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Fisherman's hut ............................

Farms ........................................... 20
The Old Monastery ......................... 21
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................... 1 The Showdown ................................ 30

Adventure Hooks ............................ 3 Kal Arax the pale ........................... 31

On the Road ..................................... 4 Corrupted Grove ........................... 33

Epilogue .......................................... 34
Astien ............................................... 6
Appendix ......................................... 35
The Kingdom .................................. 6
City Gates ....................................... 6 Map of the area ............................. 35

Notable Places ................................ 7 Kal Araxs' Tower ........................... 36

The Keep ...................................... 11 Monsters ....................................... 38

Timeline Summary ........................ 45
Outside the Wall............................. 15

Delg's smithy ................................ 15

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NPC. Nonplayer character

PCs. Player characters

Crowns and Blood is a horror scenario
DC. Difficulty class.
and contains content that some might
find disturbing or unsettling. Lest ye gp, sp, cp. Gold pieces, Silver pieces,
be warned! This file is for you, please Copper pieces respectively.
don't share it online. Thanks! >:)
deus ex machina. an unexpected
power or event saving a seemingly
INTRODUCTION hopeless situation

PHB. Player's Handbook

DMG. Dungeon Master's Guide

"Crowns and Blood" is an adventure for MOM. Monster Manual

players who enjoy a horror-flavored
story-centered adventure. Even though
some encounters will require combat to
resolve, most of the time the characters Some quick suggestions if you are
collect clues, interact with important running a horror adventure for the first
nonplayer characters and try to time: Horror as a genre often lives off of
unravel the mysterious happenings building and maintaining suspense.
that are occurring in the Kingdom of It's a rollercoaster ride on a tension
Astien. We included D&D stats for curve that slowly builds up to the
monsters where relevant but ultimate encounter. As such, anything
encourage you to adjust everything to that creates an emotional reaction from
numbers that best fit the challenge the players tends to work great. We
appropriate for your gaming group. The would suggest using mood music,
adventure assumes you are familiar potentially dramatic lighting and also
with the rules and have a good the use of props where appropriate. A
understanding of how to, for instance, lot of this is down to the GM and the
improvise an ability check. particular groups' likes and dislikes.
The monsters in this book are geared
towards a ca. 5th level party of four
characters but you shouldn't take that
GM. Game master, also often called as an absolute requirement. Feel free
"DM" for dungeon master. to change the stats of opponents such

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that it fits the power level of your
party. If you want to be quick all you
need to do is adjust HP and damage While on the road the characters are

output by a factor - say multiply the met by a figure wearing a green robe

number with 0.5. Most importantly, and a knotted walking stick. The

have fun! person introduces herself as Larlya

Birdsong, a half-elf druid who normally
lives close to the ancient woods near
Astien. She seems troubled and if the
You can of course find your own characters stop to talk to her she will
motivations for the characters to end tell them that she is on her way to the
up in Astien where this story takes nearest town to alarm the city guard
place. There are two options below if there. She speaks in a strong stutter
needed. You can find a map of the area and is clearly upset but will say that it
the adventure takes place in the seems the woods have suddenly come
Appendix. alive with a murderous rage and have
started to attack nearby farms around
Astien. She tried to speak to the king
to alarm the city there, but no one
On a trip to the shop or the local
allowed her entry. This, she says, is
tavern the characters hear that an
very untypical of the otherwise friendly
important delivery expected a week ago
kingdom and open culture. Something
from Astien has not arrived. They
is very wrong there. If the characters
might just have ordered an Ale only to
are friendly she will beg them to help
hear that supplies have run dry. The
and to visit Astien while she is on her
delicious beverage is usually delivered
way to alarm others. Larlya can't offer
by merchants from the neighboring
anything in return other than her
Kingdom of Astien. The merchant guild
gratitude and a few potions of healing
is willing to pay a good sum of money
(3 potions of healing 1d8 hp).
(200gp) to a group of adventurers able
to look into and possibly resolve the
situation. Payment will only be ON THE ROAD
released once the deed is done unless
the characters already have a very While on their way to the kingdom the

solid reputation and are deemed characters will come across a few hints

trustworthy. that show that something sinister is

going on in the kingdom. Feel free to

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introduce these elements whenever suddenly "awake" and immediately
they fit best (and in whichever order). attack the characters in an attempt to
draw even more blood from them.

