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Legacy High School

2701 West 136th Ave ● Broomfield, CO 80023

Office: (720) 972-6700 ● Fax: (720) 972-6899

United States History I and II

School Year 2020-2021 Mr. Medina

Office Online Office Hours 3 & 5 Website
Email Address

Grading Scale Gradebook Reporting Criteria/Weights

A 90-100 In - Common Assessments
B 80-89 *Oral/Written 50%
C 70-79 *Content Knowledge 40%
D 60-69 Practice Work 10%
F 59 or below *Weekly progress grades are posted at

Course Name United States History I and II (1865-Present)

This class is designed for students who need their U.S. History credit in
order to meet the Colorado State requirement to graduate high school.
Modern U.S. History courses examine the history of the United States from
the Civil War or Reconstruction era through the present time. This course
will include a historical review of political, military, scientific, and social,
and economic developments in the United States from 1865 until present.
Course Description This course will provide students with the analytical skills and factual
knowledge necessary to address critical problems and materials in U.S.
History. Students learn to assess historical materials and to weigh the
evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship.
Note: Successful completion of this class is required for graduation.
The Florida Virtual Online Curriculum will serve as the basis for this
Unit of Study Grade Level Expectations/Content Standards Approximate Targeted
Time Spent Date of
Semester I – United States History I
Unit 1- Online Students know… ~14 Days TBD
Learning / ● How government actions encouraged settlement of the west.
Reconstruction- ● Farmers organized in an attempt to improve their political and
Westward economic status.
Expansion ● How Reconstruction failed.
● United States government policy changed the life of Native
● Technology and land use impacted people’s way of life.

Unit 2- Gilded Students know… ~25 Days TBD

Age & ● Key industrialists (Carnegie, Rockefeller, JP Morgan)
Progressivism ● Key progressive reformers and their contributions (i.e. Teddy
Roosevelt, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair)  
● Difference between horizontal and vertical integration
● Tactics, methods and success/failures of labor unions
● The differences between “old” and “new” immigration
● People are moving to urban centers
● Rapid urbanization has consequences

Unit 3- Summary Statement: The study of the U.S. acquisition of overseas ~19 Days TBD
Imperialism & territories, and American involvement in World War I.
World War I
Legacy High School
2701 West 136th Ave ● Broomfield, CO 80023
Office: (720) 972-6700 ● Fax: (720) 972-6899

Unit 4- Summary Statement: The study of the 1920s and the Great ~14 Days TBD
Roaring 20’s & Depression.
The Great
Semester II - United States History II
Unit 5- ~20 Days TBD
World War II & Summary Statement: The study of the 1920s and the Great
Early Cold War Depression
Unit 6- Cold War Summary Statement: The study of the 1920s and the Great ~18 Days TBD
(1953-1991) Depression

Unit 7 – Civil ~26 Days TBD

Rights, Vietnam, Summary Statement: The study of the modern civil rights movement,
Counter Culture Vietnam War, and counterculture
and Domestic
Unit 8- Modern Summary Statement: The study of the conservative resurgence, the ~22 Days TBD
America (1980- rise of globalization and its consequences.

Inquiry Project Each student will complete an extensive Research Based Inquiry Project which ~ 60 Days March-May
will start near the end of 3rd quarter and continue into 4 th quarter

General Expectations
● Grades are based upon the demonstration of proficiency on units associated with a standard given during each formative or summative
assessment. Formative grades in addition to summative unit assessments will be used to holistically determine your grade.
● Summative: Summative measures of achievement are taken when unit master is expected. (i.e., unit tests, culmination of a project, embedded
assessments, etc.)
● Formative: Formative assessments measure the scaffolding skills and/or content embedded in the unit. Formative assessments are taken
frequently, after a student has practiced a skill or become familiar with content. Examples of formative assessments include but are not limited to
exit tickets, paragraphs, oral check for understanding, warm-ups, stages in a large project, etc.
● Assessments will be graded based on teacher/district/state rubrics.
● On group projects, students will receive a grade for individual work. A group grade may also be given.
● Grades are based on achievement of Colorado Academic Standards and grade level expectations.

