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Received: 26 February 2020    Accepted: 15 April 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.13173


Preterm parturition and pre-­eclampsia: The confluence of two

great gestational syndromes

Aswathi Jayaram* | Charlene H. Collier | James N. Martin

Department of Obstetrics and

Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Abstract
Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Background: Preterm birth (PTB) and pre-­eclampsia independently, and frequently con-
Center, Jackson, MS, USA
currently, adversely affect the pregnancy outcomes of millions of mothers and infants
*Correspondence worldwide each year.
Aswathi Jayaram, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Objectives: To fill the gap between PTB and pre-­eclampsia, which continue to consti-
Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical tute the two most important current global challenges to maternal and perinatal health.
Center, Jackson, MS, USA.
Email: aswathi.j@gmail.com Methods: Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases were searched from inception
until December 2019 using the terms spontaneous PTB (SPTB), indicated preterm deliv-
ery (IPTD), early-­onset pre-­eclampsia, and pre-­eclampsia.
Results: History of PTB and pre-­eclampsia were the strongest risk factors contributing
to the occurrence of SPTB or IPTB. The risk of PTB and pre-­eclampsia among non-­
Hispanic African American women was higher than the rate among all other racial/eth-
nic groups in the United States. Low-­dose aspirin (LDA) has been reported to reduce
the risk of pre-­eclampsia by at least 10% and PTB by at least 14%. Lastly, women and
their fetuses who develop early-­onset pre-­eclampsia are at higher risk for developing
hypertension and cardiovascular disease later in life.
Conclusions: While better clarity is needed, efforts to coordinate prevention of both
PTB and pre-­eclampsia, even though imperfect, are critically important as part of any
program to make motherhood as safe as possible.

Aspirin; Eclampsia; Indicated preterm birth; Pre-eclampsia; Preterm birth

1 | INTRODUCTION cognitive, visual, and learning impairments. The costs to patients, fam-
ilies, providers, healthcare systems, and society in general are substan-
Preterm birth (PTB) and pre-­eclampsia can both kill or injure perma- tial although difficult to objectively and accurately measure.8,9
nently those mothers who suffer either condition. PTB, defined as Preterm birth numbers include spontaneous PTB (SPTB),
delivery before 37 weeks of gestation, is the world's most common sin- associated with intact or prematurely ruptured amnion, and non-­
gle cause of perinatal and infant mortality.1–4 PTB is the leading cause spontaneous indicated preterm delivery (IPTD), undertaken by the
of neonatal mortality in the United States, with approximately one-­ provider for maternal and/or fetal indications. It is important to con-
third of all infant deaths related to prematurity.5 Globally, every year sider these two entities separately in order to determine the rates of
approximately 15 million babies are born preterm, of which one-­third SPTB versus the IPTD rates. WHO subdivides PTB into chronologic
to one-­half die by the age of 5 years, secondary to complications of categories denoting extremely PTB (<28  weeks of gestation), very
prematurity.6,7 A significant number of survivors experience long-­term PTB (between >28 and <32 weeks of gestation), and moderate to late

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© 2020 International Federation of Int J Gynecol Obstet 2020; 150: 10–16
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Jayaram ET AL. |