See the Appendix for the stats of the

On their way through the woods to the animated ancient tree.
next town the characters come across
Characters using spells to try to
a gruesome scene.
understand the creature, read it's aura
or it's past will notice that it is driven
"There are two heavily mutilated dead
by incredible hatred and anger against
bodies, a man and a woman, at the
all humanoids and that it is in great
side of the road next to a large tree.
emotional pain for some reason. It is
Their peasant clothes are in tatters and
one of many such trees that have risen
they are torn limb from limb with deep
from the old enchanted forest near
unusually long wounds showing up all
Astien. The nature of the magic that
across their body. They seem freshly
caused it to rise cannot clearly be
dead, maybe killed an hour ago".
determined but carries a dark aura.
A closer inspection will tell the player
The path to the farms leads past the
characters that these were likely
city of Astien and characters should be
farmers, apparently killed by a
encouraged to visit the city to collect
monster. Characters managing a DC14
important clues there before moving on
Investigation roll will notice that there
to the farms.
is surprisingly little blood on the
ground next to the tree even though
these two poor souls must have bled
out completely given their grave "You hear the sound of hooves on the
wounds. A closer look up the tree will road ahead and seconds later a black
then draw the attention to the horse still dragging part of a cart behind
particularly sharp and spiky vines that it is racing past you, clearly in panic."
are covering it.
The horse belonged to a merchant's
The tree killed the two and is using
wagon the characters will discover a
their blood to nourish itself. It is
few more meters around a bend in the
currently in a state comparable to
road. The cart has been utterly
sleep but if the characters linger for a
destroyed as if it exploded. Pieces of
while, touch the tree or make
wood have fallen everywhere. The
particularly loud sounds it will

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merchant is nowhere to be seen and sound coming closer from there,
characters who try to look for tracks someone is running in your direction."
will notice some unusual scratches on
the ground but won't be able to identify The sounds are from a patrol of scouts

what caused them. Most of his wares, from Astien that were sent out to

he was trading in pottery and investigate some strange occurrences

glassware are broken but behind a tree in the area. Once the characters have

is his bag containing a small pipe, decided what to do read:

tobacco, dried meat, bread, a small keg

"A young man with black hair and a
of ale, and a healing potion (1d4 hp)
light leather armor breaks out of the
and a pouch with gold (230 gp).
trees. His eyes are wide in terror which
As the cart moving past an awakened turns to surprise as he sees you. For a
tree (see ancient animated tree in the second you believe you see a flicker of
Appendix for stats) it lashed out, broke hope in his eyes as, a second later, a
the cart in half and grabbed the thorny vine shoots out from behind him,
merchant. The monster dragged the pierces his back and pushes all the way
poor helpless soul underground to through his body to exit at his mouth,
nourish its roots. It is standing right dripping with dark blood. He makes
next to the side of the road where the gurgling sound and twists wildly."
cart was destroyed but remains
dormant, looking like an ordinary tree. The soldier is dead (and so are his

Characters using detect magic or comrades a few meters further in the

similar spells may be able to determine woods). The thing that killed him

that there is a strange evil aura coming seems to be a plant that reminds of a

from the tree, but unless they attack it giant octopus - a short, thick knotted

(or dig near its roots, revealing the stem and thorny vines that it moves

corpse) the tree won't move. like barbed tentacles. The creature is
surprisingly fast and will launch itself
out of the forest onto the road to attack
the characters. Please see thorned
"You hear a scream in the distance, vine in the Appendix for stats. The
coming from the woods on your right, patrol was on their way back to Astien
followed by the sounds of a fight. Metal to report to the captain of the guard.
swords clanging against something
solid. Moments later you hear a rustling

