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Note - 1 - Docker Essential

Docker for Web Developers
1. Docker Images consist of read-only layers.

A. False

B. True

Answer: B. True

2. What task does Docker Machine perform?

A. All of these

B. Find and install Docker images

C. Create and manage local machines

D. Create and manage Docker images

E. Create and manage containers

Answer: C. Create and manage local machines

3. Specific framework versions (Node.js, ASP.NET, etc.) can be loaded on a
developer machine by creating a custom Dockerfile.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A. True

4. What file does Docker Compose use to define services?

A. compose.xml

B. Dockerfile

C. docker-compose.son

D. docker-compose.yml

Answer: D. docker-compose.yml

5. What Dockerfile instruction can be used to execute "npm install" when creating a
custom Image?

A. None of these

B. npm install

C. EXECUTE npm install

D. RUN npm install

Answer: D. RUN npm install

6. What command-line switches are used with legacy linking?

A. --run and --link

B. --com and --name

C. --link and --name

D. --net and --name

Answer: C. --link and --name

7. Bridge networks can be defined in Docker Compose files.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A. True

8. Docker Kitematic provides a way to visually search for images hosted on

A. Docker Hub

B. VirtualBox

C. Docker Client

D. Docker Machine

Answer: A. Docker Hub

9. Docker containers can be started and stopped.

A. True

B. False
Answer: A. True

10. Which of the following tasks can Docker Cloud perform?

A. Create nodes

B. None of these

C. Start and stop services

D. All of these

E. Create stacks

Answer: D. All of these

11. What is the role of Docker images?

A. Provides virtualization functionality across environments

B. Used to execute code at runtime

C. Acts as a blueprint or template that is used to create containers

D. All of these

Answer: C. Acts as a blueprint or template that is used to create containers

12. Which of the following options can be used in a Docker Compose file?

A. env_file

B. All of these

C. container_name

D. networks

Answer: B. All of these

13. Environment variables can be defined in Docker Compose files.

A. False

B. True

Answer: B. True

14. How do you show all containers on a machine?

A. docker rmi -p

B. docker showAllContainers -a

C. docker ps -a

D. docker-machine ps -a

Answer: C. docker ps -a

15. What syntax can be used to create a volume that "hooks" to a source code folder
on your machine?

A. docker run -v $(pwd):/app imageName

B. docker run -vol /var/temp imageName

C. None of these

D. docker run -v /var/www imageName

Answer: A. docker run -v $(pwd):/app imageName

16. What Docker command can be used to view information about a custom network?

A. None of these

B. docker network inspect <network_name>

C. docker network view <network_name>

D. docker view network <network_name>

Answer: B. docker network inspect <network_name>

17. What syntax can be used to publish an image to Docker Hub?

A. docker create <username>/imageName

B. docker publish <username>/imageName

C. docker move <username>/imageName

D. docker push <username>/imageName

Answer: D. docker push <username>/imageName

18. What benefits do container networks offer?
A. Allow containers to communicate with each other in an isolated network

B. Allow local containers to communicate with external host containers

C. Allow local containers to communicate directly with host processes

D. All of these

Answer: A. Allow containers to communicate with each other in an isolated network

19. What tool can be used to visually work with images and containers?

A. None of these

B. VirtualBox

C. Docker Engine

D. Docker Kitematic

Answer: D. Docker Kitematic

20. What cloud provider does Docker Compose support?

A. Amazon Web Services

B. All of these

C. Digital Ocean

D. Microsoft Azure

Answer: B. All of these

21. What command-line switch can be used to define a custom Dockerfile file name
(such as node.dockerfile) when building a custom image?

