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h’euroscience Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 375GtO3. 1985 030&4522/85 S3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Pres Ltd




Laboratoire de Physiologic Nerveuse, Departement de Neurophysiologie appliquee, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette,

“Perhaps the word kainic comes from Cam”

U.S. Von Euler at a meeting

Specific binding sites for kainate
Potent excitatory effects of kainate
Preferential action of kainate on limbic structures
Parenteral administration of kainate: a limbic status epilepticus
Intra-amygdaloid injection of kainate: dissociation between local and “distant” seizure-related damage
Kainate-like endotoxins
Mechanisms of local damage
Mechanisms of “distant” damage
Relevance to human epilepsy
Clinical considerations
Relevance of animal models for human temporal lobe epilepsy

Kainic acid (KA-in Japanese literally the ghost of in the somata and dendrites of arcuate neurons; this
the sea) was isolated three decades ago from the was associated with hyperplasia of glial elements and
seaweed Digenea simplex’“’ which has been exten- followed by phagocytosis which could be manifest as
sively used in post-war Japan to eradicate ascariasis. early as 3-4 h after administration. Afferent fibers
The active principle of other biological extracts used and axons in the necrotic area appeared normal (also
for the same purpose has also been identified (notably see Ref. 134).
domoic and quisqualic acids, ihid.). The anti- In subsequent reports, the relationship between the
helminthic action is shared by other analogues of structure of a series of glutamate analogues, their
glutamate in particular those having carboxyl (and excitatory potency (as suggested from micro-
carboxymethyl) substituents in the 2 and 3 positions. iontophoretic experiments’%) and their toxicity to-
The next important step was made by Shinozaki and ward the arcuate was studied.39.‘34.‘5*Since every
Konishi’“3.‘bl who showed that when microionto- analogue of glutamate which produced neuronal
phoretically ejected upon cortical neurons these excitation also caused dendrosomatotoxic activity,
agents have a potent excitatory action, consisting of the term “excitotoxin” was proposed by Olney and
prolonged spike discharge. Kainate was the most coworkers’36.13nwhich implies that neuronal cell death
potent analogue. is due to excessive depolarization produced by the
It had been known for some time that parenterally excitatory substances. It was proposed that the sensi-
administered monosodium glutamate destroys retinal tivity of a given neuron to KA is determined by the
ganglion cells in developing mice.” Olney’-“,‘” percentage of its dendritic surface occupied by glu-
showed that glutamate also destroys neurons of tamatergic receptors. The resistance of axons was
various brain regions lying outside the blood-brain interpreted as resulting from the lack of amino acid
barrier, notably the arcuate nucleus. The neuro- receptors on fiber tracts.
toxicity of KA was first shown by Olney er u!.‘~* Intracerebral iontophoretic ejection of glutamate
using the same experimental paradigm. Parenteral produces a lesion in the rat cerebral cortex.‘90 The
KA in immature mice caused rapid necrotic changes demonstration that direct intracerebral injection of
KA also produces an “axon-sparing lesion”‘*
Ahhreviarionr: 2DCi, 2deoxyglucose; GABA. y-amino- prompted the use of KA as a tool in neurobiology.“*
butyric acid; KA, kainic acid. The rational for this use stems primarily from the

316 Y. Ben-Ari

possibility to destroy selectively the neurons of a the epileptogenic properties of KA is of more than
given brain region and thus to circumvent the prob- theoretical interest.
lem of the contribution offibres depassuge, which are The preferential effect of KA on limbic structures
also destroyed by conventional (electrolytic) lesions. is the main subject of the present commentary. The
Such studies have provided several experimental reader is referred to other monographs for more
models of human diseases such a hemiballism74 or general reviews of the action of KA and other
Huntington’s chorea (e.g. Coyle et al.,” McGeer et excitotoxins,36".37,6*,10*

~1.‘~’ and Refs therein).

Other more recent studies indicate, however, that SPECIFIC BINDING SITES FOR KAINATE

both the use of KA as an axon-sparing device and the

High and low afinity sites
postulated mechanisms to explain KA neurotoxicity
must be reassessed. Following the initial observations of Simon et
(a) The concept that KA acts through glutamate al I66the presence in the brain of saturable, specific
receptors has been eroded by extensive biochemical biiding sites for KA has been confirmed and ex-
and pharmacological studies;6~37~y3~‘2y~‘30~‘56 KA does tended by several groups. 6,93~‘56.‘92 Whereas a single
not act on most glutamatergic receptors but it may site was described in the earlier report, two sites were
involve a special class of glutamatergic receptors with found in later studies. In the comprehensive work of
unique pharmacological profile and regional distribu- London and CoyleT’ the high and low affinity sites
tion in the brain.‘15 (&s of 4- 16 and 27-66 nM respectively) were dis-
(b) There is a clear-cut gradient of vulnerability of tinguished on the basis of their different association
neurons to kainate; thus the pyramidal neurons of the and dissociation constants. Kainate dissociates
CA3 region of the hippocampus are the most vulner- within seconds from the low affinity site, in contrast
able neurons in the brain KA’*’ whereas neurons of the dissociation from high affinity sites occurs in 1 h
the diagonal band of Broca or the mesencephalic or more (M. L. Berger, in preparation). The affinity
trigeminal nucleus are resistant to its toxic effects.34,88 of various analogues for the two sites differs as well
Even within the same region striking differences are as the regional distribution in the brain.93 The stri-
noted, viz. the CA3 region and the granular layer of atum, hippocampus and forebrain regions are partic-
the hippocampal formation.‘*‘.‘*’ Several obser- ularly enriched with high affinity sites whereas more
vations, notably those made by Nadler and than 90% of the total specific binding in the cere-
coworkers”“~‘2Z suggest that this gradient is not due to bellum or pons-medulla are to low affinity sites. The
a differential distribution or density of glutamatergic distribution of high affinity binding sites shows some
receptors (also see Refs 89 and 157). Other potent correlation with the regional vulnerability to KA (see
excitatory analogues do not reproduce this gradient below).
but destroy the neurons as a function of their prox-
imity to the site of injection.2.88.96.‘2’ Regional distribution
(c) Other observations suggest a dissociation be- To gain a better understanding of the possible
tween the excitatory and toxic properties of KA, for physiological significance of KA binding sites, it is
instance lesion of the corticostriatal pathway confers essential to map carefully their distribution in the
a protection of striatal neurons from the toxic action brain. In spite of the low specific activity of currently
of KAl8.102 without altering the excitatory effect of available radioactive KA, the distribution of KA
KA on striatal neurons.“’ ’ binding sites has been described recently with auto-
(d) The axon-sparing characteristic of KA injec- radiographic techniques. ‘5,“4~‘88The highest level of
tions has been disputed9*.“‘.‘*’ and, at least in some specific binding sites in the brain is located in the
brain regions, there is little doubt that fibre tracts are stratum lucidum of CA3 in the hippocampus (see Fig.
destroyed rapidly by local injection of KA.“’ 1C) i.e. the region innervated by mossy fibers origi-
(e) Intracerebral injections of KA also produces nating from the granular layer of the fascia dentata.
recurrent epileptiform discharge,“.6’ motor This region is also the most vulnerable to the ex-
convulsions”,6’.‘6’ and subsequently damage at the citatory and toxic properties of KA (see below).
site of injection and damage in structures distant Quantitative densitometry shows that the density of
from the injected site. The distant damage
silver grains (representing bound kainate) in the
which is not caused by other major excitatory ana- mossy fiber region is ten times higher than in adjacent
logues (notably ibotenic acidsa,‘*‘) was initially attrib- layers.15 This labelling is due to binding to the high
uted to diffusion of the toxin combined with a greater affinity (slowly displaceable) sites (ibid.), as confirmed
vulnerability of the distant neurons to KA;‘35,‘98 we by a more recent study (M. L. Berger, G. Charton
have however discovered the role of the limbic status and Y. Ben-Ari, in preparation) in which the CA3
epilepticus and paroxysmal discharge generated by and CA1 plus fascia dentata were microdissected
KA as a cause of remote brain damage.” Since the separately; in contrast to CA3, the CA1 and fascia
regional distribution of this damage is reminiscent of dentata contained lower affinity sites. The auto-
that associated with human temporal lobe radiographs also revealed that other forebrain re-
epilepsy 33.54,64.65,9'.151,155.172,175
a better understanding of
gions are enriched in KA binding notably the amyg-
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 377