PTB (>32–36  weeks  +  6  days of gestation).10 In the United States, 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.11–1.84) and had a higher risk
these definitions can vary to define early PTB as the gestational period of developing mild (AOR 1.26, 95% CI 1.10–1.45), severe (AOR 1.31,
between 24 and 31 weeks, moderate PTB as 32–34 weeks, and late 95% CI 1.10–1.57), and superimposed pre-­eclampsia (AOR 1.98, 95%
PTB inclusive of 34–36 weeks of gestation.11 CI 1.40–2.80).20 An analysis of 902 460 singleton births in New York
City during 1995–2003 found women of Mexican descent to be at
highest risk of developing pre-­eclampsia (AOR 2.9, 95% CI 2.7–3.1),
2 | TRENDS IN PRETERM BIRTH followed by African-­American women (AOR 2.3, 95% CI 2.2–2.3).
There are notable variations in risk within groups by ethnicity and
During the years 2013–2016, the International Federation of nativity for both PTB and pre-­eclampsia.21,22
Gynecology and Obstetrics’ (FIGO's) Working Group on PTB, with
generous support from the March of Dimes Foundation and expert
input from the Boston Consulting Group, undertook a robust cross-­ 4 | PRETERM GESTATION AND PRE-­
country analysis of individual patient-­level pregnancy and birth data ECLAMPSIA
from 4.1 million singleton pregnancies in four very high human devel-
opment index countries (Sweden, Slovenia, New Zealand, and Czech The development of pre-­eclampsia in the preterm period is well
Republic) and the state of California, where one-­eighth of deliveries known to result in IPTD inasmuch as the only way to initiate recovery
in the United States occur annually. These countries were chosen from pre-­eclampsia is to deliver the fetus and remove the supporting
for investigation because each had an excellent high-­quality, long-­ placental tissues/membranes, at or shortly after the time of diagno-
standing perinatal data system in place from which extensive and sis.23 Definitions for pre-­eclampsia generally concur internationally
highly reliable data could be readily retrieved. Using the results of a although countries differ in specifics—no one specific country or inter-
systematic review which identified 21 factors attributable to PTB, the national definition is considered in the present work because it varies
Working Group utilized advanced analytics to interrogate this large among authors. In general, between one-­quarter to one-­third of all
number of individual patient datasets in order evaluate the poten- PTB is associated with pre-­eclampsia.24 Auger et al.25 demonstrated
tial for prediction of SPTB or IPTD. It was disappointing to find that that approximately 38% of IPTDs between 28 and 31 weeks of ges-
approximately two-­thirds of patients had no apparent risk factors tation are undertaken due to worsening pre-­eclampsia, a number
or identifiable reasons for PTB to occur. Importantly, however, in all which decreases to 22% later in gestation for pregnancies between
country datasets, prior PTB and pre-­eclampsia were the strongest risk 32 and 36 weeks of gestation. Fetal growth restriction (FGR) result-
factors contributing to the occurrence of spontaneous or indicated ing in small-­for-­gestational age (SGA) neonates and increased perina-
PTB, respectively.12,13 By population group, the patients at the high- tal morbidity and mortality occurs in proportion to the prematurity
est risk for PTB were nulliparous and patients carrying a male fetus. of the pregnancy and the severity of the pre-­eclampsia.26,27 There
Other groups of investigators have struggled similarly to define risk is a great variation among patient groups in relation to their coun-
factors and a phenotype to the patient most at risk for SPTB.14 try of birth and the occurrence of indicated PTB for what has been
termed “early-­onset” pre-­eclampsia (EOPE). Compared to Canadian-­
born mothers with a 2.7 per 1000 rate of pre-­eclampsia-­indicated
3 |  RACIAL/ETHNICITY CONSIDERATIONS PTB at 24–36 weeks of gestation, this is 50%–100% more common in
women from the Philippines, Colombia, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Ghana
There are notable racial differences in both the incidence and sever- who now reside in Canada and deliver there.28
ity of both PTB and pre-­eclampsia. In the United States, the risk of
PTB among non-­Hispanic black women is 49% higher than the rate
among all other racial/ethnic groups in the United States, with 13.3% 5 | EPIDEMIOLOGY
delivering preterm compared to 8.5% for Asian women and 8.9% for
white women.15 These differences are not well understood although Similar to PTB, pre-­eclampsia and pre-­eclampsia-­spectrum disorders
socioeconomic, environmental, behavioral, and psychosocial factors are also a major threat to maternal and fetal well-­being, especially in
along with potential genetic variations have been implicated.16–18 An low-­ and middle-­income countries (LMICs). Several epidemiological
analysis of 56 617 nulliparous singleton women from the Consortium studies have determined the ranges of prevalence for a combination
on Safe Labor was conducted by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National of all hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in general (5.2%–8.2%)
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National as well as gestational hypertension (1.8%–4.4%) and pre-­eclampsia
Institutes of Health, involving 19 US hospitals between 2002 and (0.2%–9.2%) as specific categories.29 In LMICs, pre-­eclampsia and
2008. Data from this study revealed that non-­Hispanic black women pre-­eclampsia-­spectrum disorders such as HELLP syndrome (labora-
are at higher risk for every form of pre-­eclampsia-­related conditions tory evidence of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low plate-
during pregnancy.19 Furthermore, in comparison to non-­Hispanic lets/thrombocytopenia), eclampsia, pre-­eclampsia superimposed on
white women, non-­Hispanic black women were more likely to enter chronic hypertension, and severe gestational hypertension are the
pregnancy with chronic hypertension (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] major cause of approximately 400 000 maternal deaths and six million
12       Jayaram ET AL.

