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According to me, Corona Virus isn’t related to a bio-weapon, because thinking

and planning to use a virus to carry out a cleaning, attack or generate an income
from the distribution of the vaccine for the virus, is something sadistic and
inhumane, in addition studies of different laboratories of the world have denied
these fake news, the form in which the virus has evolved and its capacity of
infection, indicate the impossibility that the origin of this one is synthetic.

2. From my perspective, Corona virus wasn’t created in a laboratory, I consider that

its origin is natural, because studies prove that from the virus templates found in
the laboratories, it wouldn’t have been possible to reach 100% of the
development of this virus, producing a virus with the capacity of infection and
evolution of Corona virus can only be a product of nature.

3. According to me this isn’t the time to pretend nothing is happening, I think that
returning to our daily activities would mean an increase in infections and
therefore the collapse of the health system, possibly causing a real economic
and financial crisis in the country moreover
It’s impossible to cover the sun with one finger.

4. To my way of thinking the people should be concerned about the corona virus, it
is not a subject to be taken lightly, however it is not necessary to bring this
concern into chaos, on the contrary, one must remain calm and take precautions
to avoid contagion.

5. In this instance of the pandemic and from my point of view, we are all at the
same risk of contracting the virus, the virus no longer affects only the elderly or
babies, no one is immune to this virus, but it’s worth mentioning that those
people who must go out to get their daily lives are those most likely to be

6. I suppose that with the knowledge and technology we have now, to produce the
vaccine for corona virus in a short time is possible, because in only 3 months’
different tests have been made of some vaccines that could work against the
symptoms of the virus, however it’s still being studied to find a 100% effective

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