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IMPORTANT: Only Modify the Boxes in Yellow!

The 1RM estimator in this spreadsheet is based on Matt Brzycki's (36*weight)/(37-reps done), which is a much more accurate

To begin, enter the weight and reps down for each of the four exercises.

In Cycle 1, your working 1RMs are the 90% on top of the spreadsheet.
For Cycle 2 and beyond, the current working 1RMs are listed on the right hand side.

Here is how the rep goals work:

- In week 1, the rep goal is calculated by adding 5lbs to your working 1RM. So if you are able to achieve the rep
goal, your estimated 1RM will be at least 5lbs more than your working 1RM In week 2, the rep goal will be
generated by adding 5lbs to your previous week's (week 1) estimated 1RM and the same concept works for week
3 if you get the rep goal.
- If you are unable to get the number of reps recommended but the estimated 1RM is still greater than your current
working 1RM, the following week's rep goal will still be generated by adding 5lbs onto your estimated 1RM.
- However, if the estimated 1RM is lower than your current working 1RM at any given week, the rep goal for next
week will be calculated such that you will beat your current working 1RM by 5lbs or more.

For Example:
Say my current working 1RM is 365 for squat. For week 1, I need to get 5+ for 310. The calculator also tells me
that in order to beat my working 1RM of 365 by 5lbs, I will need to get at least 7 reps of 310 which will put me at an
estimated 370.
If I do get 7 reps, I will have to do 330x6=385 in week 2 to beat my max of 370 because if I only get 330x5, that is
still an estimated max of 370.
But say I wasn't feeling all that great and only went for the minimum number of 5 reps, that puts my estimated 1RM
at 350, which is lower than my current working 1RM of 365. Therefore in week 2, the calculator will again add 5lbs
to my current working 1RM of 365 and calculate the rep goal. In this scenario it will be 330x5 which gives an
estimated 1RM of 370.

From cycle to cycle, the working 1RMs for Squats and Deadlift will be increased by 10lbs and Press and Bench by
You do have the option of changing this to your own preference by editing the cycle increment.
In addition, you can also manually enter the weight for your next cycle. This is NOT RECOMMENDED as it will
also erase the formula associated with it.
one), which is a much more accurate estimation than Wendler's overly optimistic forumla.

able to achieve the rep

e rep goal will be
concept works for week

greater than your current

ur estimated 1RM.
ek, the rep goal for next

alculator also tells me

10 which will put me at an

I only get 330x5, that is

at puts my estimated 1RM

ulator will again add 5lbs
0x5 which gives an

and Press and Bench by

OMMENDED as it will
5/3/1 Calculator
Weight Reps 1RM 90% 1RM Calculator Rep Calculator
Deadlift Weight Reps 1RM Weight

Cycle 1
Week 1 3x5 Week 2 3x3
Rep 1RM Reps Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight 1RM
Goal Goal Done Goal Goal Done

Military Military Military

Deadlift Deadlift Deadlift

Bench Bench Bench

Squat Squat Squat

Cycle 2
Week 5 3x5 Week 6 3x3
Rep 1RM Reps Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight 1RM
Goal Goal Done Goal Goal Done

Military Military Military

Deadlift Deadlift Deadlift

Bench Bench Bench

Squat Squat Squat

Cycle 3
Week 9 3x5 Week 10 3x3
Rep 1RM Reps Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight 1RM
Goal Goal Done Goal Goal Done
Military Military Military

Deadlift Deadlift Deadlift

Bench Bench Bench

Squat Squat Squat

Cycle 4
Week 13 3x5 Week 14 3x3
Rep 1RM Reps Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight 1RM
Goal Goal Done Goal Goal Done

Military Military Military

Deadlift Deadlift Deadlift

Bench Bench Bench

Squat Squat Squat

Cycle 5
Week 17 3x5 Week 18 3x3
Rep 1RM Reps Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight 1RM
Goal Goal Done Goal Goal Done

Military Military Military

Deadlift Deadlift Deadlift

Bench Bench Bench

Squat Squat Squat

Cycle 6
Week 21 3x5 Week 22 3x3
Rep 1RM Reps Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight 1RM
Goal Goal Done Goal Goal Done

Military Military Military

Deadlift Deadlift Deadlift

Bench Bench Bench

Squat Squat Squat

v1.1 Created by diregna

Rep Calculator Cycle Increment

Military 5
1RM Reps Req'd Deadlift 10
Bench 5
Squat 10

Week 3 5/3/1 Week 4 Deload

Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight Suggested Cycle 2 1RM
Goal Goal Done
Military Deadlift



Week 7 5/3/1 Week 8 Deload

Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight Suggested Cycle 3 1RM
Goal Goal Done
Military Deadlift



Week 11 5/3/1 Week 12 Deload

Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight Suggested Cycle 4 1RM
Goal Goal Done
Military Deadlift



Week 15 5/3/1 Week 16 Deload

Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight Suggested Cycle 5 1RM
Goal Goal Done
Military Deadlift



Week 19 5/3/1 Week 20 Deload

Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight Suggested Cycle 6 1RM
Goal Goal Done
Military Deadlift



Week 23 5/3/1 Week 24 Deload

Rep 1RM Reps
Weight 1RM Weight Suggested Cycle 7 1RM
Goal Goal Done
Military Deadlift


V1.0 Completed Caculators
Updated rounding in Rep Goals resulting in higher accuracy
V1.1 Added a Rep Req'd Calculator

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