dala, deep layers of piriform cortex, striatum, D-amino acids; (b) a second class comprising quis-
reticularis nucleus of the thalamus, whereas most qualate and kainate subpopulations (also see Ref.
thalamic nuclei, the septum or the pons-medulla are 73). However, since these studies rely on extracellular
poor in silver grains.‘5.“4,‘88 comparison of spike-inducing activity of various
compounds, it is difficult to meet strict pharma-
cological criteria for receptor classification (e.g. re-
Another crucial question, namely the pre- or post- views and discussion in Refs 129 and 130).
synaptic localization of KA binding sites is still Using autoradiographic techniques, Monaghan et
controversial. Thus, injections of kainate in the stri- a1.“5 have recently shown that KA sites in stratum
atum at doses which destroys most neurons produce lucidum of CA3 also bind [3H]glutamate although
a 50-60% drop in specific binding sites, whereas with ionic dependence and antagonist sensitivity
destruction of major inputs to the striatum produce which differs from the major glutamate site observed
a modest or negligible reduction in specific KA in biochemical studies. These authors suggest the
binding sites,6,'
more recent study (M. L. presence in the hippocampus of four pharma-
Berger, in preparation) suggests that decortication cologically and anatomically distinct glutamate bind-
has no effects on the number of KA binding sites ing sites. Because of the particular vulnerability of the
but leads to a slight reduction in their affinity for CA3 region to KA and the fact that this region is
the ligand. All of these observations suggest, in particularly enriched in KA high affinity binding
keeping with eiectrophysioiogical studies7’ ‘05*‘06a sites, the pharmacological profile of these sites has
postsynaptic localization of both binding sites and been extensively studied on membrane preparations.
neuroexcitatory actions of KA. Transmitters such as acetylcholine or centrally active
Other observations suggest a presynaptic inter- agents (diazepam, cardiazol or morphine,‘56 but also
action between KA and the endogenous transmitter flurazepam or [Leulenkephalin) do not displace KA
causes the neuronal damage. Thus decortication pro- (M. L. Berger and Y. Ben-Ari, unpublished). The
tects vulnerable neurons from being kiIled,‘s~‘o’with- mossy fibers are also particularly enriched in
out altering the excitatory effects produced by micro- dynorphiniu3 and ZnZ+ ‘v’ (e.g. Fredericksanb” and
iontophoretic applications of KA.“’ Interestingly, as Refs therein) but neither the former nor the latter (in
this protection appears only after several days, this millimolar concentrations) influence the binding of
might be due to a slow degeneration of boutons KA (M. L. Berger and Y. Ben-Ari, unpublished); we
possessing some of the KA binding sites (also see have aiso found no displacement of KA by nerve
below). growth factor even if there are suggestions that this
In the hippocampus, KA binding sites are readily substance may be released in this region.“’ Putative
and rapidly reduced following a variety of pro- endogenous kainate-like substances, notably folic
cedures. Thus, both colchicine treatment” and intra- acid or quinolinic acid (see chapter below on
cerebroventricular kainate12’ at doses which destroy Kainate-like endotoxins) also produced negligible
respectively the granular Layer of the fascia dentata displacement of KA from the CA3 sites (ibid.). These
(and their mossy fibers) and the pyramidal layer of observations suggest that the specific high affinity KA
CA3 eliminate the labelling as demonstrated by auto- sites in CA3 have rather restricted conformational
radiographs.“4 We have recently reexamined this by requirements. It bears stressing that the transmitter
using injections of KA in the amygdala to avoid released by the mossy fibers has not beeu fully
direct administration of toxins to the hippocampus; characterized; the evidence in favor of glutamate is
we also used 9-12 day survival periods to avoid for instance less compelhng than it is for the Schaffer
problems related to the reorganization of synaptic collaterals or the perforant”.18~
circuitry following KA.“’ A 60-707; reduction in
high affinity KA sites was found together with a POTENT EXCITATORY EFFECTS OF KAINATE
destruction of CA3 pyramidal layer but with limited
change in the mossy fibers as assessed with Timm’s The particularly powerful excitatory action of
stain (M. L. Berger, G. Charton and Y. Ben-Ari, in KA has been described in several brain
preparation). These findings, in keeping with mat- areaS 32.5R.72.105.1U6,l48.194
This effect has a slow onset and
uration studies (see below), suggest that the KA sites prolonged duration; in several preparations recovery
are primarily located on the postsynaptic side in this is not obtained. The principal actions of KA on
region. invertebrate preparations is to potentiate glutamate-
induced depolarization.35,42.‘b3 In vertebrate spinal
Kainate-glutamate interactions
cord, KA directly produces a large and often irre-
Electrophysiological studies made primarily in the versible depolarization’7,3~,5~ which is associated with
spinal cord’94 suggest that there are various classes of a reduction in input resistance4’ and depends on the
excitatory amino acids including: (a) a N-methyl- presence of extraceliular sodium.‘o0 As stressed by
D-aspartate-preferring site also activated by ibo- Nistri,“’ it is however possible that the activity of KA
tenate, p-glutamate and antagonized by low concen- is due to an increase in Ca2+ permeability. This would
trations of divalent metal cations and a series of readily explain the strong conductance increase and
378 Y. Ben-Ari

Fig. 1. Preferential metabolic alteration of the CA3 region. Following parenteral administration of KA,
a rise in 2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic staining is noticeable in the CA3 region in immature (A-12
days of age) or adult animals (arrow, D) (B). In immature animals, this is the only brain region in which
we have detected a rise in 2-DC. In adult, at doses which produce hmbic motor seizures other structures
of the hmbic system are labelled (D). Furthermore in both immature (not shown) and adult (C) specific
high affinity KA+ binding sites are concentrated in the CA3 region. The 2-deoxyglucose pictures in (A)
and (B) were superimposed in the stained sections from which the autoradiography had been obtained
(e.g. Ben-Ari et al.,14 Berger et al., I6 Tremblay et al.‘86). Abbreviations: cing, cingulate gyrus; Fi, fimbria;
g, granular layer; h, hilus; mol, molecular layer; p, pyramidal layer; SR, stratum radiatum.

Fig. 2. Selective and non-selective seizure-related damage produced by kainate. In (A) and (C), damage
restricted to parts of CA3 by intra-amygdaloid injection of KA. (A) Neuronal cell loss with Nissl stain
after survival period of 5 days; (B) extensive necrosis caused by intracerebroventricular (or also parenteral)
KA. (C) Argyrophylia seen also after intra-amygdaloid injection of KA with short survival periods with
a Fink-Heimer stain. Nissl stain.

Fig. 3. Long-term sequelae of parenteral KA in adult animals. Two months after administration of KA.
the animal displayed spontaneous seizures (A) with paroxysmal discharge in both the hippocampus (H)
and amygdala (A). These seizures were elicited often by handling. (B) and (C) depict in the same animal
the extent of neuronal cell loss in the hilar region (C) and dark degenerating cells in (B); clear-cut evidence
of phagocytosis was also often observed suggesting a continuous process of neuronal degeneration (e.g.
Tremblay and Ben-Ari’84). (A) Scale in microvolts; LMS, limbic motor seizures.
Fig. 5. Parallelism between the distribution of neurons vulnerable to KA in the hilar region and
GABAergic neurons revealed by glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) immunocytochemistry. With the
Fink-Heimer technique following parenteral KA and short survival periods argyrophylic cells are
particularly frequent in stratum oriens and pyramidale of CA1 and in the hilar zone (medial part of CA3
C and polymorph zone B). In (C)-(F), GAD immunocytochemistry was performed in control animals
following injections of colchicine in the cortex (L. Nitecka, M. Tappaz, E. Tremblay and Y. Ben-Ari,
unpublished observations); (e.g. also Riback et al.‘46 and Somogyi et al.“‘). The boxed area in (D) is shown
at a higher magnification in (F). Arrows in (E) and (F) point to GABAergic neurons. Abbreviations: a,
alveus; f, fimbria; g, granular layer; m, molecular layer; o, stratum oriens; p, stratum pyramidale; r.
stratum radiatum.

Fig. 7. Repetitive electrical stimulation of the perforant path produces a reduction of the Timm stain in
the mossy fibers. (A), (C), (E) Control; (B), (D), (F) after electrical stimulation. from Sloviter’6x.

Fig. 9. Bleaching of Zn’+ stain produced a K + pulse. Push-pull cannulae were stereotaxically introduced
in the mossy fiber zone of each hemisphere. A K+ pulse (IOmin, 30mM) was applied to the right
hemisphere and the animal perfused immediately at the end of the pulse. Note the reduction of the
intensity of Zn*+ stain as compared to the contralateral (control) side. Timm stain (e.g. Ref. 168)
counterstained with cresyl violet. Abbreviations: g, granular layer; h, hilus; IPSI, ipsilateral; p, pyramidal
12 days Adult



Fig. 1


24 ,

I a

Fig. 7.