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the river for trade in summer where

the waters are lower and the river's
currents are safe for small boats.
Not far from the Sea of Salts lies the
small kingdom of Astien surrounded by
rolling hills and lush forests. The
kingdom has many trade relations to
After a winding road through the forest
neighboring lands as well as
and over a few hills, the characters
connections to the seaport of Veltruas
come to a ravine with a broad elevated
where merchants bring goods from
walkway made of solid stone that acts
faraway kingdoms to the markets of
as a bridge over the valley below and
Astien. The kingdom consists of a few
which reaches the gates of the city of
outlying farms and one large city on a
Astien. When the characters approach
hill, passed by a large river that the
the city gate read the following:
locals call the goldenrun river. Some
say it is named in honor of Lathander, "As you draw closer to the city you
the god of Light, while others claim it is notice that the stone bridge you are on
named such because merchants use ends at a gatehouse made of a dark

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stone and closed off with a large metal
door showing insignia of King Alrichs
house - a griffon carrying a sword in its
claw. Above flies the Kingdom's flag on
half-mast. If you near the gate you will
"In the center of the city, next to a small
hear a fearful voice overhead shouting:
well is a beautiful temple made of white
'Leave while you can, the city is closed
bricks and painted with the symbol of
and the area isn't safe!'."
the god of Life, Light, and renewal - a

The voice belongs to the captain of the golden sun rising over a winding road.

guard who is currently on duty on the The temple has three clerics currently

wall. working there and tending to their flock.

Celeor, a human in his mid-fifties with
The guards mention that there have
calming large blue eyes and an honest
been recent attacks all around the city
clean-shaven face framed with golden-
and, many have heard disturbing
blonde hair and a thick but well-kept
sounds in the wooded valley below the
beard is the oldest and most
walkway. Patrols have been sent out
experienced cleric. He bears several old
and the few that returned were
scars over his body hinting that this
shaking with fear and speaking of
particular priest has seen more than
gruesome scenes near the villages with
just the temple in his life. He speaks in
many dead, ripped apart, and some
a resonant and warm voice and it
missing. Tempers are high and the city
seems that even the current events can't
is on lockdown. The whole situation
seem to shake him. His wife Ka-essi, a
has been going on for about three
middle-aged wood elf with prominent
weeks now.
cheekbones, near-white hair and a
If asked about the half-mast flag the seemingly expressionless look on her
PCs will hear that Queen Kassarah of face, and their new apprentice
Astien has recently died. The guards Surmalet, a 16-year-old black-haired
offer no further explanation about this human girl are the other two clerics. "
Ka-essi, unlike Celeor, seems shaken -
The captain can be convinced to let the even though her face does not directly
characters enter if he hears that they show it to not increase the anxiety of
have come to help or if they mention the people in the city looking for the
the lost patrol on the road. clerics for support. Any of the clerics
can tell the characters that the queen

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has recently died under unclear recently - most likely through her
circumstances and that the king has illness.
not been seen outside since.
If the players require it at any point
Ka-essi also knows about the strange Celeor or Ka-essi will agree to heal
occurrences around the forest. She their wounds - especially if the
usually takes strolls in the ancient characters are looking into the troubles
woods every few days and enjoys the with the forest.
quiet time away from the city by
herself. She will tell the PCs that these
woods are sacred to the elves and that
Near the eastern wall of the city is a
they harbor powerful ancient magic.
crooked tower made of a black,
Recently though the wood has changed
smooth, glass-like material pointing
from a place of refuge and calm to an
into the sky like a large thorn. The
ever-growing threat. She can feel the
tower has no windows or visible
hatred of the forest carried on the
entrance but citizens noticing the
wind. Staying out near the trees now
characters eying the tower will tell
makes her tremble with fear. Her
them that this is, or rather was, the
nights are restless - she has difficulty
residence of Kal Arax, the court wizard
meditating and her visions are filled
of Astien. They describe the magic-user
with nightmares. Neither Celeor nor
as a tall, pale human who appears to
Ka-essi know what is going on exactly,
be in his late sixties with dark, darting
but they will be able to tell the
eyes, long wrinkled gnarly fingers, and
characters that the king isn't well and
long thin white hair, speaking with an
that they have not seen the queen in a
almost croaking voice that is easily
long while. The two will be reluctant to
recognizable even in a large crowd. The
tell the PCs, who they don't know any
wizard is generally seen as an odd,
more than that. If the PCs try to
unrelatable character with unusual
convince (Persuasion DC17) them, or if
interests but an overall helpful
they try to talk to the young acolyte
Surmalet, who is looking to the PCs as
potential saviors sent by Lathander, The tower can only be entered by those