A. -t

B. -customfile

C. -f

D. -v

Answer: C. -f

22. Which of the following tasks can Docker Compose perform?
A. Start and stop containers

B. View service logs

C. None of these

D. All of these

E. Build services

Answer: D. All of these

23. What command can be used to start a container?

A. docker rm [image name]

B. docker ps -a

C. docker run [image name]

D. docker go [image name]

Answer: C. docker run [image name]

24. Docker Cloud YAML files are identical to Docker Compose YAML files.

A. False

B. True

Answer: A. False

25. What Docker Client command can be used to create a container network?

A. docker network create

B. docker build network

C. docker createNetwork

D. docker ps network

Answer: A. docker network create

26. Key benefits of Docker for web developers includes:

A. Setup a development environment quickly

B. All of these

C. Simplify working with multiple framework versions

D. Consistency between environments

E. Ship code faster

Answer: B. All of these

27. A Docker _______ has a "thin R/W layer."

A. Image

B. File

C. None of these

D. Container

Answer: D. Container

28. What Docker technologies are available to support communication between

A. Docker connect and alias networks

B. None of these

C. Docker linking and bridge networks

D. Docker connect and bridge networks

Answer: C. Docker linking and bridge networks

29. What Docker Compose command can be used to start multiple service containers?

A. None of these

B. docker-compose start

C. docker-compose up

D. docker run

Answer: C. docker-compose up

30. Docker Kitematic can ONLY be used to download Docker images.

A. True

B. False

Answer: B. False
31. Services can be organized into ______ with Docker Cloud.

A. roles

B. stacks

C. zones

D. groups

Answer: B. stacks

32. Docker works the same way as virtual machines.

A. False

B. True

Answer: A. False

33. What Docker Compose command can be used to create service images?

A. docker-compose create

B. docker compose

C. docker-compose build

D. docker-compose make

Answer: C. docker-compose build

34. Docker Toolbox can only be installed and run on Linux.

A. False

B. True

Answer: A. False

35. Each instruction in a Dockerfile creates an intermediate container as the image
is built.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A. True
36. What key concepts does Docker rely on?

A. Images and containers

B. Images and archives

C. Images and virtual machines

D. Virtual machines and LXC

Answer: A. Images and containers

37. Setting up communications between multiple containers always requires multiple
Docker run statements to be executed.

A. False

B. True

Answer: A. False

38. Docker volumes are persisted even after a container is deleted.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A. True

39. Docker Cloud provides a browser-based terminal for services.

A. False

B. True

Answer: B. True

40. You've run the "docker ps" command but no containers are showing. Why?

A. You don't have an image for the container.

B. All containers are stopped.

C. None of these

D. All containers are running.

Answer: B. All containers are stopped.

41. What options are available for getting source code into Docker Containers?

A. Create a custom docker image with the source code or create a data volume
pointing to your dev machine

B. Use the Dockerfile "embedcode" instruction

C. Create a custom container with the source code and use the "mount" command
to point to your dev machine

D. None of these

Answer: A. Create a custom docker image with the source code or create a data
volume pointing to your dev machine

42. What command can be used to "link" a command terminal window to a Docker

A. docker env [machine name]

B. docker-machine environment [machine name]

C. docker-machine env [machine name]

D. docker rm [machine name]

Answer: C. docker-machine env [machine name]

43. What syntax can be used to delete a Docker volume and a container?

A. docker rm remove-volume containerName

B. docker rm -rv containerName

C. docker rm volume containerName

D. docker rm -v containerName

Answer: D. docker rm -v containerName

44. VirtualBox is required to use Docker on Mac and Windows dev machines.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A. True

45. Which of the following use Docker's layered file system?

A. Docker images only

B. Docker containers only

C. All of these

D. VirtualBox

E. Docker images and containers

Answer: E. Docker images and containers

46. What syntax can be used to create a volume that Docker manages?

A. docker run -v /temp:/var/temp imageName

B. docker run -vol /temp:/var/temp imageName

C. None of these

D. docker run -v /var/www imageName

Answer: D. docker run -v /var/www imageName

47. What syntax can be used to convert a Dockerfile into an Image?

A. docker run -t <username>/tagName .

B. docker create -t <username>/tagName .

C. docker convert -t <username>/tagName .

D. docker build -t <username>/tagName .

Answer: D. docker build -t <username>/tagName .

