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1.1. Background of Study

Entering a new era where technology has always developed rapidly in

creating a new media . As we know smartphone became “important” thing for
everyone in this earth,many people using smartphone for communication and
social media updates. One of the function of smartphone in this era is to assist
activities in every field of work. For example in education, especially in
language learning, namely English, in the 21st century English has become a
crucial language and a global language that must be learned and must be
mastered by everyone both children and adults. There are so many “media” for
increases our language skills, this era is very compatible when we using media
for learning language because all of people consuming internet connection and
smartphone every day and every time.

 Before we learning language from media we must know that english

has 4 skills that must be mastered such as Speaking, Listening, Reading, and
Writing, Language learning can be done in various ways there is two ways
learning in language learning ; traditional and modern ways .The traditional
sometimes using a text books,flashcards or sometimes we used roleplay and for
the modern we can use an applications which supports a language learning
such as socializing via Instagram, WhatsApp and Skype, doing a shopping at
online retails and also watching movies marathon on NetFlix and listening to
the latest music on Spotify and also write a stories on Tumblr and Twitter or
another Blog.

   “Technology Based” is indeed becoming a trend in the industry era

towards 5.0, according to the way they learn using traditional media is very
boring. Especially, in language learning that always grow rapidly and there are

many media that very helpful in language learning activities in the classroom
and outside the classroom. Every smartphone user has different features and
configuration,they have different apps that they choosed. One of challenge
when we want to know the effieciey of MALL in language learning is some
typical students will access theirs online tools and services ,some may be in
their favorite tv show and newspaper and some may be in ther basic tools such
as dual language online dictionary and some may be in duolingo.

 Students in EFL (English Forein Language) countries such as

Indonesia needed an extra effort to learn english, in Indonesia L2 learning has
been started since pre-school and L2 has become a compulsory subject which
is tested in the National Examination (UN) until this year, the existence of the
obligation of learning English is used as a reference to develop students'
abilities in language learning, in addition Language learning can improve
students' knowledge to communicate, so the ability of students to speak
English is very important because it will help students to interact with native
speakers or non-native speakers .

EFL students in Indonesia is quite difficult when learning English

language especially for speaking and writing. Speaking and writing are
productive skills. They are different from the other skills. These skills are not
only about knowledge that they get but also about how to use the skills and
how to process information. Students always find the difficulties when face the
production process, such as worrying about their friends responses who using
Indonesian language rather than English language , also they having inadequate
English vocabulary there are a lot of vocabularies that they want to know when
learning English language ,and sometimes they afraid what they pronounce to
others mean well or not.

Mastering in L2 (English Language) is a great challenge for the EFL

learners who have lack vocabulary. As one component of language skills,
vocabulary is highly important for the students in learning English, it is caused

learning any language is influenced with vocabulary. Vocabulary is the most
outstanding components in learning language , L2 learners highly impend
above on vocabulary knowledge and the limitation of that knowledge is the
main problem and obstacle to develop their English learning skills. It is
supported by Alqahtani (2015) cited in Elghotmy & Ghoneim (2016, p.710)
who states that vocabulary as the total number of words that are needed to
deliver and communicate students’ ideas. In associate with this statement, it
can be said that the students need to learn a lot of vocabulary in order to learn
English and communicate effectively with others.

Based on the result of an observation and interview in SMAM 1 Gresik,

there were problems of learning English. Especially in the 10th grade students
there are several problems faced by the students and teachers in teaching and
learning process, The main problems is they have limitation of vocabulary that
affect to every skills, one of them is speaking. Students are rarely and shy to
speak English and communicate to each other friends, because they didn’t
know the vocabularies of “….” And they afraid if it’s wrong., some of them
says Indonesian vocabulary when have speaking practice in their class. It’s
caused by the lack of vocabularies that they have,also they have lack
motivation from their teachers to learn English language (L2) that will affect to
their English scores. Another problem that the researcher found in the
classroom and observation is the learning method in their class. Based on the
interview that the researcher has done with one of student and English teacher,
the learning method which is applied in their classroom was using old methods
such as read a text book without any fun activities during class activities.
However, those several problems can affect to students’ vocabulary knowledge
in learning English. What the teachers should do to enchance students’
vocabulary knowledge is using a media and create fun activities in the

There are a lot of media and applications that the teachers can used
during classroom activities, in this modern era students can access their

materials easily than using traditional method (based on text book). According
to Stockwell (2010) statement the use of media and technology especially
smartphone in this era is more affected in teaching and learning activities.
Beside Stockwell’s statement , Basal et al (2016, p.55) state that the use of
smartphone applications in teaching and learning vocabulary is more effective
than using paper-based activities. There are some applications on smarthphone
such as games that can enchance students’ interest in vocabulary knowledge.
However,the use of smartphone in the class will bring benefits for the teachers
and students in teaching and learning process.

