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The Real Fail

A wise man once said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Indeed, failing is a common thing around this big world.

However it is the path to success. Failing means learning. It
means learning from the wrongdoings you’ve done.

Common ways of failing are: failing exams, failing grades, failing

to impress, failing to take over, and failing to someone. It doesn’t
mean if you fail, you can’t be successful. It is just a downfall
which will result to making you learn and be independent.

But what does it mean if you fail to plan, you plan to fail? It just
means, you have to plan before doing something, so you won’t be
unhappy about the results. It just means planning for something,
already results to success. Because if you don’t have a plan, what
will you do? If you don’t have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, what will
you do? Through planning, we can be more successful, and less
hassle and stress.

However, one day, I failed myself. I failed, not on the exams. I

failed, not on my grades. I failed, not to impress. I failed, not to
take over. And I failed, not to someone. I failed to myself. There
are times, when you are not satisfied by yourself, you’re not
impressed. You are disappointed by your own doing. It just
means, you think you’re not enough for yourself. Although, this
what happens to me every time, I will quickly get motivation and
My motivation and inspiration is music, and quotes. They make
me feel less stressed, and more motivated. They make me feel,
that I’m actually enough, I’m actually happy with the way I am, I
actually accomplished something grand. My family helps to
inspire me, they give me strength and refuge. However, the
reason I’m still standing right now. Is my mother and God. They
are the ones that pushed me to my limits. Pushed me to better.

Failing is common, but to deal with it, it’s hard. But this just
means, you’re near to success. You’re near to grand
accomplishments. You’re enough for yourself. Find a motivation
and inspiration to make you feel happy.

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