48. Which of the following tools are included in Docker Toolbox?

A. Docker Client

B. VirtualBox

C. All of these

D. Docker Kitematic

E. Docker Machine

Answer: C. All of these

49. What command can be run to download an image from Docker Hub?

A. docker ps -a

B. docker pull [image name]

C. docker rmi [image name]

D. docker images

Answer: B. docker pull [image name]

50. What Docker Client command can be used to convert a Dockerfile into an Image?

A. docker createimage

B. docker buildimage

C. docker build

D. docker create

Answer: C. docker build

51. Which of the following statements accurately describe a Docker volume?

A. Persisted even after a container is deleted

B. All of these

C. Can be shared and reused among containers

D. Special type of directory in a container

E. Are not affected by updates to images

Answer: B. All of these

Docker Deep Dive
1. Which option can we pass to the Docker daemon to make it assign the Docker
bridge a specific IP range?

A. --bip

B. --network

C. --ip-range
D. --cidr

Answer: A. --bip

2. Which Dockerfile Instruction is the preferred instruction for setting the main
process to run inside a container?






3. Which command shows us detailed container info including the containers PID
within the Docker Hosts process tree?

A. docker config <container>

B. docker detail <container>

C. docker inspect <container>

D. docker pid <container>

Answer: C. docker inspect <container>

4. When using the ENTRYPOINT Instruction in a Dockerfile, how are CMD Instructions

A. CMD Instructions are treated as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT Instruction

B. CMD Instructions override ENTRYPOINT Instructions

C. ENTRYPOINT Instructions are ignored

D. CMD Instructions are ignored

Answer: A. CMD Instructions are treated as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT Instruction

5. Which Dockerfile Instruction do we use to install packages to our new Image?



C. apt-get install

Answer: B. RUN

6. What is the name of the primary virtual Ethernet NIC inside of each Docker

A. veth0

B. eth1

C. veth1

D. eth0

Answer: D. eth0

7. Which Docker command lets us attach to a running container?

A. docker ssh <container>

B. docker login <container>

C. docker telnet <container>

D. docker attach <container>

Answer: D. docker attach <container>

8. Which of the following docker run commands will start a Container based on an
Ubuntu 14.04 Base Image?

A. docker run Ubuntu:14.04 ....

B. docker run ubuntu -v 14.04 .....

C. docker run ubuntu:14.04 ....

D. docker run ubuntu --version=14.04 ....

Answer: C. docker run ubuntu:14.04 ....

9. Which of the following commands will install the Docker engine on an Ubuntu

A. cf install

B. rkt install docker

C. yum install docker

D. apt-get install

Answer: D. apt-get install

10. Virtual Machines are a form of what type of virtualization?

A. Container

B. Hypervisor


D. Mainframe

Answer: B. Hypervisor

11. How do recipient containers learn about the networking config of source
containers they are linked to?

A. By querying the Docker daemon

B. Via a sub-space secure channel to the source container

C. Environment variables + entries in the /etc/hosts file

D. The /link file in the root filesystem of the container

Answer: C. Environment variables + entries in the /etc/hosts file

12. Which of the following commands will show version information for the various
installed Docker components?

A. docker version

B. apt-get update

C. docker detail

D. rkt version

Answer: A. docker version

13. Which Docker command builds a new image from a Dockerfile in the current

A. docker build

B. docker build-image .

C. docker image .
D. docker build .

Answer: D. docker build .