they will learn that Queen Kassarah who know a secret magic phrase.

often came to visit the temple in the Besides the wizard, only his former

past years looking for a way to cure her friend Vizier Eldas (see 'The Keep'

violent headaches and that she died below) and his missing apprentice, a
tiefling named Thyakas (see 'Outside

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the Wall') know the phrase. If the the user from the evil in the forest (she
characters can open the tower please believes it but it's not true, 3 sp).
move to the Appendix for a description.
Lara will very happily tell the
characters the current gossip in town.
She has the following stories to share:
The marketplace has several stands
The queen's condition - The queen has
arranged in an almost circular fashion
been suffering from crippling
around a large statue showing King
headaches for years now and was
Alrichs father, the late Lord Gustav,
progressively getting worse and worse.
standing in a heroic pose with sword
Lara has never spoken to the queen
and shield as if he was warding off the
directly but the court wizard, Kal Arax,
evil of the land. Most market stands
who bought ingredients from her for
are closed but two still are open.
his spells tried several recipes to cure
Lara's Herbs and Trinkets. Lara is a the queen. Just a few days ago it was
very talkative and bubbly female reported that the queen has suddenly
gnome wearing a robe made out of a died under unclear circumstances.
patchwork of colorful pieces of fabric While some have been talking about
that seem to not adhere to any possible foul play, most think it is
particular pattern of color or texture. somehow linked to her bad health
For Lara the current situation is a which seemed to have gotten much
blessing in disguise. While she is worse.
horrified with what happens outside
Kal-Arax missing - The wizard and his
the city gates, she noticed a significant
apprentice, a tiefling, has not been
demand for her calming teas, smoking
seen in town for months and some
weeds, and trinkets of protection.
think he was able to scry into the
Every now and then there is a citizen
future and cowardly fled the city before
coming by to buy something from her
all trouble started. Others, including
shop. If the PCs are interested, she can
herself, think he is looking into a way
sell them herbal tea (has a mild
to stop the attacks. Many eye the
calming effect if consumed, 1 sp),
wizard with suspicion but Lara seems
smoking herbs (similar to tobacco, 2
to like him and describes him as a man
sp), or a small bracelet made from
with many strange ideas but a good
colorful stones on a small leather
strap. She claims the bracelet protects

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King Alrich - The king, normally upbeat to any character willing to have a look
and friendly, makes regular and retrieve his magical ore he had to
appearances to the townfolk, especially leave behind. The reward is a highly
in times of crisis, but he has not made ornamented dagger with dwarven
any public announcements since the runes made from this ore. Should the
troubles started. His servants say the characters agree they will likely face
king is unwell and haunted by the some dangers (see the chapter 'Outside
death of his wife. the Wall' below).

