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SRI SRI SRI GANAPATHY SACHCHIDANANDA SWAMUJL: The Significance of His Name June 27, 2000 to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA n behalf of Datta Yoga Center USA, it is my distinct honor and rare Orr: to introduce His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji, Peethadhipati of Avadhuta Datta Peetham of Mysore to all of you who are assembled here. No matter how much we say, what we say and how we say about Sri Swamiji it is going to be inadequate, incomplete and insufficient. How can we describe brightness, illumination, brilliance, aura, sun and that radiant personality of Sri Swamiji? In fact the more you want to understand, the less you will understand; the longer you know Him, the less you know Him. His doings, His deeds, His wonders, His miracles and His lilas are varied, numerous and beyond comprehension. Eventually you reach a point where you will give up questioning, doubting, reasoning and understanding the mysteries of Sri Swamiji. Only then your mind will be at peace. And only then you will enjoy that radiant personality with admiration, astonishment, amazement and awe. With that in mind, let me begin by saying that Sri Swamiji started the Datta Peetham some 35 years ago; built about 30 Datta temples all over the world; established nearly 60 Gnana Bodha Sabhas; constructed one of the largest Nada Mantapam in Asia; performed Kumbhabhishekam to Sri Venkateswara Temple in June 1999; established Jayalakshmi Mata Nitya Annadaana Trust which provides free food three times a day, every day - in fact it feeds nearly 20,000 people on certain occasions; performs Sri Chakra Puja every day; conducts Maha Ganapathi Homa every Sunday; composed more than 3000 songs; conducts Healing and Meditation concerts world over; sings highly devotional songs with His divine voice; established Vedic, Vedanta, Sanskrit and high schools; conducts Kriya Yoga camps; provides free medical attention through Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Dental and Mobile clinics; publishes Bhaktimala monthly newsletter in five different languages; published more than 40 books; released more than 40 cassettes; produced 15 CDs; made more than 20 videos; engages in a number of charitable activities; traveled to foreign countries more than 80 times; and the list goes on. As you can see that I tried to quantify His accomplishments. These accomplishments are only a small portion of Divine personality. We will try to transcend these accomplishments and concentrate more on His cosmic, universal personality. (557) 2 If we have to describe Sri Swamiji in one sentence, the following Sloka from Isa Upanishad is the most appropriate one: It is He who pervades all - He who is bright and bodiless, without scars or sinews, pure and uncontaminated; who is the Seer, Omniscient, transcendent, and uncreated; who has duly allotted to the eternal world creators their respective duties. (Verse 8) “He” in this Sloka is referred to Paramatama who is none other than Sri Swamiji. He is not just Swamiji. He is Sri Sri Sti Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji. Every word in His name is loaded with hidden divine meaning. It is not a mere accident that Sri Swamiji assumed that long name. In fact Sri Swamiji's Ashtoattara Shatanaamaavali starts with Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidanandaaya Namaha. Let me share my concept and the meaning of this name as I introduce Sri Swamiji. Sri: First let us look at the three Sris. The word Sri is referred to as “the refuge of those without refuge” fulfilling the role of a Father, the Lord. This living Datta, true to His nature, wanders around the world, either ina subtle form or ina gross (bodily) form, to direct, guard, protect and help His devotees and the deserving ones. His care is immeasurable. No body can escape from His watchful eyes. He is always there for those who seek His protection with unflinching faith and absolute, total devotion. If you surrender completely and take refuge at His feet, He will protect you the way Lord Krishna protected Draupati. The second word Sri is referred to as a feminine quality, Goddess Sri. Here the word Sri denotes every thing that exhibits splendor, beauty, affection, auspiciousness, prosperity, and royal dignity. Like a mother He showers His countless blessings, unconditional love, comforting words, gentle affection, sweetest smile, watchful and glistening eyes, tender touch, boundless compassion and endless mysteries. You are never alone any more. Like mother He is always keeps thinking about you and looks after