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Mary: Good afternoon Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner

How are you today?

Mr. Stark: Alright!, greetings and kisses to my fans.

Mr. Banner: I’m fine, but a little angry.

Mary: Your fans want to know their full names.

Mr. Stark: OK, you know, my full name is Anthony Edward Stark, simply known as Tony Stark.
Mr. Banner: My full name is Robert Bruce Banner.

Mary: Could you tell us something about you and your ages? Please!
Mr. Stark: Who begins? Ok I'll do it. I am a billionaire, genius, former playboy and philanthropist.
Known as Iron Man, owner of Stark Industries, I live in a house in Malibu and leader of The
Avengers. Now I am 40 years old, I am a handsome boy.
Mr. Banner: I am a genius scientist. That by exposure to gamma radiation I can transform into a
Mr. Stark: Aasshsjhkl. ¡ He is a bunch of mutant cells and a stressed man!

Mary: Mr. Stark, Where were you born?

Mr. Stark: I was born in 1970 in Long Island in southeastern New York State.

Mary: Mr. Banner, Where were you born?

Mr. Banner: I was born on December 18, 1969.
Mary: What do you like? Mr. Banner.
Mr. Stark: He just likes to be angry.
Mr. Banner: ¡¡¡¡ What is your problem? !!!!
Mr. Stark: No problem green man, I'm just realistic.
Mary: Weit, weit… quiet, quiet. All right!!

Mary: What is your occupation and what do you like? Mr. Stark
Mr. Stark: You know, I have several occupations in life. I'm an electrical engineer, industrial
entrepreneur and a superhero who saves the world, I'm Iron Man.
I like sports cars, beautiful women, I like to be the center of attention and I like to be Iron Man.

Mary: How about you? Mr. Banner.

Mr. Banner: I already said it, I am a great scientist and I like my laboratory and to work until the
Mr. Stark: Blaaaa Blaaa Blaaaa, He likes to be a green and crazy man.
Mr. Banner: Oh, shut up! No more, can't stand you!
Mary: Quiet, Quiet!!! We can not continue with this, it's over!
Mr. Stark: Thank you all, follow me! Hahaha

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