Fig. 9

Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 385


the powerful depolarization, since Ca*+ carries more ON LIMBIC STRUCTURES
current than Na+ and has a very positive reversal
potential because of its very low intracellular free
Parenteral administration of kainate: a limbic status
concentration (e.g. Puil’“).
Because of the particularly potent seizure-inducing
effect of KA in the hippocampus, a number of studies In the adult rat parenteral administration of the
have examined its electrophysiological effects in this toxin produces a limbic seizure and brain damage
region. Microiontophoretic applications of KA to the syndrome which has not been reproduced by other
hippocampus in situ produce a prolonged increase in excitatory amino acids. Since this illustrates, in a
firing rate of pyramidal cells. The effect is particularly remarkable manner, the central role of limbic cir-
prominent in CA3 where removal of the ionto- cuitry in the actions of KA, it will be described with
phoretic retaining current is often sufficient to pro- some detail.
duce an intense activation of neurons.” CA1 and Clinical signs. The clinical signs produced by i.v.94
CA3 pyramidal cells have a similar sensibility to or i.p. I4 injections can be divided in several distinct
glutamate or ibotenic acid, thereby further stressing phases. During the first 20-30 min, the animals have
the unique features of the actions of KA in CA3. “staring” spells. This is followed by head nodding
De Montigny et ~1.~ have also suggested that the and numerous wet-dog shakes for approximately
GABAergic inhibition is not involved in this neu- 30min. The next phase which starts 1 h after KA is
ronal activation since (a) GABA does not exert any characterized by the occurrence of individual recur-
selective effect on the action of KA vs that of rent limbic motor seizures. These are identical to the
glutamate; (b) benzodiazepines selectively block the seizures produced by repeated daily electrical stimu-
actions of KA in CAl-but not in CA3; this lation of the amygdala or other limbic structures69
antagonism is not associated with enhancement of and include masticatory and facial movements, fore-
the inhibition produced by microiontophoretic appii- paws tremor, rearing and loss of postural control.
cations of GABA (ibid.). Other studies have however The seizures then become progressively more com-
suggested that the action of kainate is at least partly plex and prolonged, with a reduction in the interictal
due to a reduction of the GABAergic inhibitory pause. In the following phase (l-2 h), the animal
drive. Thus, following both parenteral administration displays a full status epilepticus i.e. continuous con-
of KA in the intact animal16’ or bath applications of vulsions and abnormal electro encephalogram. We
KA into slice preparation,‘06 there is a reduction of have referred to this syndrome as a limbic motor
the recurrent inhibition measured with the paired syndrome;14 tonico-clonic generalized convulsions
pulse inhibition technique. A recent intracellular (i.e. of the bicuculline or picrotoxin type) are not
study” has indeed shown that the principal action of produced by kainate in adult animals, except with
KA on in vitro CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons massive doses about four or five times the lethal dose
appears to be a synaptic depression, which first (E. Tremblay and Y. Ben-Ari, unpublished). There-
influence the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and fore the latter terminology which has often been used
(with higher doses) the excitatory postsynaptic poten- in the literature for KA-induced seizures is inap-
tials. This depression of inhibition is associated with propriate and should be reserved to describe pro-
minimal effects on membrane properties, action po- cedures causing tonico-clonic convulsions and elec-
tentials, fiber conduction, etc. It is not associated with trographic seizures generalized to the entire cortex
alterations in the response produced by pulses of from their onset.
GABA, and it is best explained by a reduction of Electric activity. Electrographic records from corti-
presynaptic GABA release although a postsynaptic cal and subcortical structures have confirmed that the
effect is not completely ruled out. The excitatory three main phases of behavioral abnormalities (star-
phenomena which occur following limited applica- ing, individual limbic seizures, status epilepticus)
tions of KA were thus interpreted as being secondary correspond respectively to (a) localized paroxysmal
to decreased inhibition, in keeping with the hypothe- discharges in the hippocampus, (b) involvement of
sis that the removal of GABAergic inhibition plays other limbic structures-notably the amygdala-and
an important role in epileptogenesis in this region.’ then (c) generalization to a number of other (non-
The potent excitatory action of other agents- limbic) structures. The hippocampus has a particu-
notably acetylcholine’0~‘89-also involves a removal larly low threshold to parenteral KA.‘4,94 This is in
of the inhibition. Interestingly, another study’48 has keeping with electrophysiological studies showing
shown that there is a large difference between the that in the sllice preparation, seizure activity is pro-
concentration of KA required to induce a reversible duced by particularly low concentrations of KA.‘48
acceleration of spontaneous discharge (10 nM) and The 2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic method. This
the one required to produce depolarization with method also illustrates the central role played by the
apparently irreversible spike blockade (10 PM). This hippocampus in the initial stage which follows par-
difference must be kept in mind when the mechanisms enteral administration of KA (Fig. IB). Adminis-
underlying the local and distant actions of KA are tration of lower doses of KA,94 or repeated injections
examined (see below). of diazepam at doses which block the seizures except
386 Y. Ben-Ari

at the most susceptible sites (Y. Ben-Ari and E. argyrophylic stains, darkly impregnated neurons are
Tremblay, unpublished) suggest that the temporal restricted to limbic and associated structures.‘”
pole of the hippocampal formation is preferentially With longer survival (1 day to 1 week) the histolog-
involved. A developmental study has also shown that ical changes, notably the neuronai cell loss, are
before the end of the third week of age (in rats), the largely restricted to the regions in which there had
Ammon’s horn is the only brain region in which a rise been a conspicuous rise in metabolism as reflected
in 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) labelling is observed follow- from the 2DG studies, i.e. hippocampus, amygdala,
ing parenteral KA (Fig. 1A and Tremblay et ~l.‘*~). piriform lobe, septum, medial thalamus, etc. (Fig. 2).
The lateral septum-which receives a direct As far as the late brain damage is concerned subtotal
projection from the Ammon’s horn-is also involved or total tissue necrosis is found in the temporobasal
at this early stage. During the second stage when portion of the brain where the damage extends
overt limbic motor seizures are produced, the 2DG through all cell layers from the piriform lobe to the
maps reveal an intense activation of the entire limbic occipital cortex up to the rhinal fissure dorsally (Fig.
system (Fig. 1D). With almost no exception, the 3B and Refs 12, 14, I61 and 174). Conversely there
structures in which there is a metabolic rise have are also regions of restricted damage such as the
massive direct axonal connections with one or more claustrum and adjacent deep cortical layers (clau-
of the following areas: the hippocampal formation, strum insulare) or the vulnerable part Ammon’s horn
the amygdaloid complex and the mediodorsal tha- (CA3) in which the neuronal cell loss is not associated
lamic complex (e.g. Refs 14 and 94, and Refs therein). with a full destruction of the neuropit. In the regions
Thus a rise in glucose consumption is noted in the of total or subtotal necrosis, in addition to the
target structures of the fornix pre- and post- neuronal cell loss, there is a loss of oligodendrocytes,
commissural efferent projections of the hippocampal demyelination, formation of astroglial scars and peri-
formation (i.e. the accumbens, ventral pallidum and venous hemorrhages as wet1 as vascular sprouting.‘7’
claustrum, anterior thalamic nuclei and infra-lilnbic ~(~~~-r~~~~ .~e4uelfft,. The long-term sequelae (I -3
cortex). The amygdaloid complex-which is also months) of parenteral KA further depict the in-
connected with the entorhinal cortex and other com- volvement of limbic structures. Firstly, in keeping
ponents of the hippocampal formation-is also with observations made following intracerebral injec-
highly labelled as well as structures to which the tions of KA,” and animals display “spontaneous
amygdala projects (notably the stria terminals and its seizures” notably when handled.‘XJ These seizures are
bed nucleus. Fig. ID). Finally, the labelhng in the of a fimbic type and are accompanied with par-
cortical mantle is restricted to the “limbic” cortex i.e. oxysmal seizure discharges in the amygdala and
the infra- and pre-limbic cortices as well as the hippocampus (Fig. 3A). Furthermore, examination
agranular insular, retrosplenial and perirhinal corti- of the brain (Fig. 3B) reveals a satellitosis in the
ces, several of these areas are projected upon by the Ammon’s horn and phagocytosis of neurons in strata
mediodorsal nucleus and the amygdaloid complex. oriens, radiatum and pyramidale several weeks after
Although the 2DG method does not allow conclu- the parenteral injection of KA i.e. at a time when the
sions to be reached concerning the labelling at the toxin has been removed from the brain.“’ This
cellular level. there is little doubt that the rise in reflects the on-going nature of the seizure and brain
metabolism occurs in relation to the propagation of damage.“’ In the pyramidal layer this late damage is
paroxysmal discharges to neuronal populations more conspicuous in CA3 than in CA 1.
which are axonally interconnected (e.g. Refs 14 and BIood,fhs and oxygen cwmmption. In order to test
94). The amygdala, hippocampal formation and me- directly the possible contribution to nerve tissue
diodorsal thalamus occupy a central position in the damage by a mismatch between increased local met-
postulated wiring diagram (ibid.). Another interesting abolic consumption and oxygen supply. we have
feature of the 2DG maps is the metabolic decrease measured blood flow, as well as partial pressure of
noted in several non-limbic structures such as most of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vulnerable CA3
the neocortex, striatum, ventrobasal thalamus, etc. region of unanaesthetized freely breathing rats fol-
~~st~put~~~~l~~~~. The early histopathological lowing parenteral administration of KA.‘4”.““’ It was
changes (I -2 h after parenteral KA) are characterized found that seizure (as noticed by means of hippo-
by shrinkage and pycnosis of neuronal perikarya and campal records as well as the motor signs) are
swelling of dendrites. 136~‘6’.‘74 Pronounced oedema associated with a rise in the local blood flow which
and swelling of astrocytes are also apparent shortly more than compensates the increased oxygen con-
after KA application, at least with relatively high sumption (Fig. 4). Thus the PO, and PCO, remains
doses. These changes are largely distributed to the within normal limits during the observation period
hemisphere with minor alterations in cerebellum, (2 h), at a time when damage is caused. Severe
pons and medulla oblongata, and prominent changes seizures are actually associated with hyperoxia (and
in hippocampal formation and piriform cortex. These not hypoxia). This provides compelling evidence that
acute effects are associated with a dilatation of or- at least in this region the damage caused by par-
ganelles; the golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum enteral kainate is not due to anoxic ischemic epi-
and adjacent astrocytes are swollen (ihid.). With sodes.‘““’
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 387

E A “,pp _‘.IcL . . ..Y_. .., =r;w-- w- ] 0.05rn”

346 356

I’(X), HlPV 60
~. k....i_._ _\
_ __-__L__ ___.--"Y__ .myx_ "l", Hr
3 20

12min. 3Omin. 14min

after Kainic Acid iniection (i.p, 9mg/kg /

Fig. 4. The damage in CA3 produced by kainate is not caused by a mismatch between local blood flow
and metabolism. The local partial pressure in CO, (PCOJ, oxygen (PO?), the blood flow (C.B.F.) and
hippocampal electroencephalogram (EA Hipp) were continuously recorded in a chronically implanted,
unanaesthetized freely breathing rat after parenteral administration of kainate. The PO, and PCO, were
measured by gas spectrometry, the gases are drawn via a special cannula into the analysis chamber by
an ultra high vacuum; the local blood flow was measured by the thermal clearance method. The cannulae
and electrodes (for the hippocampal electroencephalogram) were chronically implanted in the CA3 region
2 weeks before the experiment. At the day of the experiment the animal was placed in a hammock, left
to habituate for I h and the variables measured continuously and quantitatively before and (up to 3 h)
after the administration of KA. The rat was anaesthetized and perfused Immediately after the recording
sessions. Note that the seizures are associated with a rise in a local blood flow which more than
compensates the increased metabolism. Damage in CA3 was found even though there were no hypoxia
and hypercapnia in the CA3 region during the entire recording session. See e.g. Pinard et ~1.‘~’ and Refs
therein for techniques used.

