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Sacred Heart College

College of Nursing
Lucena City


1st Semester SY: 2020-2021
NCM112 – OXYGENATION (Transport)
Prepared by: Oscar R. Reyes II, MSN, RN, CNN

Title: Nursing Management for Hematologic Problems


The blood is the most vital fluid, it is the fluid of life. The blood provides communication
between the external and internal environments. It affects all the cells, tissues, organs, and organ
systems of the body. Therefore, hematologic disorders profoundly affect the entire body,
resulting in tissue hypoxia, infection, or hemorrhage.

This aims to assist you to gain essential competencies in the care of clients with blood disorders.
This is in preparation for your effective and efficient practice of the nursing profession in the
near future.


At the end of the module completion, you will be able to:

1. Differentiate the etiologies, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic findings,

and nursing and collaborative management of different hematologic problems.
2. Describe the nursing management of the patient receiving transfusions of blood and
blood components including transfusion reactions.

Instruction: Answer the following questions, kindly include proper citation of your sources and
references as needed.

1. With the hematologic disorders in topic outline do a summary of hematologic disorders

in tabular form with the following criteria:
a. Hematologic Disorder
b. Definition and Classification
c. Characteristics of RBCs

d. Etiology

e. Pathophysiology

f. Clinical Manifestations

g. Diagnostic Exam and Findings

Sacred Heart College
College of Nursing
Lucena City

h. Collaborative Care

i. Nursing Management

2. Do a drug study of Medications Commonly Prescribed for Disorders of the Hematologic

System using the following format:
a. Drug name

b. Available Forms

c. Drug Class

d. Indication

e. Mechanism of Action

f. Method of Administration

g. Side effects/Adverse Effects

h. Medication/Food Interaction

i. Nursing Responsibilities

3. Create one Nursing Care Plan for a patient with anemia using the standard format.
4. In blood transfusion, enumerate the blood products with the following criteria:
a. Blood products
b. Indication
c. Special Considerations
d. Rate and Duration of Infusion

5. Differentiate acute and delayed administration reactions with the following criteria:
a. Reaction
b. Cause
c. Manifestation
d. Management
e. Prevention

6. In nursing assessment and management of clients with hematologic disorders, write down
key points and takeaways.
Sacred Heart College
College of Nursing
Lucena City

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