perinatal deaths each year worldwide. In addition to maternal and per- serum PlGF values.37,38 High levels of proteinuria are usually encoun-
inatal deaths, pre-­eclampsia/eclampsia in LMICs is a significant risk tered in patients with EOPE.39
factor for PTB and low birth weight infants. In contrast to EOPE, late-­onset pre-­eclampsia (LOPE) presents at or
after 34 weeks of gestation, usually without placental or fetal compro-
mise; it comprises the majority (>80%) of patients with pre-­eclampsia.
6 |  EARLY VERSUS LATE ONSET The rate of severe maternal morbidity is doubled (12.2% vs 5.5%) in the
PRE-­E CLAMPSIA EOPE group compared to LOPE; the adjusted hazard ratio and odds
ratios for risk factors and poor birth outcomes is eight times higher for
Subtyping of PE into two main groups based on the time of onset the EOPE versus LOPE pregnancies.40 In one large study, the incidence
and first recognition of the disease during pregnancy has clinical impli- of abnormal uterine artery Doppler waveforms, SGA fetuses, stillbirth,
cations and is reflective of variable underlying pathophysiology. By the Apgar scores <7 at 5  minutes, and early neonatal death was sig-
definition, evidence of EOPE is detected before 34 weeks of gesta- nificantly higher in the EOPE versus LOPE pregnancies.41 The EOPE
tion and comprises the minority (20%–30%) of cases of pre-­eclampsia; and LOPE patient groups have different implications for pregnancy and
on the other hand, this group is associated with the majority of PTBs progeny: the EOPE group for immediate adverse perinatal outcomes
and increased maternal–perinatal morbidity and mortality.30–34 including IPTD with complications of prematurity/SGA, whereas the
Patients with EOPE exhibit evidence of incomplete transformation of LOPE group have a higher risk for late cardiovascular disease risk in
the spiral arteries resulting in impaired placentation/hypoperfusion, the offspring.31,42 Finally, EOPE recurs in 94% of patients versus only
reduced fetal nutrient supply, and the potential to develop FGR. The a 56.5% rate of recurrence for patients with prior LOPE.43 The salient
principal Doppler changes occur at the level of the umbilical artery features of EOPE and LOPE are summarized in Table 1.
with progression from absent to reverse end-­diastolic flow.35 High
levels of the two antiangiogenic mediators soluble (sFlt-­1) and solu-
ble endoglin (sEng) are significantly correlated with increased uter- 7 | PRE-­E CLAMPSIA: SCREENING
ine artery Doppler evidence of vascular resistance.36 When sampled
around the time of indicated delivery, angiogenic imbalance is more Screening strategies to accurately detect patients at risk for pre-­
pronounced in patients with EOPE showing higher sFlt-­1/PlGF ratios eclampsia are limited in predictive accuracy and applicability due
(PlGF=platelet growth factor) and sFlt-­1 serum values with lower in part to the complex pathophysiology of this syndromic disorder.

T A B L E   1   Important features characterizing EOPE versus LOPE.


Gestational age at diagnosis <34 >34

Placentation Abnormal Normal
Extent of spiral arteriole Abnormal (many/most) Mostly normal; placenta outgrows uterine
remodeling vasculature→overcrowding of microvilli, restricted villous
sFlt-­1 Early increase Late increase
PlGF Early decrease Late decrease
Prediction Yes No
Prevention LDA started by 16 weeks Induction/delivery at 37 weeks or when diagnosis made
>37 weeks of gestation
Gestational age at delivery Preterm Early term/term
Estimated fetal weight actual Early onset fetal growth restriction→SGA Normal→AGA, LGA
delivery weight
Degree of hypoxia ++ Chronic + Acute
Adaptation to hypoxia Systemic/gradual over time Central nervous system focused/rapid
Tolerance to hypoxia High Low
Doppler abnormalities Early onset/rapid progression Late onset/slow progression
Neonatal outcome High morbidity and mortality Low morbidity and mortality
Immediate adverse outcomes Later cardiovascular disease
Severe maternal morbidity About 12% About 6%

Abbreviations: AGA, appropriate-­for-­gestational age; EOPE, early-­onset pre-­eclampsia; LDA, low-­dose aspirin; LGA, large-­for-­gestational age; LOPE, late-­
onset pre-­eclampsia; PIGF, platelet growth factor; SGA, small-­for-­gestational age.
Jayaram ET AL. |

