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Chapter 10 Alex Neargarder

Lesson #3 (1-5, 7)

1. There are five major food groups: Grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meats, and beans. It is important to eat food from
each of these food groups every day in order to provide your body with all of the various kinds of nutrients it needs.

2. Foods that are not nutrient-dense, which means a high ratio of nutrients to calories, should be avoided because you
get fewer nutrients for more calories. You should also try to avoid eating too much of a certain type of food even if it is
healthy because you need to get a variety of foods in order to get all of the nutrients you need. You should also avoid
foods that have extra fat such as meats that are fried in oil, specifically trans fats and saturated fats. One more thing that
you should limit is foods that are high in sugar or salt.

3. Carrots are one example of a food that is nutrient-dense. Also a lean turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato is a
nutrient-dense food. One more example of a nutrient-dense food is celery. Nutrient-dense foods are preferable because
you get more nutrients for less calories so you are essentially getting more out of the same amount of food.

4. Regular physical activity is important because it helps you burn off the calories you gain by eating. Even if you eat a
good mixture of the right foods in the correct amounts you still need a way to burn off those calories in order to avoid
unhealthful weight gain. The recommended amount of activity for teens per day is 60 minutes. The recommended
amount of activity for adults per week is 150 minutes.

5. Assuming that Josh also ate breakfast, then he has probably already consumed a lot of calories so far this day. The
cheeseburger and fries were most likely fried in oil which makes them even unhealthier and higher in calories. So for
Josh’s dinner I would recommend Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits for his dinner and maybe some milk products also,
because he already had a cheeseburger for lunch, he already received some protein and technically he did also eat
cheese which is a milk product. Specifically for his dinner he could eat some pasta, carrots, and maybe an apple. He
should probably drink water for his beverage since he already had soda for lunch. He could also eat some yogurt
afterwards if he didn’t eat many milk products for breakfast. He also wouldn’t want to eat a lot of any of these foods for
dinner because of the high-calorie lunch he had. One more thing that he could do is swap out any of the foods I listed for
another food from the same food group if he didn’t like one of them.

7. One of the meals I had recently was composed of two grilled cheese sandwiches, some potato chips, a blueberry
muffin, a banana, a cup of hot chocolate, and a cup of tea. Some of the unhealthy things about the meal were that the
grilled cheese sandwiches were cooked using butter, the potato chips were not healthy and were not nutrient dense, the
blueberry muffin was also somewhat high in fat and calories, and the hot chocolate had some sugar added. Some of the
healthy things about the meal were the banana, tea which has various health benefits, and there is some evidence that
hot chocolate may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The hot chocolate also had milk in it which made it
healthier. The potato chips did have salt and some spice on them which made them unhealthy and they were probably
fried in oil which makes them more unhealthy and higher in fat. The food groups that this meal covered were the Grains
because of the bread on the sandwiches and that made up the muffin, Fruits because of the banana and the blueberries
inside of the muffin, Milk because of the milk which was put into the hot chocolate and the cheese on the sandwiches.

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