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BASS TROMBONE DECEMBER 2016 AUDITION REPERTOIRE EXCERPTS Derliog~ Hungarian March (om Damnation of Past), (ars before Rehearsal 4 to 2 bas afer Rehearsal 5) Becthoven ~ Symphony No.9, 4% mv. (brs $98 —627) Bruckner Symphony No.7, 4? mt. P=Z) Franck — Symphony nD Minor, 3 mvt (N to 16 bats before 0) ayn ~ The Creation, #26-~ Achieved isthe Glorious Work Beginning to | bar before C) ‘Kodaly —Hary Janos Suit, 4" mvt. (complete) “Mahler —Symphony No. 5 Scherzo (U6 bars after Rebearsal 15 to Rehearsal 17 and 6 har after Rehearsal 24 to Rehearsal 26) "Rondo (I ber before Rehearsal 2 406 bars afer Rehearsal 26) Prokofiev -Romeo and Juliet, Suite 2,1" mv, (Montague's and Capote’) (Rebearsal 5~7) Resp Fountains of Rome, La Footane di Trevi Respighi~ Pines of Rome, mvs. and 4 Rossini — William Tell(Cto 9 brs after D) ‘Schumann ~ Symphony No.3, mt. (Beginning to bar 20) Strauss ~ Ein Heldonleben (Rehearsal SI —74) Strauss ~Le Borgeois Gesitionme: ‘No.3 (Der Fechimeister) (Beginning o 2 bars after Rehearsal 38) No.9 (Das Diner) (Rehestsl 671075 with repeat 72) ‘tenses —Till Elenapigst (ars alter Rehearsal 18 to S bars before 20 and Rehearsal 36 to 3 bars before 38) ‘Wamner—Das Rheingold Scene 4 (Entry ofthe Gods into Valhalla) (Last 15 bars) ‘Wagner —Lohengzin, Prelude to Act 3 (Bar 32-50 and Bar 95 ~ 116) Wagner — Ride ofthe Valkyries (ck-up to Rehearsal 4~$ and pickup to Rebel 1 10 5 bars after Rehearsal 12) Wagner ~Tanahauser (bar 37 54) Maling Aderes: 500 ~ 535 Seymour Siret Vercouver OC VEBOGE_ el 604 B94 9100 fox G04 624 S264 wrnvancoUrersmohonca Location a Courier Adds: 500 ~ 245 Seymour Strat. vancauee SC UBB

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