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At the present Colombia has two thousand million of berrels in its crude reserve.This reserve will
last for approximately five point sever years. Throgh application of fraking wantd duplicade the

Colombia has twenty three paramos from which comes the seventy porcent of the wáter used for
farming , human consume and mining. In in this same places where are approving the bids.

Which are the companies responsable for this practice?

According to the researcher in environmental sciences Esteban García

In the first place we find the DRUMMON that is a Canadian Company which would exploit the
Sierra nevada of Santa Marta.

Then we find the CONOCOPHILLIPS that is a north america Company which would exploid the
Nudo of Paramillo

Also there are ECOPETROL and PAREX that would exploit the zone of Magdalena medio

And the north america Company EXXONMOBIL which is the biggest in the world that would exploit
the deparment of META

according to the geologist julio fierro

This practice in addition to causing a big damage in the environment , would directly affect specific
population and could generate forced desplacement for the irreversible damage in the wáter
resourses and in the telluric layers.

In the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta The indigenous communities that would be affected:

IKU , KAGGABA , WIWA, KANKUAMO AND WAYU. In the Nudo of Paramillo it would affected the
EMBERA. In addition it would affect fifty-four municipalities of Santander including Puerto
Wichels , Simacota and the Forest of fog Galilea.

according to Luis alvarado pardo, former mining technical director of the mines and energy

Colombia does not have the estudies of geological mapping or sismicity necessary to consider the
feasibility of the project. The last year the national government brought a comisión of north
american expert which said: there are not problema if the standars are rigurously applied.

So many experts disagreed because the geological condition are very different. The same
extraction model cannot be applied to different geological condition.

For example: We find two confirmed cases of direct damage in the deparments Santander and
Putumayo where the scientific dicovered high levels of arsénico in the wáter resourses of two
Although in the political campaing the current president of Colombia Ivan Duque said: no to the
fraking . A series of pilot Projects was approved in February , seeking the sufficient scientific
evidence called : Exploratory Fraking.

Many environmentalists , geologists and scientists around the world and in Colombia are against
to the fraking. People like the ex minister of environment Manuel Rodriguez proposes selling
companys like Ecopetrol and using this money for renewable energy research applied to our

We cannot forget that in the world around eighty countries have banned this practice and in
europe the debate does not end.

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