Neurochemistry. Neurochemical changes after par- Ontogenesis of the ef/cts of parenteral kainate. In
enteral KA include a highly significant reduction in 3 week old animals, parenteral KA induces tonic or
the activity of glutamate decarboxylase, a marker for tonico-clonic convulsions, but not limbic motor
GABAergic synapses. This reduction is found in the signs.29,‘86 Limbic motor seizures are in fact first
hippocampus and amygdala but not in striatum or observed starting from the end of the third week; the
frontal cortex; the effect starts after 24 h and reaches shift from one type of syndrome to the other is
a maximum 2 days later. “J’~ This is in keeping with sudden with almost no intermediary stage. This
the electrophysiological experiments described ear- prompted us to study its anatomical, metabolic and
lier, and further reflects the preferential involvement biochemical correlates.‘6.‘3’.‘86 In young animals the
of these structures in the KA syndrome. Since both rise in 2DG labelling induced by KA is exclusively
in the hippocampus’ and amygdala” GABAergic restricted to the hippocampus (more precisely the
neurons are intrinsic, these observations reflect a CA3 region and hilus) (e.g. Fig. 1A) and to the lateral
direct damaging effect of the procedure on these septum, thus confirming the unique susceptibility of
structures. Neurons that are GABAergic are also these regions to KA. The rise in 2DG in this region
particularly vulnerable to KA in other structures is already observed in 3 day-old animals which have
(ibid. and Ref. 191) and in epileptogenic foci.‘45 immature mossy fibers when studied anatomically
Electrophysiological studies on hippocampal slices and electrophysiologically.3~‘78 Furthermore, in spite
from animals which received KA 2 weeks earlier also of the severe tonico-clonic type convulsions, there is
indicate a consistent reduction in the inhibitory no brain damage before the end of the third week of
mechanisms.59.9’ In keeping with these observations, life. It is only after, that the toxin produces limbic
the distribution of hippocampal neurons vulnerable motor seizures associated with metabolic rise in hip-
to parenteral KA (as revealed with argyrophylic pocampus, amygdala, limbic cortex, medial thal-
stains) is similar to the distribution of GABAergic amus, and with typical pathological changes.13’
interneurons as revealed by glutamate decarboxylase Therefore the occurrence of limbic seizures and the
immunocytochemistry (Fig. 5, see also Ribak et ~1.‘~~ presence of a fully mature mossy fiber system is
and Somogyi et d.“‘). In contrast, the cholinergic necessary to cause damage in the Ammon’s horn.
septohippocampal system is n&t sensitive to par- In the light of these results, the developing limbic
enteral KA77.X8.‘74 (see a!so note added in the proof). system seemed an interesting subject for testing the
388 Y. Ben-An

ontogeny and role of KA binding sites. Both Scat- atology in the rat is more complex and includes barrel
chard analysis and autoradiographs revealed high rotation, circling behavior etc., reflecting the second-
affinity sites in the CA3 region at an early age but only ary involvement of extra-limbic structures. This is a
low affinity sites in the amygdala.‘” The high affinity made1 of limbic seizures with a focal origin. In the
sites appear in the amygdala only at the end of the cat’*’ and monkey “.“* the symptomatology is also of
third week of life, i.e. at a time when the KA an amygdaloid type (chewing, salivation, ipsilateral
convulsions have a limbic aetiology (also see Ref. 25). cloniae of the face in the cat and oral automatism in
Suggested sequence of events ,following parenteral the monkey). There is a secondary generalization to
kainate. To evaluate fully the sequence of events other structures particularly in the cat but not so in
produced by parenteral KA, it is essential first of all the monkey (ibid.).
to determine the amount of toxin reaching the brain, The epileptiform activity which is first apparent in
in particular the vulnerable regions of the limbic the injected amygdala rapidly propagates to the
system. Earlier authors have underestimated the ipsilateral Ammon’s horn-notably the CA3
problem of the blood-brain barrier to KA and have region-and the contralateral amygdala.’ ’
interpreted the effects of KA as due to a direct action. 2-Deoxyglucose autoradiographs’x7 reveal an ip-
This barrier is, however, highly impermeable to KA silateral regional rise in labelling reminiscent of that
as much as to other acidic amino acids. Using the obtained after i.p. injection of the toxin. At the site
method described by Oldendorf’32 we found a brain of injection-in keeping with the local effect of KA
uptake index for KA in the hippocampus and other in a large number of structures”.‘7.38.“X--there is
limbic regions of 2-4x, this is close to the values a rapid neuronal cell loss associated with profuse
found with the impermeant tracer saccharose (M. L. microglial proliferation clearly apparent 1-2 days
Berger, le Fauconnier, E. Tremblay and Y. Ben-Ari, after the injection. Damage is also seen in several
in preparation). After systemic injection of [‘H]KA, “distant” structures. The earliest pathological alter-
about 250 fmol KA/mg wet tissue remained in brain ations appear after 30-40 min from the local injection
tissue unremovable by perfusion (ibid.). It is esti- after the animal has displayed a few limbic motor
mated that the actual brain concentration of KA is seizures and are exquisitely restricted to the CA3a,b
sufficient to produce paroxysmal discharge in CA3’4X region of the ipsilateral Ammon’s horn”.‘X7 (also see
but two orders of magnitude lower than the concen- Fig. 2A,C). Patches of pyramidal neurons in CA3a
trations required to directly produce damage by in (or b) and their distant apical dendrites are densely
situ injections.6’ These observations cannot be recon- argyrophylic. The stratum lucidum where the mossy
ciled with the suggestions that the damage in the fibers terminate is in contrast vacuolated. Other parts
hippocampus following parental KA is due to a direct of the ipsilateral Ammon’s horn are progressively
interaction of KA with (glutamatergic) receptors.“’ affected: the CA3 area and hilus, then the CA1 area
The progressive sequence of activation of the limbic whereas CA2 and the granular layer of the fascia
circuitry and the lack of damage (even with lethal dentata are spared. In addition to the hippocampus,
doses) to structures such as the striatum (rich in KA other “distant” areas show degeneration after intra-
receptors” and readily destroyed by direct injection amygdaloid KA, these are part of the limbic sys-
of the toxin37.3X) argue against the hypothesis of a
direct “toxic” action of parenterally injected KA. The simplest explanation for the distant lesions is
A more likely explanation is that seizures are hrst that KA diffuses (either directly or through the
elicited directly by KA in CA3. The disinhibition ventricle) and that a sufficient concentration of the
produced by removal of the powerful GABAergic toxin reaches vulnerable neurons (such as the CA3
inhibition will contribute to enhance the synchronous pyramidal neurons) to produce directly the damage.
paroxysmal discharge. If the discharge is sustained, it However we have shown that administration of di-
will propagate to the entorhinal cortex and the azepam in doses sufficient to antagonize the limbic
lateral septum. Subsequently, it will recruit a limbic seizures blocked the distant damage in the CA3
circuitry in which the amygdala has a key role. I region without affecting the damage at the site of
suggest that recurrent activation of the amygdalo- injection.” It was therefore suggested that the KA
hippocampal axis leads to the epileptogenic damage. brain damage following intra-amygdaloid injections
Other studies in which the toxin was directly injected had a dual aetiology: (a) local damage due to the
in vulnerable regions have also provided compelling direct toxic action of KA and (b) “distant” action
evidence for a seizure-related damage produced by mediated by the paroxysmal discharge and its associ-
KA. These will be described prior to a discussion on ate convulsions. Other lines of supporting evidence
the mechanisms of the damage. for a major role of the epileptiform discharge in
mediating the “distant” damage in the hippocampus
include (e.g. Refs 8 and 12):
Intra-atnygdaloid injection of kainate: dissociation (a) Similar metabolic and hippocampal changes
between local and “distant” seizure-related damage can be produced following microiontophoretic appli-
Intra-amygdaloid injection of KA produces ini- cations of KA in the amygdala at doses which are not
tially limbic motor seizures.“.‘3 Later, the symptom- compatible with a significant diffusion to the hippo-
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 389