14. What does pressing Control+P+Q inside of a container do?

A. Issues a print-screen of the current contents of the terminal window

B. Detaches the Docker Hosts terminal from the container

C. Kills the container

D. Generates a stack trace of the container

Answer: B. Detaches the Docker Hosts terminal from the container

15. Which Docker command shows running Docker Containers?

A. docker ps

B. docker list containers

C. docker show containers

D. rkt ps

Answer: A. docker ps

16. Which of the following is a major advantage of Containers over Virtual

A. Containers are more lightweight than Virtual Machines.

B. Containers are encrypted by default.

C. A single Container can host more apps than a Virtual Machine.

D. Containers are cross-platform.

Answer: A. Containers are more lightweight than Virtual Machines.

17. Which of the following is an advantage of Linking Containers when compared to
exposing ports?

A. Linking containers is more efficient on memory.

B. Linking containers allow more active network connections.

C. Linking containers allows for faster container startup times.

D. Linking containers is considered more secure.

Answer: D. Linking containers is considered more secure.

18. What is the correct syntax to mount the /project/data directory from the Docker
host into a directory called /data in a container?

A. docker run -v /data:/project/data

B. docker run -volumes-from /project/data:/data

C. docker run -v /project/data:/data

D. docker run -volumes-from /data:/project/data

Answer: C. docker run -v /project/data:/data

19. By default, what happens to a Docker Container when the process it is running

A. The Container exits.

B. The Container reboots and restarts the process.

C. The Container performs a crash dump.

D. The Container continues running in detached mode with a Bash prompt


Answer: A. The Container exits.

20. Which of the following commands will install the Docker engine on a CentOS

A. yum install

B. apt-get install

C. yum install docker

D. apt-get install docker

Answer: C. yum install docker

21. In a default installation, how does the Docker daemon natively access features
like kernel namespaces and cgroups?

A. via capabilities

B. via devicemapper
C. via LXC

D. via libcontainer

Answer: D. via libcontainer

22. How are comments added to a Dockerfile?

A. Any line starting with a #

B. Any text following a #

C. Any text following //

D. Any line starting with //

Answer: A. Any line starting with a #

23. Which Dockerfile Instruction must be the first Instruction in a Dockerfile?



C. A comment


Answer: D. FROM

24. Which transient image layer exists below the rootfs while a container starts?

A. The datalink layer

B. Layer 1

C. Block aggregation layer

D. Bootfs

Answer: D. Bootfs

25. Which Dockerfile instruction defines the base image to build from?



C. BaseImage

Answer: B. FROM

26. At the time of recording the course, what is the default storage driver used by
CentOS for Docker containers?

A. OverlayFS



D. devicemapper

Answer: D. devicemapper

27. Which of the following is the correct way to name a Dockerfile?

A. DockerFile


C. Dockerfile

D. dockerfile

Answer: C. Dockerfile

28. Which of the following is true about RUN Instructions in a Dockerfile?

A. All RUN lines are compiled down to a single RUN Instruction

B. Each Dockerfile can only contain one

C. Each new RUN line creates a new image layer

D. RUN Instructions only work with containers that have elevated privileges

Answer: C. Each new RUN line creates a new image layer

29. From a Docker Host, which command can we use to stop a container?

A. docker stp <container>

B. docker halt <container>

C. docker stop <container>

D. docker-stop <container>
Answer: C. docker stop <container>

30. Which of the following is another term to describe container virtualization?

A. Storage virtualization

B. Hypervisor virtualization

C. OS level virtualization

D. Software Defined Data Center

Answer: C. OS level virtualization

Getting Started with Docker on Windows
1. What is a dangling volume?

A. A volume created without a name

B. A volume that's not associated with a container

C. A volume that's removed from a running container

D. The default volume for the container file system that's unpacked from the

Answer: B. A volume that's not associated with a container

2. What image type is blessed by both Docker and the people behind the software it

A. Blessed

B. Official

C. Trusted

D. Automated Build

Answer: B. Official

3. What does docker history do?

A. Shows commands that we ran inside a given container

B. Shows image history

C. Shows container history

D. Shows a diff of changes in the container layer

Answer: B. Shows image history

4. Why does Docker for Windows need Hyper-V?

A. To run windows containers inside a Windows Server VM and linux containers

inside a linux VM

B. To run windows containers inside a Windows Server VM

C. To run linux containers inside a linux VM

D. To run linux containers inside a linux VM and Hyper-V windows containers

Answer: D. To run linux containers inside a linux VM and Hyper-V windows containers

5. In the past we had to install software before we could run it. What is the
equivalent step with Docker to be able to run software?

