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4068_Ch36_809-834 15/11/14 2:00 PM Page 810

36 Urinary System
Function, Assessment,
and Therapeutic Measures
cystoscopy (sist-TAW-skuh-pee) AND JANICE L. BRADFORD
dysuria (diss-YOO-ree-ah)
hematuria (HEE-muh-TOOR-ee-ah)
incontinence (inn-CON-tin-ense) LEARNING OUTCOMES
nephrotoxic (NEF-row-TOCKS-sick)
nocturia (knock-TOO-ree-ah) 1. Identify the normal anatomy of the urinary system.
percutaneous (PURR-kyoo-TAY-nee-us) 2. Describe the normal function of the urinary system.
pyelogram (PIE-eh-loh-gram)
uremia (yoo-REE-mee-ah) 3. Discuss the effects of aging on the urinary system.
4. List data to collect when caring for a patient with a
disorder of the urinary system.
5. Plan preparation and postprocedure care for patients
undergoing diagnostic tests of the urinary system.
6. Plan nursing care for patients with incontinence.
7. Discuss nursing actions to decrease the risk of infection in
urinary catheterized patients.


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