent for at least 24 [16,17]. Therefore, fenestration with stenting might
months. These patients experienced resolution of effu- also be a treatment option for patients with a mixed
sions or PLE and suffered no thromboembolic events type of out-of-proportion systemic venous hyperten-
during the follow-up period. sion.
Most patients treated by transcatheter fenestration in
Anticoagulation the present series had venous hypertension of the
mixed type. Following fenestration, 16 of the 19
Twelve patients were discharged with phenprocou-
patients showed hemodynamic and clinical improve-
mon (International Normalized Ratio (INR) 1.8–2.5),
ment in terms of resolution of effusions in mid-term
one patient was transferred to another hospital with in-
follow-up. A stented fenestration remained patent for
travenous heparin medication and the aim to start
at least 24 months in 85% of the patients followed up
phenprocoumon after clinical stabilization, four patients
in our hospital. Complete or partial closure of the
were treated with aspirin and folic acid after discharge.
stented fenestration could be performed in some of the
patients with adapted Fontan circulation. Similar proce-
Stent Closure After Adaption to Fontan dures of partial or total occlusion of Fontan fenestra-
Hemodynamics tions were previously described [18,19].
Ideally, the aim is to close the fenestration after Three major technical aspects of the new procedure
adaption to the Fontan circulation and sustained stable we propose for creating a transcatheter fenestration in
clinical condition. In our retrospective study popula- extracardiac Fontan tunnel anatomy are of note:
tion, four fenestrations were closed by transcatheter First, the perforation technique to cross and tunnel
technique using different occluder devices during a the conduit-atrial wall layers is mandatory. Only the
mean follow-up of 37.5 months (IQR 8.5–72.5). In needle has to be advanced to the atrial side without a
another three patients, partial transcatheter closure of trial to follow with the long sheath as done in regular
the fenestration by modulated umbrella devices was atrioseptostomy. The described wire-gradual balloon
performed. The following devices were used: Cardia- technique for pushing the long sheath to the atrial side
PFO-Occluder 15 mm (n ¼ 3), Amplatz-Duct-Occluder makes the creation of the fenestration safe without
II 4/4 mm (n ¼ 2), Amplatzer vascular plug II 8 mm inducing hemorrhage.
(n ¼ 1), and 4 mm (n ¼ 1). All closure procedures were Second, bar metal stents can be used to create a dia-
performed without complications. The patients’ clinical bolo- or butterfly-shaped configuration for a sufficient
functional status remained stable after complete or par- communication with a diameter of 4–6 mm and with-
tial closure of the Fontan fenestration. out inducing hemorrhagic complications. Previously,
we considered graft stent’s to avoid bleeding compli-
caions [14]. Our experience suggests that this approach
can replace the relatively complicated sizing of the
The transcatheter technique for creating a fenestra- fenestration, as reported before [10]. The described bal-
tion in a failing Fontan circulation we present here loon inflation technique allows precise dimensioning of
proved feasible and safe especially in patients in whom the effective diameter of the fenestration by gradual
an extracardiac conduit had been inserted for total expansion and inflation of the premounted stent
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
1194 Rupp et al.

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Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.

Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).

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