A. Run a container

B. Installs a container

C. Create a container

D. Pulls a container

Answer: C. Create a container

6. What docker command executes software?

A. `docker pull`

B. `docker run`

C. `docker ps`

D. `docker stop`

Answer: B. `docker run`

7. When executing the command "docker pull microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2" what does
"microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2" refer to?

A. Repository

B. User
C. Registry

D. Tag

E. Image

Answer: E. Image

8. When using docker-compose, by default, what network are linux containers
connected to?

A. host

B. none

C. bridge

D. user defined network

Answer: D. user defined network

9. What is a tag?

A. A reference to a registry

B. A reference to a repository

C. A reference to a specific image in a repository

D. A reference to a specific image in a registry

Answer: C. A reference to a specific image in a repository

10. Why are image layers read only?

A. So they can be compressed to reduce disk space

B. So we cannot write data inside a container

C. So they can be reused

Answer: C. So they can be reused

11. Which of the following container types doesn't use namespace isolation?

A. Windows Server Container

B. Hyper-V Container

C. Linux Container
Answer: B. Hyper-V Container

12. Which of the following provides the initial container file system?

A. Volume(s)

B. Network drive

C. Host file system

D. Image

Answer: D. Image


13. Database data should be stored in:

A. Image layer

B. Volume

C. Container Read/Write layer

Answer: B. Volume

14. In the past, to find software, we often used standalone web sites hosted by the
creator of the software. Now, with Docker, how do we discover software?

A. Package Managers

B. Still use standalone web sites

C. Docker Engine

D. App Stores

E. Docker Hub

Answer: E. Docker Hub

15. In the past, we usually downloaded software in some sort of package to install
it, for example a zip file or MSI file. Now, with Docker, how do we download

A. `docker pull`

B. `docker start`

C. `docker ps`
D. `docker download`

Answer: A. `docker pull`

16. When executing the command "docker pull microsoft/aspnet:4.6.2" what is the
"microsoft" piece called?

A. User

B. Image

C. Tag

D. Registry

E. Repository

Answer: A. User

17. On a computer, with either Linux or Windows installed, there's a program that
runs in a privileged mode that abstracts hardware and provides services to other
processes. What is this program?

A. User

B. User space

C. Kernel

D. Kernel space

E. Application

Answer: C. Kernel

18. After stopping a container, how do you run the application in it again?

A. docker run <Container ID/Name>

B. docker start <Container ID/Name>

C. docker pull <Container ID/Name>

D. docker restart <Container ID/Name>

Answer: B. docker start <Container ID/Name>

19. What's the primary purpose of docker-compose?

A. Build containers, volumes, and networks

B. Build images

C. Pull and push images

D. Cleanup containers.

E. Build containers

Answer: A. Build containers, volumes, and networks

20. What does the -d in docker run -d nginx do?

A. Runs an attached container

B. Runs a container that will display output from the NGINX process in our

C. Deletes the container when we stop the NGINX proces

D. Runs a detached container

Answer: D. Runs a detached container

21. Where does the file system come from for a container?

A. From the machine the container is started on

B. From the image used to create the container

C. From another special container called a parent container

D. From a remote network share hosted through Hyper-V

Answer: B. From the image used to create the container

22. Which of the following allows you to share the host file system with a process
in a container?

A. Network drive(s)

B. Image(s)

C. symlinks

D. Volume(s)

Answer: D. Volume(s)

23. How can you see th

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