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android - Linux 4.14.

116 arm

[Info] Server is running @ localhost:1730

[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: es
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Logging in
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Logged in successfully
[Info] Loading Personal Playlists
[Info] Loaded 4 Playlists
[Info] Added to Queue 952580682
[Info] Registered track: 952580682:9 | Proof - Tormenta
[Info] [Proof - Tormenta] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Tormenta] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Tormenta] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof
- Tormenta.flac
[Info] [Proof - Tormenta] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Proof - Tormenta] Starting the download process
[Info] Added to Queue 356647371
[Info] Added to Queue 955091062
[Info] Added to Queue 832045032
[Info] Added to Queue 832045062
[Info] Added to Queue 757842142
[Info] Added to Queue 827641802
[Info] Added to Queue 687716432
[Info] Registered track: 356647371:9 | Proof - Grafito
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof -
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Starting the download process
[Error] Error: read ECONNABORTED
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
[Error] Error: read ECONNABORTED
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
[Info] [Proof - Tormenta] Downloaded
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Downloaded
[Info] Registered track: 955091062:9 | Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas
[Info] [Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas] Getting album info
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] [Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas] Getting BPM
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Logging in
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] [Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas.flac
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Logged in successfully
[Info] Loading Personal Playlists
[Info] Loaded 4 Playlists
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] [Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas] Starting the download process
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] [Bipo Montana - Laberinto de Promesas] Downloaded
[Info] Registered track: 832045032:9 | Faruz Feet - Invierno
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Invierno] Getting album info
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Invierno] Getting BPM
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Invierno] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/Faruz Feet - Invierno.flac
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Invierno] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Invierno] Starting the download process
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Invierno] Downloaded
[Info] Registered track: 832045062:9 | Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)] Getting album info
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)] Getting BPM
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix).flac
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)] Starting the download process
[Info] [Faruz Feet - Nocivos (Remix)] Downloaded
[Info] Registered track: 757842142:9 | Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack
[Info] [Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack] Getting album info
[Info] [Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack] Getting BPM
[Info] [Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack.flac
[Info] [Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack] Starting the download process
[Info] [Trafikante de Almas - Click Clack] Downloaded
[Info] Registered track: 827641802:9 | Proof - Problemas Usuales
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/Proof - Problemas Usuales.flac
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Starting the download process
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: es
[Info] Logging in
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Logged in successfully
[Info] Loading Personal Playlists
[Info] Loaded 4 Playlists
[Error] Error: read ECONNABORTED
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Downloaded
[Info] Registered track: 687716432:9 | Proof - Minotauro
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Getting BPM
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Logging in
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof
- Minotauro.flac
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Logged in successfully
[Info] Loading Personal Playlists
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Starting the download process
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Loaded 4 Playlists
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for country
[Error] Error: read ECONNABORTED
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Downloaded
[Info] Added to Queue 356647371
[Info] Registered track: 356647371:9 | Proof - Grafito
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof -
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Starting the download process
[Info] [Proof - Grafito] Downloaded
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: es
[Info] Logging in
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Logged in successfully
[Info] Loading Personal Playlists
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Loaded 4 Playlists
[Info] Added to Queue 687716432
[Info] Registered track: 687716432:9 | Proof - Minotauro
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof
- Minotauro.flac
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Starting the download process
[Info] [Proof - Minotauro] Downloaded
[Info] Added to Queue 827641802
[Info] Registered track: 827641802:9 | Proof - Problemas Usuales
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/Proof - Problemas Usuales.flac
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Starting the download process
[Info] [Proof - Problemas Usuales] Downloaded
[Info] Added to Queue 677809432
[Info] Registered track: 677809432:9 | Proof - Nocivos
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof -
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Starting the download process
[Info] Added to Queue 677809432
[Info] Registered track: 677809432:9 | Proof - Nocivos
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Getting album info
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Getting BPM
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Proof -
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Starting the download process
[Error] Error: read ECONNABORTED
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
[Error] Error: read ECONNABORTED
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27)
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Downloaded
[Info] [Proof - Nocivos] Downloaded
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Logging in
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Running the latest version!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Logged in successfully
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Loading Personal Playlists
[Info] Loaded 4 Playlists

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