Class Expectations
Missing or incomplete assignments/assessments for this course: Superintendent Policies 6280 Homework and 6281 Make-Up Work, will be followed
for this course.

Student Expectations
Grading Policy The purpose of grading is to communicate to both students and parents what a student
knows and can demonstrate at a given point during the course. In this course, student
grades will be based solely on achievement of standards, not effort, behavior, or attitude.
Student grades will be based solely on achievement of standards, not effort, behavior, or
Testing Policy Students will be allowed to retake assessments in the Summative categories with the
exception of the end of 1st semester DBQ and the Second Semester Inquiry Based Project.
A remediation conference and subsequent re-takes must occur in consecutive Academic
Support (AS) sessions immediately following the return of the original test. Re-testing
may only take place after the student has completed both steps as described in the
following remediation process. STEP 1: Attend the entire AS session immediately
following the assessment being handed back (i.e. if the assessment is handed back on a
Tuesday, you must attend Thursday’s remediation, if it is handed back on a Friday, you
must attend the following Tuesday remediation session… and so on) in order to
conference regarding your original performance. STEP 2: After attending a remediation
Legacy High School
2701 West 136th Ave ● Broomfield, CO 80023
Office: (720) 972-6700 ● Fax: (720) 972-6899

conference, the student must attend the very next AS session to retake the assessment.
Any retest may only be awarded up to 90% of the original assessment.
Assignments You will be informed as to the due dates for assignments, whether it is practice, a
quiz/test, or a project.
Late work Policy Late work will not be accepted after a unit is completed with the possible exception of
student absences.
Absence Policy You are expected to make up any work missed because of any absence. You are
responsible to request the make-up assignment(s). Students are eligible to receive full
credit for make-up work completed and submitted by dates and times established in this
policy or as may otherwise be arranged with the teacher and/or administrator. You will
have the number of days absent plus one additional day to make up missed work for an
absence. However, long-term assignments (one week or more from the assignment
date to the due date) are due on the stated due date, regardless of the absence and are
not accorded extra days upon return to school. Long-term illnesses will be dealt with on
an individual basis.
Tardy Policy Students are expected to be on time to every class every day. Beginning each semester, if
- 1st-3rd: verbal warning by teacher and parent contact on 3rd.
- 5th: teacher will speak with parent/guardian.
- 7th: 30 minutes after school detention served with the teacher in the
classroom. Teacher will speak to parent/guardian again.
After the 8th tardy, teacher discretion may be used for consequences. Once a student has
served three 30 minute detentions with a teacher, a student may be referred to the
Dean’s Office for defiance of authority.

Student Integrity Oath I agree to conduct myself with integrity in all regards. I commit to presenting
my own work, writing, words, and ideas at all times, unless otherwise
attributed. In addition, I will not copy, use communication devices during tests,
post assessments for public access, falsely identify myself, or use inappropriate
materials. Engaging in any of these activities represents a breach of this oath
and subjects me to the disciplinary code of Legacy High School and the Adams
12 Five Star School District. It is my honest intention to uphold this oath.

Plagiarism/Cheating Policy Plagiarism means to present, as one’s own, the work, writing, words, ideas, or
computer information of someone else. (Sources could be published or
unpublished.) Cheating is supplying, receiving or using devices. (Examples:
looking at or using someone else’s work, using crib notes/stolen notes, or using
disallowed equipment, etc.)
Consequences for plagiarism and cheating (cover all classes and discipline
carries over year-to-year):
▪ 1st – 0 on the assignment, teacher calls home and referral
▪ 2nd – 0 on the assignment, 1 day suspension, parent/teacher conference,
▪ 3rd – 0 on the assignment, 2 day suspension, referral
4th – 0 on the assignment, referral to District Discipline Hearing

***Attention Parents and/or Guardians***

Legacy High School
2701 West 136th Ave ● Broomfield, CO 80023
Office: (720) 972-6700 ● Fax: (720) 972-6899

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the above policies.
Acknowledgement and agreement with the stated policies will be assumed in the
absence of parental contact.

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