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Working with my, your, his, her, its, our, your, and their.

1. I’m Rose. ______ last name is Peterson.

2. He’s my best friend, Peter. ______ favorite color is black.
3. We are in classroom 106. _______ classroom is white.
4. ________ favorite subject is math. They like numbers.
5. ________ house is on Main Street. We live near the city.
6. Carol has a computer. ______ computer is black.
7. A: Who’s he? B: __________ name is Robert.
8. My brother and I like blue. It’s _______ favorite color.
9. These are my parents. ________ names are Victor and
10. This is our dog. _______ name is Fluffy.
11. This Mike and _________ sister Jane.
12. _______ teacher is Mr. Taylor and we like her because
she’s very nice.
13. Are they __________ pens, Rose?
14. That is my best friend. _________ name is Beasty.
15. Katy and Jack have a baby. ______ baby is 6 months
16. I have a motorcycle. ________ motorcycle is new.
17. My sister is 12 years. _______ birthday is today.
18. I love my husband. ______ name is Edward.
19. Paul and I are in Lima. ________ family is here, too.
20. That woman is _________ mother. I love her.


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