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Weekly Assignment-4

Due date: 19th June 2020 – [11:59PM] Total marks: 100

Roll no

Carefully watch the following C++ program.

See the style of commenting done in the above program. Add screen print of the output of the
above program and also draw UML- Class diagram.

1. Follow the same commenting style for the following programs taught is the specific
dates mentioned.
2. Your answer should also include output of every program in your system.
3. Also draw the UML – class diagram of each program including above

List of programs are as follows:

1. d1.cpp of 8th June online class

2. accmut.cpp of 9th June online class
3. friend2.cpp of 15th June online class
4. staticfunction1.cpp of 16th June online class
5. Conter.cpp of 16th June Online class
TASK-2 : Answer the following MCQs.

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