you. He knows when you are hungry and He knows when you need help. Third meaning of Sri in Sri Swamiji's name indicates that He is the essence and embodiment of all Vedas. Sri consists of four Sanskrit letters - sa, ra, ee. ee. These four letters represent four Vedas - Rig Veda, Atharvana Veda, Yajur Veda and Sama Veda. He can recall the Vedas instantly, recite the slokas spontaneously and explain them thoroughly at the level of his devotees. He has that sublime, splendid and superb quality to come down to the level of understanding of His devotees. What does it all mean? Sri Swamiji can lift you, direct you, protect you as afather from the cycle of birth and rebirth if you approach him with unfailing, abundant faith; show you the way as a mother to enjoy the beauty, bounty, benevolence, abundance, auspiciousness and spirituality of your life; and teach you the essence of Vedas as Para Brahma as He directs, guides, molds, chisels and shapes your life to make you embark on the way to Jnana and eventual vairagya. Three Sris represent three letters in AUM, the most sacred word in Hindu philosophy representing Akara, Ukara and Makara which in turn symbolize the trinity of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar; and trikaala: the past, the present and the future. From the sound of AUM, vak (Speech) has emanated. This sound is believed to have given birth to Vedas from Brahma in his meditation. Without going through Guru Kula training, and formal ritualistic education, Sri Swamiji is able to explain the Puranas, Itihasas, Tantras, Vedas and Vedanta. How is it possible? Sri Swamiji has absorbed the sound of AUM. Itresides in His heart from which he can recognize, remember, recollect and recall any portions of the scriptures. He is Brahma Himself. Since the AUM sound is firmly established in His heart, Nada gushes out inthe form of divine Music. Hence He is called Nada Brahma. Ganapathi: The fourth word in Sri Swamiji's name is Ganapathi - Lord of Ganas. He is Vigneswara - the Lord of Obstacles. Sri Swamiji can help His devotees surmount those obstacles. Even the celestial forces would not come in His way. True to His name Sri Swamiji is Lord Ganapathi without the visible elephant trunk, large ears, tusks, four hands, mouse and big belly. Sri Swamiji without those big ears, He can listen, comprehend and reflect upon the devotee's problems. Without the trunk, Sri Swamiji can lift the heavy burden of problems that overwhelm His devotees just like an elephant which lifts and pulls heavy weights with his trunk. Sri Swamiji can absorb and digest the problems of His devotees the way the Ganapathi's big mouth satisfies the biggest appetite. Sri Swamiji can fill His stomach with both good and bad, auspicious and inauspicious life experiences of the devotees, the way the Ganapathi's big belly can fill up with puffed rice. Sri Swamiji can wander around the world piercing the problems of the devotees just like the mouse biting and nibbling the grains. Just like the Elephant headed God pushes his Way through the densest and thorny forests, Sri Swamiji can clear the tangled Web of devotees’ problems. As! The fifth word Sachchidananda in Sri Swamiji's name is bubbj, brimming, gushing and loaded with religious, spiritual, Philosophicg meaning. In fact the whole Vedanta is embedded and ingrained in Sat, Chit and Ananda. If you are looking for spiritual progress, mental peace, satisfaction in life, and balanced mind, you need to experience that Sat, that Chit, and tha Ananda - the infinite existence, the infinite knowledge and the infinite bliss Sri Swamiji is the embodiment and torch bearer of Sachchidananda. In fact, true to His name, Sachchidananda He can remove the darkness, lit the lamp in your heart and enlighten your Atma. He can activate your hidden treasure tha is stored in your Atma, He can help your finite personality transcend its finite quality and establish union with Brahman. Without Sachchidananda's support, all our materialistic accomplishments and achievements can be counted as a number of zeros. Zeros have no value. By kindling that light in your heart and leading you to the path of Sachchidananda, Sri Swamiji can help you add that ONE, that Supreme One behind all these zeros making all the achievements meaningful. We can certainly experience the happiness, joy and bliss in this life only if our material accomplishments are couched as petals in the Kuvalaya flower of Sachchidananda. Swamiji: The last name in Sri Swamiji's name is Swamiji. It means Lord- Owner. It also means the one who controls anger. Sri Swamiji is the owner or master of Himself who has