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The curtains fall,

Night sets in,
Twinkling stars aglow,
Crickets sing from far away,
Dew drops gather,
On the blades of grass,
The moon sighs lazily,
While gazing down on Earth below,
Millions of heartbeats thumps in rhythm,
Far a distance,
Myriad voices echoing
“Is it time yet?”
“Shall we go?”
“It’s almost 12 midnight.”
Gleeful laughter breaks the tranquility,
All awaiting the moment,
The moment of freedom,
Tick.. tock.. tick.. tock..
Time creeps painfully slow,
Tick.. tock.. tick.. tock..
On the stroke of midnight,
Lights set ablaze,
Hearts aflutter singing a happy song,
Triumph sounds of music fill the air,
Deafening the ears,
The Union Jack is lowered,
Jalur Gemilang is raised with pride,
Tears of joy rolls down the cheeks,
“We are free..we are free!!”
Our national anthem is played for the first time,
Jubilant voice of our first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Thunders into the night,
Fireworks soar across the dark sky,
Showering in colourful brilliance,
It was a day.. a day to remember.

The Malay, Chinese, Indians and many more races,
All live as one,
That’s the beauty of Malaysia,
It lies in its diversity,
Each of us different and unique,
Like the facets of a precious diamond,
Each side casting its own brilliance,
Incomparable to no other.
Each race.. like fragments of glass,
Are held together by,
Hope, love, patience and tolerance,
So fragile .. so rare,
Each race captures the essence of peace,
So, let’s hold it gently,
And spin invisible threads of harmony, order and peace,
For the nation’s progress and development,
Let’s eliminate intolerance and hate,
Towards one another,
Hand in hand,
Let’s destroy this plague,
No, May 13
No, hostility
No, disorder and chaos
Let’s work as one,
Together as a nation,
Together we must stand tall,
Let’s be proud to be different,
Why say “ and mine?”
When WE is a powerful word,
WE…working together is success,
But WE..striving together,
through thick and thin,
That’s an achievement,
One is alone,
Together we are a greater ONE,
One for all.. all for one.
-Kiron Latha a/p M. Balakrishnan

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