Most screening strategies, therefore, have focused upon a search IPTB (53%) pregnancies; slightly more than one-­third of patients (37%)
for risk factors early in gestation. The highest, most significant clini- in this investigation developed EOPE.53 As expected, the frequency of
cal and obstetric risk factors are chronic hypertension, obesity, and SGA infants was significantly higher in the IPTB group (21.3 vs 1.4%).
severe anemia as determined in a secondary analysis of the WHO
Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health.44 Investigators
undertaking a recent systematic review of 29 studies determined 10 | PRE-­E CLAMPSIA AND
that a simple prediction model using parity, a prior pre-­eclamptic PRETERM BIRTH: REDUCTION OF
pregnancy, race, chronic hypertension, and method of conception OCCURRENCE OR RECURRENCE
constituted the best system to identify with few false positives and
three-­quarters of patients are destined to develop pre-­eclampsia.45 A reduction in the occurrence of EOPE should comparably reduce
The ASPRE trial demonstrated that early screening for pre-­eclampsia the need for IPTB as well as SPTB. A high-­dose calcium supple-
in the first trimester using an algorithm with maternal factors, mean mentation (>1 g/day) to women with low calcium diets (WHO rec-
arterial pressure (MAP), uterine artery pulsatility index, and maternal ommends 1.5–2.0  g/day) has been associated with a significant
serum pregnancy‐associated plasma protein‐A (PAPP‐A) and placental reduction in the overall risk of PE and PTB.54 A probiotic intake
growth factor (PlGF), had a detection rate of 77% for the development during early pregnancy has been shown to significantly lower the
of pre-­eclampsia before 37  weeks of gestation.46 Another group of risk of SPTB and IPTB in a large Scandinavian cohort of 70 149
investigators undertaking a systematic review of 15 studies involv- singleton pregnancies.55 Work activities and occupational expo-
ing 11 779 pregnancies observed that the first and second trimes- sures (working hours, shift work, lifting, standing, and physical
ter serum assessment of the sFlt-­1 to PlGF ratio was inconsistently workload) do not appear to impact either the risk for prematurity,
elevated in women who later developed PE, thwarting hopes that an low birth weight, or pre-­eclampsia.56
objectively measured serum biomarker might replace the risk predic-
tion models based on obstetric parameters.47,48
11.1 | LDA: Pre-­eclampsia
Efforts to predict and/or prevent either SPTB or pre-­eclampsia have The majority of efforts to reduce pre-­eclampsia have been focused
been hampered by the absence of a clear understanding of the patho- on the use of LDA (75–150  mg daily). After transformation into
genesis of either syndromic disorder such that effective prevention salicylic acid, aspirin inhibits cyclooxygenase production of throm-
strategies for PTB and pre-­eclampsia have struggled and taken dif- boxane by platelets for the remainder of its lifespan of 7–10 days,
ferent courses.49 Because a history of prior singleton SPTB is one of without impacting prostacyclin production. LDA thus works to
the strongest risk factors for recurrent PTB, patients with this history impede placental and platelet-­produced thromboxane A2, which
have had some success receiving progesterone supplementation and, functions as a vasoconstrictor, and remodel vasculature in the set-
in some cases, cerclage placement when serial cervical surveillance ting of increased platelet aggregation and adhesion. Prostacyclin
with transvaginal ultrasound identifies a patient for whom this inter- mediates vasodilation and decreases platelet aggregation, adhesion,
vention might be beneficial.50,51 Although labor-­intensive and costly, and vascular remodeling, functions that are not antagonized by use
transvaginal cervical length screening of all pregnant women has been of LDA. A further action of LDA is to decrease the production of
advocated in order to determine the risk for preterm delivery so that, tissue factor thrombin, thus favoring fibrinolysis at the expense of
if present, vaginal progesterone can be initiated. thrombin formation.
Since 1985, numerous studies have been undertaken to investi-
gate whether daily LDA initiated early in gestation (14–16 weeks of
9 | RISK OF RECURRENCE FOR PRE-­ gestation) reduces the risk of developing pre-­eclampsia, particularly
ECLAMPSIA EOPE.57–60 Systematic reviews and large meta-­analyses including indi-
vidual patient data have provided evidence of the benefit of LDA in
Women with prior pre-­eclampsia have been shown to be at high risk reducing the risk of pre-­eclampsia by at least 10%, FGR by at least
for SPTB, IPTB, and SGA newborns. In a recent systematic review 20%, and PTB by at least 14% without posing a safety risk to fetuses
and meta-­analysis of 92 studies involving more than 25 million preg- or mothers, although there is generally a poor reporting of childhood
nancies, data revealed that patients with prior pre-­eclampsia had the outcomes.61–63 The rate of LOPE also appears to be lessened by early
highest pooled relative risk of developing pre-­eclampsia again.52 This initiation (<17 weeks of gestation) of daily LDA but not to the degree
was confirmed in another study involving 606 pregnancies with prior that EOPE is impacted by this therapy.64,65 Relaxing the indications for
pre-­eclampsia whose mothers had a subsequent PTB rate of 23%. The utilization of LDA to prevent pre-­eclampsia was suggested a decade
outcome of PTB was almost evenly split between SPTB (47%) and ago and has been advocated in order to increase utilization versus
14       Jayaram ET AL.

use of a universal approach for all patients, which has been modeled CO NFL I C TS O F I NT ER ES T
to show that it was cost-­effective in 99% of simulations. This
The authors have no conflicts of interest
would, of course, include the largest population groups at the high-
est risk for PTB: nulliparous patients and mothers with male gender
fetuses.12,13 Preconception LDA has not been shown to significantly
reduce the overall rate of PTB.68
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