complete control over panchendriyas and panchabhutas. No wonder even Fire God would not harm Him o Mahshivaratri time. In fact Agni, Fire God will be waiting every year to shoot the flames high with joy, happiness and delight to witness Sri Swamiji perform Agni Puja, so that it can touch Him with reverence, hug Him with respect and dance around Him merrily. Even the Celestial Deities could not wait to forma Sudarshana Chakra (circle) around Sun during broad day light to witness their own fellow Celestial Deity, Sri Swamiji, perform Pujas and Homas, as has been seen on June 23, 1999 and June 14, 2000. In fact this year, the Sudarshana chakra got wider as more Celestial Deities came to witness the first ever Brahmotsava ceremony at Avadhuta Datta Peetham. Just like Sun who does not discriminate in emitting its rays, Sri Swamiji does not discriminate in showering that inexhaustible ocean of compassion 00 His devotees. If you open all the doors to your heart, if you shut all the doors !0 your preconceived notions, if you approach Him with open mind, if you come to Him with faith and fear, if you reach Him with feelings of sincerity and surrender, if you want to cross the ocean of Samsara, He can crack open the hard shell of the coconut of your Atma and peel open the thorny Jackfruit of your mind to experience the sweetness of your life. He can lit the lamp in your heart, ignite the spark in the concept of renunciation, drive away the ignorance, pour ambrosia into your heart, sharpen your receptive mind, enlighten your Budhi (intellect) only if you clean the vessel of your heart thoroughly leaving no residues of impurities. Whenever you have difficulties, assault them by chanting Sri Swamiji's name ona regular basis; the difficulties will hang their heads. Whenever your mind is restless, attack it by chanting Sri Swamiji's Gayatri mantra on a regular basis; happiness is experienced. Whenever you experience lack of concentration, strike it by reciting Sadguru Sthava ona regular basis; mind will be focused. Whenever your monkey mind wanders, pull it back by singing Sri Swamiji's compositions on a regular basis; mind will be contained like a parrot inacage. Whenever you want your deserving desires fulfilled, calm them down by performing Guru Paduka Puja on a regular basis; desires are granted. Whenever sufferings surmount you, smite them by reading Datta Darshanam book on a regular basis; sufferings get suffocated. Whenever you face obstacles, torment them by reading Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda (biography) on a regular basis, obstacles will bend their heads in shame Whenever you want to grow spiritually, make the utmost effort by concentrating on the image of Sri Swamiji in the Ajneya Chakra; seeds of spirituality will sprout joyously. Whenever you are angry or agitated, afflict it by chanting Datta Sthava on aregular basis; agitation will be annihilated. Whenever you have doubts about the powers of Sri Swamiji, challenge them by reading “Wonders ofa Holy Master”; doubts will be crushed. Whenever you are concerned about the general welfare of your family, perform Anaghashtami Vratam on Ashtami day with purity of mind on a tegular basis; good things will happen in your family. es Whenever you have health problems, attack them by listening to Healing and Meditation music on a regular basis, health problems will be reduced o, cured. Finally, if you want to understand Sri Swamiji, Who He is, What He is, what He does, How He does, why He does the He does, forget it. You can} understand Him. We can't understand Him. No body can understand Him. So, don't even attempt to understand Him? Don't ever attempt to understand Him? He is above and beyond our perception, imagination, understanding, reasoning, logic, science and comprehension. Just “Follow the Master.” Total surrender will give you immense joy you have never experienced before. I believe this to be Satyam satyam na samasyaha (there in no doubt, thisis truth, this is truth). Lord Shiva concluded with this phrase after describing the role, the significance, the necessity and the glory of Guru to His beloved Wife Parvati in Guru Gita (verse 151). Hence, my I humble request to all those who gathered here is to practice what is stated in Katha Upanishad: “Arise! Awake! And realize the Truth following the great Teacher.” That great teacher, rather that great Silent Teacher, is none other than Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. At this time may I request His Holiness to say few words to these assembled devotees and friends? Jai Guru Datta.

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