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(I) May 10, 1996 was the deadliest day in Everest history.

(II) A storm stranded many

climbers near the summit and killed eight people. (III) Among those who died were Rob Hall
and Scott Fischer. (IV) Both were experienced guides and were leading paid expeditions to
the summit. (V) Everest can be climbed without supplementary oxygen, but this requires
special fitness training.

a) I b) II c) III d) IV e) V

Indian food is becoming more and more popular in the UK. a) A recent poll indicated that
chicken tikka masala is the nation's favourite dish. b) Chickens are usually reared on battery
farms in conditions of very poor light and with restricted movement. c) Indian cookbooks
have been selling in greater and greater numbers as more people want to experiment with
this style of food. d) Due to consumer pressure, free-range chickens are becoming more and
more popular. e) One reason for the increasing popularity of Indian food is the increased
availability of the spices needed to give the food its distinctive flavour. f) There has also been
an explosion in the number of Indian restaurants offering this exotic cuisine at reasonable

It is vitally important to keep your teeth clean and healthy if you want to keep them into your
old age. a) Dentists are paid very well for what they do. b) Regular brushing after meals is
recommended. c) Most dentists now encourage us to floss between our teeth before going
to sleep. d) False teeth can be a real problem to keep clean. e) The most common cause of
decay in children's teeth is a high consumption of fizzy drinks with a high sugar content. f)
Schools are spending more time on educational lessons about good oral hygiene.

Problems in Big Cities

(1) All around the world living in big cities creates serious problems for people. (2a) The first problem
is air pollution. For example, in Istanbul, many people have cars and cars are one reason why the air
is polluted. (2b) Secondly, traffic is an important problem for the people living in big cities. Nowadays
there are more and more cars on roads, and this causes traffic jams in many parts of the cities. For
this reason, many inhabitants waste their time in traffic, and they are negatively affected by this
situation. (3) To sum up, air pollution and traffic jams are two important problems that people living
in big cities have.

Bicycles are popular today in many countries for three reasons. First, most of the people use bicycles
to exercise. To illustrate, in Holland, people think riding a bicycle is a better way of keeping fit and
staying healthy than other sports. The second reason is money. Generally bikes are not expensive to
buy, and they are quite cheap to fix. Finally, they are suitable for city life. In cities, many people
prefer bikes to cars because unlike cars, with a bicycle, they never have to wait in traffic. In brief,
having a bicycle is beneficial for people for different reasons.

College students should understand that there are many skills and behaviors that are necessary in
order to be successful. College is very different from high school, so students need to realize that just
getting by, not completing homework regularly, and relying on teachers to remind them of deadlines
will put them at risk academically. Instead, college students need to acquire a more responsible and
adult mindset to help them achieve their goals. Although there are many behaviors that students
should adopt, there are some specific ones that will be most beneficial. Students should regularly
attend classes and labs, diligently take notes and ask questions, do all course assignments, and study
for exams.

1. My roommate Chang-Yoon helped me overcome prejudice. 2. Raising a family as a single parent

can actually have certain benefits. 3. Being the eldest child has its own rewards. 4. Those who want
to quit smoking should pledge to do so, throw away all their cigarettes, and ask their friends and
family to support their brave efforts. 5. Internet advertisers use several media-savvy techniques to
interact directly with online customers. 6. Jealousy often results from lack of self-confidence, lack of
self- fulfillment, and lack of trust. 7. Parents should teach their children at an early age how to
protect themselves from online predators. 8. My sales techniques benefitted greatly from a
weekend seminar on customer needs, customer relationships, and customer negotiation. 9. Adults
should feel free to engage in fun activities that they enjoyed as children. 10. Teachers should take
certain steps to communicate more openly with their students.

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