There are several applications that students can used in smartphone for
learning in vocabulary knowledge, such as Duolingo,BBC,Fun Easy Learn
English , Online Games and etc. even those applications can used for learning
English in vocabularies but the researcher attempt to use Netflix as a tools in
learning English vocabulary. According to previous study Gilbert Dizon (2018)
that applied Netflix in L2 learning , the study show that Netflix is an effective
method for L2 learners’ . Netflix offer a variety benefits for L2 learners, there
are several comments from the participants in the study those advantages
include exploring L2 vocabulary , increase their motivation in L2 learning also
enhance their pragmatic knowledge. Nevertheless, the study has several
limitation that need to be addressed. First the study has a small sample which it
can be limit the generalization of research. Moreover,the study didn’t
investigate if the learners actually increase their L2 vocabulary knowledge.
And the last limitation from the study is caused by the subtitle that there’s no
ability to download the subtitle in mobile device, isn’t available during the
study. Therefore this study must commit a large group of participants for the
sample , beside that this study will investigate the learners’ improvement.
Consider to the huge potential of Netflix and other VOD services to promote
their application in vocabulary knowledge development for L2 learners.
information. And the third, the researcher will make sure that the subtitle
always availableduring this study. However, This application included L2

subtitle and other language. According Vandergrift and Goh (2012), studies
claimed that the use of subtitles can enchance vocabulary learning and listening

Related to the explanation above, the researcher attempt to use Netflix

application to increase students’ vocabulary knowledge. Therefore, the
researcher apply the title of this research as follows: “ The Effect of Netflix as
Digital Media Trends to Enchance L2 Learning in Vocabulary Knowledge”.

1.1. Research Question

Based on the basic consideration above, the research question from this
study is “Can netflix as digital media trends enchance students’ vocabulary
knowledge in L2 learning?

1.2. Purpose of The Study

The researcher tried to find out there is a significant difference in
vocabulary knowledge between 10th grade students of senior high school who
were taught by using Netflix and those who didn’t use Netflix.

1.3. Limitation of The Study

There were so many factors related to the students’ English skills. It
was impossible to explore the several factors that related to English skills at the
same time. This study focused on 10 th grade senior high school and the use of
media to increase students’ vocabulary knowledge. Digital media were choosen
because in this era we can’t appear from technology and media, also they have
a big role in supporting and stimulating students’ motivation to learn English
language (L2). Therefore, the researcher used movie as the media in teaching
and learning process. Using a movie in teaching learning allows the students to
correct their pronounciation, enchance their vocabulary knowledge and cultural
understanding. In addition,using movies in teaching learning process is

interesting and the students never getting bored also the students are motivating
to learn English language. It’s caused movies contains an audio and visuals
(audiovisual) that can enchance level of students’ interest. Moreover, movies
can help both the teacher and students to evolve their knowledge of technology
in teaching-learning process.

1.4. Significance of The Study

The significance of this study are follows :
1. Theoretically
a. The result of this study is providing more information to all readers
about the use of Netflix for the students in learning English
2. Practically
a. Students can learn English vocabulary and enchance their vocabulary
by using Netflix.
b. Tecahers can use Netflix application as one method in teaching-
learning process to achieve the learning goals.
c. In addition, the result of this study can be a reference for the future
researcher who strive to investigate the same issue using Netflix.

1.5. Definition Key of Terms

In order to clarify the key terms in this study,some definitions put forward.

1. Technology or Digital Media

Technology or Digital Media have been branch out so fast in this
modern era, however digital media has a big role in a classroom or
outside classroom. There are several applications that technology have
to enchance students’ English language. According to Brasseur-Hock,
Hock,Kieffer, Biancarosa, & Deshler, 2011; Cantrell et al., 2014;
Gardner & Davis,2013; Stankov, Morony, & Lee, 2014 claimed that
students who have no confidence and lack of knowledge in learning

English can increase their abilities and confidence through digital
2. L2 learning (Second Language Learning)
Second language in Indonesia is English language and it’s part of
EFL , L2 is quite difficult to learn because many people rarely use it
for everyday communication. In education, English as second
language has a purpose to develop students’ abilities in four language
skills (Speaking,Reading,Writing and Listening). However, the
students are commanded to be able to govern those language skills by
learning the components which are structure
(grammar),pronounciation and vocabulary
3. Vocabulary Knowledge
Vocabulary has a big role in English language, vocabulary is one
of basic components to learn English language. According to
Alqahtani (2015) cited in Elghotmy & Ghoneim (2016, p.710) who
claimed that vocabulary as basic important component has the total
number of words that are needed to deliver and communicate students'


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