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The First House

Causes of DeafnessThe head and the face are the main parts of the body denoted by the first house. It
involves the complexion, cranium, forehead, brain, hair, pituitary glands, etc.
If the first house in our natal chart is weak then it results in a sickly constitution, thereby leading to
headache, mental tension, paralysis, giddiness, wounds, scars, erratic activity of endocrine glands,
derangement, brain fever, stupidity, nose bleeding, etc.

The Second House

Throat and the ears are the main parts of the body signified by the second house. It generally rules the
organs like nose, throat, mouth, tongue, teeth and eyes, especially the right one), facial bones, upper
neck and its bones, gullet, larynx, cerebellum, trachea, cervical region and cervical bones, tonsils, etc.
Implication of poor digestion, disorders of speech, throat, cervical, gums, eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases
mainly arising out of a weak venous system shows a weak second house in your natal chart.

The Third House

Shoulders, arms, the collar bone, hands, lungs and the nervous system are the main parts of the body
denoted by the third house. The lower neck, shoulders, arms, ears hands, shoulders, collar bones,
thyroid gland, respiratory and nervous systems are ruled by the third house. A birth chart showing a
weak third house brings problems of respiratory canal, disorders of thyroid, imbalances in the nervous
system, depression resulting in partial paralysis, stammering, shoulder pains, fracture in the collar bone
region, partial deafness, respiratory diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, etc.

The Fourth House

Digestive organs, stomach and breasts are the organs governed by the fourth house. If the fourth house
is weak in your horoscope it results in coronary problems, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and
lungs' disorders, mental disorders, lunacy and the problems connected to the circulatory systems.
Affliction of the fourth house by the sign of fire and when aspected by Mars indicates surgery in
digestive systems whereas with watery sign affliction, diabetes and diet restrictions are likely.

The Fifth House

The fifth house rules the body parts like heart, upper belly, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas,
spleen, colon, diaphragm, spine and spinal cord, pregnancy, etc.Diabetes, peptic ulcers, anemia, colic
pains, stones in gall bladder, acidity, spinal cord disorders, dyspepsia, diarrhea, pleurisy, heart
problems, etc are implications of weakness of the fifth house. If the 5th house is afflicted with airy sign
it leads to mental illness, lunacy etc.

The Sixth House

Diseases related to body parts like waist, navel, lower abdomen, kidneys, small intestine, upper part of
large intestine, intestinal function, appendix, etc are mainly due to a weak sixth house in your birth
chart. It is related to sickness like appendicitis, poisoning, constipation, hernia, blood urea, psychiatric
problems, exhaustion and nervous breakdown. The sixth house afflicted with moon makes a wild
tempered person or a lunatic whereas Venus affiliation gives sexual disorders, dysfunction of sex
glands and sterility. Similarly when Mercury affiliates the sixth house it gives loss of memory, dull
head and idiocy.
The Seventh House
The various body parts rued and governed by the seventh house are the ovaries, kidneys and lower half
of the back, pelvic girdle, lumbar region, bladder, lower part of large intestine, inner sexual organs
uterus, cervix, testicles and prostate gland, etc. Thus a horoscope with afflictions in the seventh house
results in venereal diseases, arthritis, gout pains, urination problems, impotency, sterilization, renal
problems, nervous and psychological problems, sexual disorders, veneral diseases etc.

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