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PATHS Outreach Initiatives

About Me
Name: Mady Kung

Position: Outreach Director

Year: Junior

Major: Biology

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Professional Goal: Dentist


I. Networking Events & Panels

II. Joint Events with Associated Organizations
III. Internships & Opportunities Database
Networking Events & Panels
● Goal: Provide opportunities for members to network with professionals and learn about graduate school
admissions process
● Networking events for every discipline offer the opportunity to establish connections with
contacts in the industry
○ e.g. Networking Night with lawyers and law students
● Panels bring together top talent in one area so that a group of experts can share and build upon
each other's experience
○ e.g. DO and MD share insights into their respective professions to help pre-meds make an informed career
○ e.g. MBA admissions consultants reveal tips & tricks for getting into the nation’s top business programs
Joint Events with Associated Organizations
● Goal: Establish partnerships with other organizations to host collaborative events and extend the scope of
resources available to PATHS members
● Joint events allow members to access more resources and ideas through seminars co-sponsored
with other student organizations
○ e.g. “Crafting Your Personal Statement” Workshop with UCLA Career Center
○ e.g. “How to Secure a Shadowing Opportunity” with PDSOP
Internships & Opportunities Database
● Goal: Provide communications to PATHS members on relevant resources and opportunities on and
beyond campus
● Members gain access to current and upcoming internships, research, and employment
opportunities through a database sourced by our coordinators & mentors
○ Filter the database by discipline, type of opportunity, paid/unpaid to find what you’re looking for!
This is Only the Beginning!
By becoming a PATHS member, you gain special access to additional events and opportunities in addition
to the ones listed here. Our various outreach initiatives will provide you with a competitive edge as you
navigate your pre-professional journey by connecting you to industry experts and insider information.

If you have any questions, please contact or

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