campus. *J*’ Also 2-5 nmol KA in the amygdala are examples of this important feature of KA action have
enough to produce destruction of the vulnerable CA3 been provided in the literature following application
region: this concentration is similar to that found of the toxin at various sites.s~‘2~36~‘so
neurotoxic when applied directly into the ventricle’*’ (i) There are major differences between the charac-
and only twice the one which must be applied directly teristics of local and distant damage, the former and
in the hippocampus to produce a similar damage*.6’ not the latter is associated with a massive, early
(b) With a lateral or an oblique approach to inject microglial proliferation” perhaps of vascular ori-
the toxin in the amygdala (i.e. conditions in which pin.‘18 In contrast, glial proliferation in the hippo-
diffusion to the ventricle is unlikely) there is a similar campus after injection of kainate into the amygdala
hippocampal damage whereas injections of KA in the is manifested 4-6 days after the injection, i.e. sub-
vicinity of the ventricle (i.e. in the septum-preoptic sequent to the onset of neuronal damage. The direct
area’* or in the nucleus of the diagonal band36) do not action produced by KA on glial cells is indeed one of
readily produce this damage, in keeping with the the most impressive and consistent effects of local
fact that the symptomatology of the seizures pro- damage.
duced by injections in the septum is not of the limbic (j) Repetitive electrical stimulation of the perforant
type, at least with brief survival periods.‘* path, which plays a central role in mediating the
(c) The distribution of [3H]kainate following direct damage caused in the hippocampus by intra-
intracerebral injections in the striatum is not consis- amygdaloid KA,‘* reproduces a similar pattern of
tent with the hypothesis that the necrotizing action of damage. 16’
KA in distant regions is due to diffusion.‘24,‘54 The possibility that the distant damage is due to
(d) The temporal pole of the hippocampus adjacent orthograde or retrograde transport of the toxin can
to the injected amygdala is less readily lesioned than be also excluded since it is not compatible with the
the (distant) septal pole.” time course of events especially in the CA3 region
(e) There is an excellent correlation between the (e.g. Ref. 8).
severity of epileptiform activity recorded in situ and All of these observations therefore strongly suggest
the damage in the CA3 region. In an earlier study,‘* that following intra-amygdaloid KA, the paroxysmal
every second of the hippocampal electrographic ac- discharge is generated in the entorhinal cortex where
tivity was classified in five categories (normal, post- the amygdala heavily projects.‘43 This discharge will
ictal depression, paroxysmal discharge with or with- exert a powerful excitatory action on CA3 pyramidal
out concomitant motor events and record with neurons primarily via the granule cells and their
regular or irregular spikes); the hippocampal damage mossy fibers.
correlated significantly with the total duration of
post-ictal depressions and paroxysmal discharges as- KAINATE-LIKEENDOTOXINS
sociated with motor events but not with other abnor-
malities. The observations that KA does not act through the
(f) Damage in the medial thalamus is occasionally predominant type of glutamic acid receptors raise the
more severe contralaterally to the injected site.“.‘* possibility that these effects could be mediated by
(g) Transection of the perforant path (through another endogenous substance. The regional distribu-
which the paroxysmal discharge probably propagates tion of KA receptors as revealed by autoradiography
to the Ammon’s horn, see below) reduces post-ictal in the Ammon’s horn reinforces this hypothesis. At
depressions and the distant but not the local dam- present, the following candidates have been proposed
age.‘* In contrast, this procedure does not protect as endogenous toxins since they reproduce some of
the hippocampal damage following intracerebro- the features of KA.
ventricular injection of KA.‘20.‘22
(h) The correlations between the electrographic Folates
records, the metabolic maps and the regional distri- Ruck et al.‘49 reported that a folate derivative
bution of neuronal damage suggest that axonal con- bound strongly to [3H]KA binding sites on rat cere-
nections with the amygdala rather than proximity to bellar membranes and suggested that folates could be
the injection site play an important role. Several KA-like substances. This idea was reinforced by
studies by Olney and coworkers’37 who showed that
intra-amygdaloid injections of folates reproduce the
*The statement made by French et aL6’ that doses used in seizures and distant brain damage caused by KA but
the hippocampus in their study were as much as 1000
not the damage at the site of injection. Other obser-
times lower than these previously employed in the work
of Ben-Ari et al. (e.g. p. 2525) is unconvincing, since vations, however, cannot be reconciled with this
French et al. compare the lowest doses injected in the scheme. In fact, recent studies have found that folates
hippocampus which produce seizures and no damage, bind very weakly to [-‘H]KA binding sites in cere-
with the highest doses which produce damage when bellum, striatum, frontoparietal cortex and also
injected in the amygdala.“~12~‘87 The minimal dose pro-
ducing damage in the hippocampus following local
major limbic structures including the hippocampus
injection was 1.25 nmol (in 0.2 ~1) in the study of French and amygdala (IC,, of about 2 mM to displace 20 nM
et al.t’ KA).j7.1g5 In addition, injections of folates into the
390 Y. Ben-Ari

hippocampus produce little or no motor abnormal- agent in order to characterize it in the context of
ities or pathological sequelae in contrast to KA.57 A other exogenous excitotoxins.
detailed comparison of the electrographic, clinical,
metabolic and histopathological sequelae of intra- MECHANISMS OF LOCAL DAMAGE
amygdaloid injections of folic acid and KA reveals
major differences between the two syndromes’*’ and Local damage includes that one produced at the
cannot support the observations of Olney et ~1.‘~’ site of injection or structures poorly protected by the
Thus, following KA injections, the 2DG maps reveal blood-brain barrier following intracerebral or par-
an enhanced metabolism in the injected amygdala enteral KA respectively. According to the excitotoxic
and adjacent piriform lobe, but the most conspicuous hypothesis of neuronal death, interaction of KA or
rise in labelling was noted in the entire frontoparietal other excitatory amino acids with appropriate recep-
cortex up to the cingulate region, and in the ventral tors (which in the initial version of the concept were
thalamic complex and globus pallidus, i.e. structures assumed to be glutamatergic and located post-
not labelled following KA treatment.‘85,‘87 In keeping synaptically) produces intense depolarization. It was
with this, we found a complete necrosis of the postulated that this depolarization will cause
piriform lobe and a massive anoxic-ischemic type of “energy-dependent homeostatic mechanisms to draw
damage in the frontoparietal cortex including status heavily on the ceil’s energy stores in an effort to
spongiosus, ischemic cell changes with or without restore ionic balance, with cell death ensuing when
incrustations in the superficial layers of the cortex, energy stores are exhausted or lethal alterations in the
etc. Interestingly, several features of the damage composition of the cells internal milieu have oc-
caused by KA-in particular in the boundary zones of curred”.’ In addition, glia at the site of injection are
the frontoparietal cortex-are reminiscent of the grossly oedematous and swollen, presumably because
pathological alterations induced in primates and sub- of the large increase in extracellular K + associated
primates species by anoxiceischemic episodes, no- with the seizure. This may impair glial uptake, pro-
tably atmospheric decompression or intracarotid air duce a reduction in extracellular space and contribute
embolism,2’~‘27 conditions which are associated with to neuronal damage.
convulsions. We suggest that folic acid produces In keeping with the suggested sequence of events,
those toxic actions of KA which are related to electrophysiological studies have indeed shown that
anoxic-ischemic changes caused by the convulsion in hippocampal slices. high concentrations of KA
but not the neuronal cell loss which is selectively and produce intense depolarization associated with an
directly produced by the paroxysmal discharge in irreversible loss of spike discharge.14’ This effect
vulnerable regions (such as CA3, see below). appears to depend neither on synaptic
transmission’“‘~‘“’ nor on the presence of presynaptic
Cholinomimetics terminals.‘“5 Extensive structure activity studies made
Olney and coworkers’35” also reported that choli- primarily in the striatum.“” retina”’ or the arcuate
nomimetics injected in the amygdala caused a seizure region”15 suggest a relation between neuroexcitation
and brain damage syndrome which is un- potency and neurotoxicity. although the former has
distinguishable from KA except that, like folates, been usually assessed from extracellular studies made
these agents do not cause damage at the site of in different brain sites. For instance the dimethyl ester
injection but only the distant damage. From the data derivative of kainate or its N-acetyl derivative, both
presently available it would seem that the distant of which are electrophysiologically inactive, are de-
damage is also of the non-selective seizure-related void of neurotoxic effects at doses 40P 100 fold higher
type (see below). than KA itself. Strong support for the excitotoxic
hypothesis comes from studies showing that KA also
Quinolinic acid
does not kill neurons insensitive to its excitatory
Schwartz and coworkers’59 have recently reported actions (e.g. neurons of the mesencephalic trigeminal
that nanomolar amounts of the tryptophan metabo- nucleus34,45) whereas. neurons which are readily ex-
lite quinolinic acid, injected intracerebrally, produce cited by KA such as CA3 pyramidal neurons are also
axon-sparing neuronal damage. Neurochemical, clin- very vulnerable to its toxic effects.‘”
ical and pathological observations show that quin- Other studies however cannot be reconciled with
olinic acid mimics the effects of excitotoxins. Thus, this scheme and suggest a more complex aetiology.
the agent shares with ibotenic acid (but not KA) the Thus blockade of the excitation produced by KA in
ability to produce circumscribed damage with few cerebellar cultures does not prevent the damage.“’
convulsions and no distant seizure-related damage. Other observations suggest that the damage caused
Other observations derived from tissue culture ex- locally by KA is not explicable by the seizure dis-
periments indicate that, like for the case of KA, the charge generated by the toxin. Thus. administration
actions of quinolinic acid depend on the presence of of anticonvulsants at doses sufficient to prevent the
normal synaptic patterns and appropriate syn- development of paroxysmal discharges, fails to pre-
aptogenesis in regions where it produces a toxic vent the local neurotoxicity of KA. In contrast,
effect.‘95 Further studies must be performed with this anaesthesia with y-butyrylacetone or chloralhydrate-
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 391

