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Exercise 3A
Irony Cartoon
Something Nice for the Neighbours
Exercise 3A
Answer Question 1
The fathers were supposed to have brought their
children together on a play date so the children could
play with each other, but instead of the children doing
that, it is the fathers who were having fun playing
Something Nice for the Neighbours
Vocabulary Something Nice for the Neighbours
bolted To lock a door or window by sliding a bolt across
banshee A spirit in the form of a wailing woman
creep To be frightening
amplified To make larger, greater or stronger
caterwauling To utter long wailing cries
cretins A mentally defective person
sophisticated To make less simple or natural, make worldly-
mellow Soft and rich
Answers Question 2(a)
(a)Explain the irony in paragraphs 8-14.
(i) Although George was referring to the next global war when
he compared Charlie's group to “World War Three”, the term
could also refer to the pop group that teenagers were crazy
about. (Irony 2)
(ii) George meant this comment, “Charlie's group sounds like
World War Three”, to be an insult/criticism, but Maisie took it
as a compliment instead ! (Irony 3)
Answers Question 2(b)
(b) “You have to live with neighours, as Beryl says. Why
not do something nice for them ? '' (line 35-36)
Explain the irony here.
When George thought of doing “something nice” for his
neighbours, he actually meant the opposite – he was thinking
of doing something nasty – to them! (Irony 1)
Answers Question 2 (c)
(c) “I've got my finger on the switch and World War Three
is about to break out.” (line 46-47)
Explain the irony here.
When he switch on his equipment, “World War Three” will break
out , in the sense that this will be the beginning of a war between
George and all his neighbours, as a result of his blasting loud
music at three o'clock in the morning. This expression could also
refer to the fact he was about to play Charlie's music very loudly,
and their music sounds like the music of the group called “World
War Three” (Irony 2)
Answers Question 3
Explain the irony in this cartoon.

Dilbert was so intent on finding ways and means

to avoid having to do any work at the office that he
forgot that it was Sunday that day and ended up
going to work on a day when he did not have to
do so.

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