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Wise words...

Bruce Lee was also inspired by Napoleon Hill

by one of his books. Formulating a Definite Chief Aim.

"circumstances I create circunstances"

Napoleon Hill

Bruce Lee was killed...

The story was repeated with his son Brandon Lee.

Einstein famously said that:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire world,
and all there ever will be to know and understand."

“Imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably

powerful force the world has ever known.”
— Napoleon Hill

Everything that is created...

Is created twice.
First in the mind, than in the physical world.

You decide to buy a land, a house...

In a country far from yours.
First You decide in your mind, after You act.

If you program well Your subconscious mind..

with Your willpower

Imagination will win!

People are the ones that limitless themselves.

:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ::::

Yes, I was many times in Sertã.

The area of Tomar, not the city,
but in the villages or places near the river Zêzere
is very quiet, where you can find pure nature.

The Sertã is more rocky, which is typical of that area,

which You can also make a good "aguardente de medronho"
arbutus unedo (strawberry tree) liqueur and will be much colder in winter.

Here in Portugal, specially young people compete to be the one with the better brunette
You have an exotic flavour, which is better than the bronze color.

The gypsies here here in Portugal they have a characteristic color,

they can be more white or brown, but I identify them.
Which is different from the typical bronze or exotic,
In Portugal there is many Portuguese like that with mix of Africa or India or even
In Canada, Yes there is many Portuguese, special in Toronto..
Now the time, is almost...
In Canada you will use imagination and willpower, to find
the creative processes to reach your next project, the beautiful house.

Best Regards,

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