pentobarbital protects hippocampal neurons, efficacy of these amino acids in causing damage when
suggesting that the anaesthetic and not the directly administered intracerebrally. Thus, to cause
anticonvulsant action of drugs account for necrotic changes in the striatum, glutamate must be
local protectionsZW (also see Ref. 12). Furthermore, chronically infused for a week or more at particularly
a comparison of seizure and damage produced in the high concentrations. s-99 These high doses are as-
hippocampus by a variety of excitatory amino acids sumed to be necessary in order to overcome the
shows that the neurotoxicity poorly correlates with combined capacity of high and low affinity uptake
the neuroexcitatory effects;2~‘2’~‘y9
for instance N- systems. It is however not clear in this perspective
methyl-D-aspartate produces continuous electro- how the damage would be so rapidly caused (l-2 h)
encephalogram seizures for 2 h with little subsequent following electrical stimulation or kainate adminis-
damage (ibid., also see Ref. 61). tration in vulnerable regions (uide supra).
Lesion experiments suggest a dissociation between Summing up, the mechanisms of the “local” dam-
the excitatory (postsynaptic) and toxic actions (in- age remains to be clarified. In the opinion of the
volving the presynaptic elements) of KA,‘8.‘0’.‘05and present reviewer, the local toxic action of KA is
raise the possibility of different receptors for both caused by a multiple and complex series of effects
effects.‘06 The toxicity of intrahippocampal KA de- which are not necessarily due to a single mechanism
pends on the presence of the septohippocampal (cho- and cannot be categorized in a single framework. The
linergic) and perforant (presumably glutamater~c) mechanism of the toxicity would differ according to
pathways. ‘20.122 Interestingly, transection of the per- the locus of injection and epileptogenicity of the
forant path protects the granules of the fascia dentata injected structure, the experimental conditions (ana-
from kainate but not from ibotenate lesions.89,‘J7 esthesia, concentrations, the doses used etc.). A pos-
Other observations also emphasize the unique fea- sible direct effect of KA on the vasculature of the
tures of KA neurotoxicity which are not shared by injected locus also deserves investigation.
other potent excitatory analogues. The actions of KA
but not that of other excitants depends on the MECHANISMS OF “DISTANT’* DAMAGE
presence of mature synaptic patterns; thus KA but
not ibotenate fails to produce damage before the end This includes the damage produced in structures
of the third week of age in the rat.25.‘3’.‘47Also, distant from the injection site or in structures protec-
neurons are differentially susceptible to KA but uni- ted by the blood-brain barrier following intra-
formly vulnerable to other excitants, the damage cerebral or parenteral KA respectively. Two types of
produced by the latter depending simply on their distant damage should be discussed separately (e.g.
proximity to the injection site.z.88.96.‘2’ Several neu- Fig. 2).
ronal populations resistant to local KA-notably the
Selective seizure-related damage
cholinergic neurons of the medial septum and the
diagonal band-are readily destroyed by local ibo- This is causally related to the propagation of
tenate.** This suggests that the two agents exert their seizure discharge through a wel~~haracteriz~ syn-
toxic effects by different mechanisms. aptic connection and without the involvement of
To account for these observations, a number of deleterious effects associated with the convulsions.
alternative changes to the initial excitotoxic concept The evidence in favor of this type of damage is
have been proposed. These include (a) accumulation compelling for the CA3 region. Indeed, as already
of toxic concentrations of glutamate through in- indicated above, the damage produced by parenteral
hibition of glutamate uptake by KA’O’ (e.g. also KA in this region is not explicable by hypoxia or a
Johnston ef aLXS),(b) cooperative interaction between mismatch between oxygen demand and blood sup-
KA and endogenous glutamate released from pre- pl~.‘~* However a number of other structures may
synaptic terminalsI and (c) presynaptic localization share with CA3 this feature, notably the claustrum,
of KA receptors which would release toxic doses of deepest layers of insular cortex (presumably clau-
glutamate and/or aspartate.56 There is however no strum insulare), lateral part of the amygdaloid com-
compelling evidence in support of these mechanisms plex etc. (see below).
which have been challenged by other expe~menta~ The evidence that damage to CA3 produced by
observations. For instance, (a) dihydrokainate which parenteral or intra-amygdaloid KA is caused by the
is a more potent inhibitor of glutamate uptake is seizure has been discussed above and does not need
devoid of neurotoxic action,36” (b) the toxicity of KA further elaboration here. There is also evidence sug-
is unaltered by coadministration of glutamate in the gesting that seizure activity contributes to the hippo-
cerebellum63 and (c) the concentrations of KA re- campal damage by intracerebroventricular KA.‘20.‘2)
quired to release glutamate from cerebellar parailel Nadler and coworkers have stressed the crucial role
fibers are 100 fold higher than the concentrations of the mossy fibers for the damage produced in CA3;
sufficient to kill the cells innervated by these fibers.63 in fact destruction of the mossy fibres provides
Also the hypothesis that excitotoxicity is due to a immediate protection of the CA3 region against
presynaptic release of toxic concentrations of glu- intracerebroventricular KA but not against direct
tamate (or aspartatej is also handicapped by the poor intrahippocampal KA.‘20.‘22
392 Y. Ben-Ari

Fig. 6. Delayed changes in extracellular and intracellular free-Ca2+ concentration [Ca’+] in CA2-3 region
following repetitive stimulation of the fimbria. Upper [Ca?+] trace: extracellular recording with
Ca’+-sensitive microelectrode. Lower [Ca2+l trace: intracellular recording with same electrode: note large
fall in [Cal when electrode penetrated cell. Oscilloscope traces (at bottom) were recorded at times indicated
by broken arrows. Initially &he hmbrial stimulation evoked an antidromic spike and a partly reversed
inhibitory postsynaptic potential. During the 10 Hz tetanus (between arrows), there were only small
fluctuations in [Ca’+] (reference barrel contained 3 M KCI), but there followed a period of post-tetanic
depression, characterized by an absence of responses (including inhibitory postsynaptic potentials) to the
same fimbrial stimulation. About 30s after the end of the tetanus, paroxysmal responses suddenly
appeared, in the form of bursts of population spikes. This was accompanied by a huge increase in [Cal
(to a peak of about 700 JIM) that lasted about 1 min. The return of [Cal to the intracellular base line level
(close to 1 PM) was followed by gradual return to the inhibitory postsynaptic potential (now fully
The upper [Cal trace shows a comparably delayed large fall in extracellular [Cal evoked in a second
run by &hesame stimulation shortly after the intracellular recording. Data were obtained in situ, from a
rat under urethane anaesthesia (K. Krnjevic, M. E. Morris and N. Ropert, unpublished observations).

Two types of mechanisms can be proposed to released and produce damage during the seizures. A
underline the selective seizure-related damage. The number of substances found in the mossy fibers
first one implies large increase in jntracelluIar Ca2+ deserve some discussion. For instance, the mossy
associated with the seizures; this will exceed the cell fibers are rich in dynorphinio3 which conceivably
capacity to buffer the Ca?+ thus leading to an increase could play a role in this event. Perhaps more likely is
in intracellular free Ca*+ which, by means of pro- the possibility of an endogenous kainate-like com-
teolysis or blockade of the Ca2+ proton exchange pound since this region is amongst the richest in the
across the mitochondrial membrane may cause neu- brain in high affinity KA receptors.‘5~“4~‘88Inter-
ronal damage.‘52 In support of this view, histo- estingly, KA binding in the stratum lucidum (in the
chemical data indicate that the CA3 pyramidal cells mossy fiber zone) and not in other hippocampal
have a limited Ca*.+ binding capacity whereas the regions is decreased by Ca’+;“’ this is consistent with
granules of the fascia dentata and their mossy fibers the observation of Beaumont et ~1.~that Ca’+ is a
are rich in Ca2+ binding proteinss3 (also see Ben-Ari’). potent inhibitor of KA binding. Since a significant
Direct evidence in favor of this hypothesis has been reduction in extracellular Ca*+ is readily observed
recently obtained by Krnjevic and coworkers~,“~ during seizures, 9o this will further contribute to the
who have determined the changes in extracellular and toxicity by increasing the effectiveness of KA on its
intracellular Ca2+ in the hippocampus during seizures receptor sites.
with ion-sensitive electrodes. It was found that a Nevertheless, it is possible that the toxic factor is
particularly important decrease in extracellular Ca2 + not the transmitter itself but another agent released
occurs in the pyramidal layer of CA3 during seizures, with the transmitter during severe seizure discharge.
and that this is associated with an increase in intra- Zn2’ is a Iikely agent. Hence, (a) Zn2+ is particuIarly
cellular Ca*+ (Fig. 6). Other experiments suggesting concentrated in the mossy fibers76 where it is found
the involvement of Ca*+ in excitotoxic damage have in synaptic vesicles75 (the actual concentration of
been reported.“‘.‘“’ Zn2+ in this region is amongst the highest in the
Other observations also indicate that factor(s) per- brain3’,@). (b) Zn2+ is accumulated by the mossy
haps exclusively localized to the mossy fibers, may be fibers following parenteral administration of the
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 393

0 Artificlol CSF

Spontaneous release

t K+ (30 n-M) 2 min

Time (min)

Fig. 8. In situ release of endogeneous zinc in the Amman’s horn. A push-pull cannula was stereotaxically
implanted in the CA3 zone in urethane anaesthetized animals. Zinc was measured by atomic adsorption.
A spontaneous release of zinc was observed approximately twice the concentration of zinc was found in
the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A pulse of K+ (arrow, 30 mM, 2 min) caused a five-fold increase
in the amount of zinc released followed by a prolonged decrease of zinc with levels close to the blank;
IS-20 min elapsed before the recovery (Ben-Ari et al. *’, G. Charton, C. Rovira, Y. Ben-Ari and V. Leviel,
submitted for publication).

