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Tiles which are used for the roofs of the

house, which have monocrystalline 1. Tiles for the roof (integrated part of the
photovoltaic cells attached to them. These house)
What are solar roof tiles ? tiles serves two purposes :
What is the further scope of 2. Power generation through solar cells
Selection of the Best PCM
study for Solar Roof Tiles with
Optimization of the PCM contents
to further minimize the cost and PCM
Recently researchers have developed the
maximize Tile performance Tile Size Solar Roof tiles, which is doped (
incapacitated) with Phase-Change
Tile Thickness Material shortly called as PCM. This type of
Solar Roof Tiles with PCM especially the
form-stable PCM, will increase the thermal
mass i.e. the heat storing capacity of the
What is the Investement on material, and will eventually help in
Return for the newly developed
6 years Covnentional PV Tile
solar tile ?
Tiles with Solar Solar Tiles with the feature of
passive cooling

What are Phase Chagne Material or PCM?

5.7 years PV Tile with PCM Cells, that cools the Passive Cooling
What is Thermal Mass ?
house during
What is Passive Cooling ?
Roof tile with no PV devices
Performance compared with
Conventional Solar Tile with no passive
cooling Mortar
What is the Thermal
To measure the temperature of the three Phase Change Material with a cooling
performance of the Solar Roof Components of the Solar Roof Tile
tiles at botht he top and the bottom of function
their surface Type-T thermocouples for measuringthe temperature Tile ?
Instruments used Monocrystalline Solar Cells
Apogee Pyranometer for measuring Solar Irradiance
Encapsulating Methyl Searate (MeSA) into
4.1% more power than PV tile with no Creation of Form-Stable PCM Diatomite
How is the Solar Roof Tile Made ?
cooling agent Winter
Form-Stable PCM is directly mixed into the
2.2% to 4.3% more power than PV tile with Mortor This enhances the Thermal Mass of the Tile
no cooling agent Summer
Mixing the PCM with Fine Sand, Cement
and Water Thickness of the tile created is 11mm
Procedure of Creating
Solar Cells bonded to the tile through Type of the Solar Cell used Monocrystallin
epoxy adhesive and then covered with
another adhesive layer Size of the Solar Cell 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm

Efficiency of the Solar Cell 17%

Covered it up finally by installing the

protective glass

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