radioactive metal.‘93 (c) There is some evidence that of particular interest to note that zinc blocks very
the population spike produced in CA3 by the activa- efficiently sodium-potassium adenosine triphos-
tion of the mossy fibers is reduced by chelating agents phatase46 and glutamate decarboxylase.‘97
or diet conditions in which zinc levels are re- Summing up, several features of the mossy
duced.79,‘93(d) During repetitive electrical stimulation fibers-CA3 synapse might cause the selective seizure-
of the fascia dentata (when CA3 damage is produced) related damage of the CA3 pyramidal neurons. Per-
there is a loss of zinc stain in the mossy fibers (Fig. haps a likely sequence of events includes orthodromic
7, and Sloviter’68); this might be due to release of generation of paroxysmal discharge in the granular
Zn2+ during the paroxysmal discharge. In a recent layer of the fascia dentata by intra-amygdaloid KA;
study, we have measured by atomic adsorption the this causes a removal of the GABAergic inhibition in
spontaneous and evoked release of endogenous Zn2+ the hilar zone and thus a disinhibition of the mossy
in the Ammon’s horn of unanaesthetized rats using fiber input to CA3. Since the granular cells are
push-pull cannulae stereotaxically implanted.%” It resistant to epileptogenic procedures, they will dis-
was found that when the cannula is located in the charge for prolonged periods. The release of an
vicinity of the mossy fibers there is a significant endokain will excite the CA3 pyramidal neurons by
spontaneous release of Zn2+ (two to four times the means of the postsynaptic KA receptors which might
blank levels). A brief pulse of K+ (I min) produces an be directly involved in the control of Ca2+ channels.
evoked release of Zn2+ to (maximal) levels which are This is associated with a decrease in the extracellular
two orders of magnitude above the blank. When the Ca*+-and presumably an increased effectiveness of
cannula was located in the fimbria or other parts of the endokain-and an increase in intracellular Ca2+
the Ammon’s horn there was neither spontaneous nor directly producing the damage. In addition, large
evoked release (e.g. Fig. 8, and G. Charton, C. shifts in the concentrations of zinc will contribute to
Rovira, Y. Ben-Ari and V. Leviel, submitted for kill the CA3 pyramidal neurons by unclarified mech-
publication). Also, a K+ pulse applied unilaterally anisms. It is probably the convergence of all these
just prior to perfusion-fixation produced a bleaching factors which underlines the particular vulnerability
of histologically demonstrable Zn2+ (Fig. 9 and Ref. of the CA3 pyramidal neurons which can be de-
8a). Release of Zn ‘+ has also been found in slice stroyed by rather brief seizure episodes without an
preparations3”). (e) Earlier studies have also shown involvement of vascular or other deleterious condi-
that intracerebral application of Zn2+ also produce tions.
seizures.30,‘40 The possible mechanisms through
which Zn2+ might contribute to the damage are not Non -selective seizure -related damage
yet clear in view of the large spectrum of cellular This is also related to the seizures and, as such,
activities in which Zn2+ is involved.“3 It is however blocked by administration of anticonvulsants. How-
394 Y. Ben-Ari

ever, in contrast to the selective seizure-related dam- experimental animals. and i\ often a life time process
age, this is not associated with a specific synaptic with a complex interaction occurring between an
connection, releasing a toxic factor but rather with initial event (occurring at birth) creating a scar$ the
more general deleterious conditions caused by the latter favors the occurrence of seizures which may
convulsions in some brain structures. This is best also contribute to further brain damage. Therefore
illustrated by the necrosis seen in the piriform region even if species difl’erences are put aside, an animal
(e.g. Fig. 2) after parentera]“,‘” I” “’ or model cannot be expected to reproduce all the fea-
intracerebroventricular”‘.“5,“’ KA, but also intra- tures of such a complex disorder. The researcher is
amygdaloid folic acid.“’ The necrosis involves the faced with lifetime neurological disorders such as
entire frontobasal and temporobasal portions of the temporal lobe epilepsy v,ith the obvious necessity of
brain separated from normal cortex by the fissura adopting a very pragmatic attitude and accepting the
rhinalis dorsally, reaching rostrally the olfactory bulb fact that the tnodel will at best reproduce circum-
and occipital cortex. With survival times of l-3 days, scribed features of the disease. Hence. I shall briefly
the damage includes in addition to neuronal cell loss. present the aspects of human temporal lobe epilepsy
demyelination, astroglial scaring perivenous hemor- which deserve particular attention as they can be
rhages and extensive vascular sprouting.‘7J As partly interpreted in the framework of experimental
stressed recently by Sperk et al.,“” this incomplete data.
parenchymal necrosis is a lesion typical ol The hippocur?rpu/ formution und am~~gdulu occup~~ N

anoxic-ischemic damage, although the topography 01 cm trul positior2 in tcwiporirl lohc of’ c>pikpsJ. Initial11
the lesions differ from that produced by generalized described by Jackson,“’ temporal lobe epilepsy is
hypoxia or ischemia. The authors therefore suggested associated with a symptomatology which includes: (I)
that the overactivity caused by KA in this region sensory symptoms (visual. olfactory. gustatory, sen-
leads to release of water and metabolites and sub- sations. etc. .): (2) mental symptoms (clouded con-
sequently oedema; this by compressing drainage ves- sciousness, “forced thinking”, &jti VU,hallucinations,
sels against the skull in the front0 basal region result etc.); (3) visceral symptoms (epigastric sensations.
in local disturbance of blood flow and chewing with salivation. oral automatisms, etc.); (4)
anoxic&schemic changes. somatomotor symptom5 (tonico-clonic move-
This non-selective seizure-related damage is prob- ments.h’.h’.hu
ably also produced in a number of other brain regions There is a general consensus that the temporal lobe
including the lateral septum, the CA1 field of the occupies a central position in this syndrome. hence
Ammon’s horn and perhaps also medial thalamic the name. Thus, although initially controversial, elec-
nuclei. A severe parenchymal necrosis is also pro- troencephalographic studies using superficial and
duced in these regions’74 notably in CA1 which is deep electrodes have shown that the clinical symp-
more vulnerable to anoxic-ischemic episodes than tomatology is associated with the presence of par-
CA3.*” Interestingly, these regions have little or uone oxysmal discharge in the temporal lobe region.”
of the features associated with the selective seizure- More recently. the involvement or these regions is
related damage in CA3; for instance the lateral also suggested by positron emission tomography.“”
septum and medial thalamus are virtually devoid of Although the paroxysmal discharge is often present
high affinity specific KA receptors’5.‘h.“4.‘XX and zinc.7h in the hippocampal formation~~~in keeping with its
particularly tow threshold to epileptogenic
RELEVANCE TO HUMAN EPILEPSY procedures” the amygdaloid complex plays a more
direct role in the occurrence of several symptoms
Clinical considerations
notably the oro-alimentary signs.‘~hX.“7 Thus, in the
Psychomotor or temporal lobe epilepsy or complex case report made by Wieser,“‘h the episode began with
partial seizures as defined in the international recurring visceral symptoms. These were associated
classification”4 is seen mainly in adults.‘.“.hh Although with hippocampal right discharges usually starting in
seizure disorders frequently have their onset early in the amygdala: bilateral hippocampal discharges were
life, the seizures are more frequently of the gener- associated with an impairment of consciousness.
alized type in children younger than 15 years whereas Direct electrical stimulation of the amygdala- but
temporal lobe epilepsy is much less frequent (21”,, as not of the hippocampus reproduces several of these
compared to 56:/, in adults@j). Furthermore since signs which closely resemble the symptoms displayed
temporal lobe epilepsy is amongst the most difficult by patients during “spontaneous” seizures. Further-
type to treat medically, surgery has become a useful more, Buser et cd.” have shown that whereas all
form of therapy. 5’.55The symptomatology of tempo- patients display hippocampal-evoked responses to
ral lobe epilepsy, its electrographic, metabolic and stimulation of the amygdala. an amygdaloid response
histopathological sequelae have been reviewed in to stimulation of the hippocampus is only observed
earlier monographs to which the reader is re- in temporal lobe epilepsy, raising the possibility that
fcrrc ~,24.54.64.hfi.97.151.1S5.l72.l7S
This disorder is complex, the facilitation of hippocampoamygdaloid con-
has a large number of different aetiologies, includes nections is instrumental for the aetiology of this
a symptomatology which is not readily defined in disorder. This IS partIcularI\ important in view of the
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 395

anatomical evidence for the involvement of the amyg- the hypothesis and interpreted the lesion as ictal
dala (and not the hippocampus) in several clinical image or more precisely as resulting from
signs associated with epilepsy of the temporal lobe. In hypoxic-ischemic episodes associated with the seiz-
fact, in both rats and primates, the central amygdala ures. However, since epilepsy is associated with vas-
directly projects to motor structures coordinating cular dilatation and not constriction e.g. Ref. 141,
facial and masticatory movements; the amygdah is other suggestions have been made including excessive
also in a position to directly control vegetative and increase in metabolism (i.e. a mismatch between
autonomic function through its massive projections metabolic demand and blood supply), increased per-
to the hypothalamus and brain stem centerss0s’43 (e.g. meability of the blood-brain barrier, or also in-
Ben-Ari’ and Refs therein). Projections from the creased brain volume (cerebral oedema which would
amygdala to the striatum8’ are probably involved in lead to compression of vessels with herniation at the
some of the stereotypies associated with temporal supratentorial region and compression of the poste-
lobe epilepsy. These anatomical observations are rior cerebral arteries). Other theories include early
particularly relevant since they constitute, in the damage to the hippocampus due to birth or early
opinion of the present reviewer, a common ground infancy head trauma or febriles convulsions.33,h4,‘4’,‘55
for discussion between the clinician and the re- Since, there is no clinical consensus for aetio-
searcher. pathology of the damage, animal models are useful to
The temporal lobe region harbors the main patho- clarify this issue.
logical substrate of psychomotor epilepsy. Five de-
cades after the observations of Bouchet and Relevance of animal models for human temporal lobe
Cazauviehl” made in 18 15, Sommer made a detailed epilepsy
description of the “Ammon’s horn sclerosis” which To bear some relevance to human temporal lobe
consisted in pyramidal cell loss with a typical gradient epilepsy, the animal model must fulfill at least the
of vulnerability. “* The observation that a sclerosis of following criteria: (a) the hippocampus, amygdala
the hippocampus constitutes the most frequent dam- and other limbic structures must play a central role
age in post-mortem examination of chronic epileptics in the symptomatology; (b) it must reproduce a
has been repeatedly confirmed (it is on average found pattern of brain damage which is reminiscent of
in 50-7O’A of the cases). In the work of Margerison Ammon’s horn sclerosis; (c) it must reproduce the
and Corsellis9’ and Sano and Malamud”’ the patients spontaneous and repetitive seizures of the temporal
were clinically and electroencephalographically stud- lobe type that are the hallmarks of epilepsy; (d) it
ied and a significant correlation between the symp- must be relatively resistant to anticonvulsivants in
toms and the subsequent brain damage was noted. parallel to human temporal lobe epilepsy’4’” in order
The brain damage involves in addition to the to constitute a useful test model for developing new
hippocampus-where the most frequent degeneration drug treatment. Several animal models have been
affects the Sommer sector, the endfohum and in used to experimentally reproduce temporal lobe epi-
severe cases the granules of the fascia dentata-the lepsy.
amygdala, adjacent cortical regions, cerebellum, and Animal models which produce generalized
midline thalamic structures.33*4’,54.64 Several of these tonico-clonic generalized convulsions. Parenteral ad-
regions are vulnerable to a variety of deleterious ministration of a number of potent convulsants such
conditions such as febrile convulsions but also anoxia as bicuculline, allylglycine or pentetrazole, produce
and other conditions which are not associated with generalized convulsions (e.g. Refs 19, 108, 1 I I and
convulsions. 176, and Refs therein). These animal models however
Temporal lobe seizures are particulary resistant to do not fulfil the above mentioned criteria.
drug treatment and therefore surgery has been used (a) Electrographic and clinical data indicate that
for treatment of intractable epilepsy. With the advent the hippocampus and other limbic structures are not
of these procedures, the nature and characteristics preferentially involved in these convulsions as the
of the lesions have been examined in more detail. seizures are generalized from the onset to the entire
Studies such as those of the Scheibels’53 (also see cortical mantle (ibid.). In immobilized artificially
Brown”) have revealed the progressive time course of ventilated rats, Siesjii and Abdul-Rahman’hS have
pathological changes. Several reports have shown shown by means of 2DG autoradiography a meta-
that when the pathological abnormalities are re- bolic rise in the hippocampus; however in freely
moved, the patients benefit substantially from the moving animals there is no rise in metabolism in
procedure, i.e. there is general consensus that the hippocampus. I4 A recent study, in which a quan-
sclerotic area contributes to the temporal lobe sei- titative determination of 2DG in several brain regions
zures was made, has confirmed and extended this obser-
In contrast, there is less consensus amongst the vatiom4’ the overall picture with bicuculline in freely
clinicians on the aetiopathology of the brain dam- moving animals is that of a marked regional meta-
age. 33,54.64Initially Sommer”* suggested that the bolic depression, including in the hippocampus. This
sclerosis was the cause of epilepsy; the studies of also reflects the difficulties in extrapolating from
German pathologists notably Spielmeyer’ reversed immobilized preparations-on which most of the

396 Y. Ben-Ari

studies using bicuculline have been made-to the regions in order to exclude local hypoxia as an
freely moving conditions. important factor in the pathology; and (b) to define
(b) In a number of studies made in immobilized in detail the anatomical substrate of the propagation
artificially ventilated animals, bicuculline and similar seizure activity and the possible preferential par-
convulsants produce h~ppocampal damage; however ticipation of a given excitatory input to the hippo-
the lesions are quite widespread and include several campus or other vulnerable regions.
non-limbic structures (superficial layers of neocortex, Animal models which produce focal seizures with a
basal ganglia, cerebellum, etc.).9~‘08~‘W~“’Other studies limbic symptomatology. To produce focal-secondarily
have failed to demonstrate significant hippocampal generalized seizures with a limbic symptomatology,
In one study made in freely moving several experimental approaches have been used,
animals, damage to the basket cells of the cerebellum including local injection into the amygdala of alumi-
was the most consistent observation.‘4 Soderfeldt and num cream6’ or cobalt t ‘1y~‘26~128Zn2+ into the lateral
coworkers have furthermore shown that after brief ventricle30,46or of ouabain into the lateral ventricle or
periods of recovery the oedema caused by the con- septum. ‘39Another method is based on continuous
vulsants has vanished and most neurons look nor- electrical stimulation of the amygdala in previously
mal 4.170.171 kindled rat.““ Some of these procedures fulfil a
(c) To the best of the present reviewer’s knowledge, number of the aforementioned criteria including hip-
“spontaneous’~ seizures are not observed after such pocampal damage and ‘~spontaneous” seizures.
procedures (e.g. Meldrum’08). Unless such seizures The kainate model-which has been more exten-
are produced-and particularly seizures of the limbic sively studied than the aforementioned procedures-
type-the relevance of these procedures to study is particularly useful for the study of the evolution,
temporal lobe epilepsy can be questioned. propagation and pathological consequences of epi-
Using the bicuculline model, Meldrum and coworkers leptic discharge in the limbic system. It clearly fultils
initially concluded that damage to the hipp~ampus is the criteria mentioned above with regard to human
primarily due to anoxic-Gschemic episodes.‘~~“” The vacu- temporal lobe epilepsy since: (a) the hippocampus.
Jization noted in several brain regions was interpreted as amygdala and other limbic structures play a central
mitochrondrial swelling due to the anoxic events in keeping
role in its symptomatology’4.94”2.‘6’~‘R2(e.g. Ben-Ari’
with earlier studies in which similar alterations were re-
produced by anoxic episodes.2’ This view however has not and Refs therein); (b) the pattern of brain damage is
been confirmed by Siiderfeidt and coworkers who showed clearly reminiscent of Ammon’s horn sclerosis with a
that the vacuolization seen by light microscopy reflected similar gradient of vulnerability. A number of
dilatation of the endoplasmic re&dum and cytoplasmic differences have been noted, however, including the
vacuoles, and not mitochondrial swelling.“~“““~ In sub-
sequent studies, Meldrum et ~1.“’ noted that the cerebellar neuronal cell loss in the granular layer of the fascia
damage was more reduced than the hippocampal one by dentata in humans4’ whereas this is resistant in the
paralyzing the animal, suggesting that the former may be animal models. However, cell counts were not made
causally related to the motor convulsions. Since in a later in these studies and in a more recent work, patches
study” hypoxia surprisingly reduced-rather than en-
of necrosis were noted in this region after survival
hanced as expected-the hippo~mpal damage, the authors
suggested that the epileptic seizures per se could play an periods of I-2 months (L. Nitecka, E. Tremblay and
important role in the aetiology of the lesion. Subsequent Y. Ben-Ari, in preparation); (c) spontaneous seizures
studies in which the blood flow was measured provided with a limbic symptomatology are consistently noted
further evidence that the damage was not solely due to an following parenterallg4 (Fig. 3) or intracerebral
imbalance between metabolic demand and s~pply.‘~* These
experiments have not been confirmed however by Soderfeldt KA.27~28In keeping with this, electrophysiological
et ul. using a similar preparation, since it was shown (a) that studies in hippo~ampal slice suggest that the kainate-
hypoxia augments rather than reduces the severity of the lesioned hippo~ampi become epileptogeni~;s9,9’ (d)
damagei70,‘7’and (b) the measurement of the ratio between available anticonvulsants are weak against the
the local cerebral blood flow and glucose consumption
indicates that a mismatch in the hippocampus probably seizures generated by KA.3’.‘79
plays an important role in the damage seen with the The kainate model can shed some light on tempo-
bicuculline model.” ral lobe epilepsy in humans. For instance, the obser-
To summarize, procedures which produce vation that selective seizure-related damage in CA3
tonico-clonic generalized convulsions have provided can be produced without hypoxia or h~er~apn~a’42
controversial results concerning the nature and re- suggests that restricted paroxysmal discharge may
gional distribution of the damage and the aetiology produce a selective seizure-related localized damage
of this damage. It is the present reviewer’s opinion in the human hippocampus. Conversely, the damage
that the pathological sequelae noted after severe noted in the human temporal cortex might be due to
tonico-clonic generalized convulsion are explicable general disturbances associated with the seizures. If
by the general deleterious conditions associated with the Amman’s horn region to which the mossy fibers
the convulsions i.e. these procedures do not produce project is enriched in high affinity kainate receptors
the selective seizure-related damage. To obtain com- (present in human brain@), this may indicate that the
pelling evidence for a causal role of the paroxysmal release of an endokain from mossy fibers plays a role
discharge per se it is essential: (a) to directly measure in the aetiopathology of the sclerosis. Auto-
the Iocal PO,, PC02 and blood flow in vulnerable radiographic techniques and zinc stains on human
Limbic seizure and brain damage produced by kainic acid 397

post-mortem material can be used to study the bio- thought to produce axon-sparing lesions. On the
chemical organization of this region in normal and other hand, studies made with kainate in the last few
epileptic brains. It will be of particular interest to see years reflect the considerable usefulness of KA and
whether there is also an abnormal sprouting of mossy other excitotoxins to reproduce experimentally a
fibers in the affected Ammon’s horn. In fact, Nadler number of models of interest to human pathology. As
and coworkers’*’ have recently shown that following the emphasis of the present reviewer’s own research
destruction of the CA3 pyramidal layer, the mossy suggests, it is the field of temporal lobe epilepsy which
fibers deprived of their postsynaptic targets, establish will particularly benefit from studies of the mech-
new connections, with the granules of the fascia anisms of action of kainate. The use of KA un-
dentata. This new circuit increases the excitability of doubtedly will provide us with a better understanding
dentate granule cells which now become epi- of the normal and pathological functioning of the
leptogenic. Further animal studies should examine hippocampus and other limbic regions.
whether surgical removal of the necrotic region elim-
inates spontaneous seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy;
there is some indication in the literature that this may Acknowledgements-1 am indebted to Drs A. Nistri, M.
be indeed the case.26 Berger and R. Naquet for their criticism and remarks. I also
acknowledge the help of Mrs D. Giraud for the bibli-
ography. Our studies on the kainate model were supported
CONCLUSIONS by the Fondation pour la Recherce Medicale and INSERM
(CRE 1953). I am also indebted to Dr. M. C. Demantay
Kainate is perhaps not as useful a tool as initially for her support.


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(Accepted 19 Jury 1984)

Nare added in proof. In a recent study (L. Nitecka, D. Riche, G. Ghilini and Y. Ben-Ari, in preparation) using an antibody
directed against GABA, we have observed a rapid destruction of GABA-containing neurons in the instar zone after
parenteral administration of KA.

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