Delg's weapons and armor. The

weaponsmith in town, Delg
Firehammer is a short-tempered male The Green Cask. The Green Cask is a
dwarf with a long red beard decorated large tavern built adjacent to the big
with colorful beads wearing a rough brewery in town. Cintar Oatbrand, a
gray tunic that is full of holes burnt by human with gray curly hair and an
the sparks from his anvil. Lika Lara, impressive potbelly is the owner of the
Delg has seen some increased business brewery and tavern. He produces and
in the recent two weeks since the town serves the famous Astien Green Ale
was closed. Delg lived in the city for that is known to be one of the finest
more than thirty years now. While he beverages in the land. Typically his
says he hates the town and misses the casks are in great demand but lately
mountains he actually found the lush none of the traders have dared to enter
green surroundings of the town oddly or leave the city. Cintar's brewery,
calming to his generally grumpy which he is proud to present to anyone
demeanor. PCs will notice a bandage asking, features several magical
on his left leg and if asked about it he enhancements that were created by
will curse and mention an incident Kal-Arax who also apparently enjoys
where he was seemingly grabbed by a Cintar's ale.
thorned vine while walking the path to
Fingard's Fletcher Shop. While his
his smithy which lies outside the city
shop is closed, Fingard - a grizzled
near the river in the valley below. He
male elf ranger can often be found
was able to chop off the vine with a
sitting outside its entrance on a
quick hit of his impressively sharp
wooden bench. Fingard is not a man of
dwarven axe but dares not to walk
many words and particularly avoids
back. He fears that his smithy has
answering any questions about his
been destroyed and will offer a reward
past or about what brought him to

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town. The acid burn scars that cover If, at some point, you need to get the
part of his face, the scars on his left characters out of a tricky situation you
hand, and his extraordinarily balanced can introduce Fingard to them as a
stance and quick reaction hint at his deus ex machina. He could have
past as an assassin however. Once he followed in a safe distance to keep a
was known as Fingas Darkbow watchful (and observant) eye and might
operating as a hired killer for almost a be able to distract a monster for the
century. He turned from his life of PCs to escape for instance.
murder after he had fallen in love with
a target, a beautiful female noble. He
didn't go through with his contract and
he and her both escaped from the In the middle of the town is the keep of

clutches of his client. Or so he Astien. Its two watchtowers stretch

thought. After a few months happily in high over the city walls, its exterior is

love, his past caught up with him and decorated with light granite and

a fellow assassin, now under his numerous ornaments, and its

former client's contract, ambushed impressively large doors are equally

them. His spell of acid killed the love of covered with silver inlays in the shape

his life right before his eyes in the most of a vine stretching across the gates

gruesome fashion and left him scarred with a half-moon above them. The keep

for the rest of his life. Fingas then is well guarded and at least four

changed his name to Fingard and went guardsmen are on post at all times.

into exile, abandoning his former life. While the guards are suspicious of

He settled in Astien and began a shop strangers, they will assume that the

as a fletcher to find peace. PCs have been properly vetted at the

city entrance and will not harass them.
Fingard knows the area around the
Should they express a wish to speak
city well - before he settled he assessed
with the King, the guards will let them
all possible threats and angles of
know that this is out of the question.
attack. He will be able to tell
The vizier however, currently tasked
characters about an old monastery
with coordinating matters at court, will
close to the enchanted forest. He has
be able to meet with them.
seen Kal Arax visit the site every now
and then over the years.. presumably The insides of the keep are equally

intrigued by some lost knowledge tastefully designed and characters with

there. a keen eye will notice influences from

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many different kingdoms and far-away others have tried every remedy to cure
lands. her condition but to no avail. Then,
three months ago people said she had
suddenly gone insane and Fadila was
no longer allowed to visit her. Once, at
If the characters walk the corridors of
night, she tried to sneak into the
the keep they will cross paths with a
queen's chambers though, using a
young black-haired moon elf with sad
secret passage, only to find her
dark eyes who introduces herself as
secured to her bed by the guards, her
Fadila Amna. She was the handmaiden
eyes wild, screaming at the top of her
to queen Kassarah. Fadila is deeply
lungs. Her once beautiful hair ripped
saddened by the queen's death - they
out with her own hands and bloody
were almost as close as sisters and
scratches all over her face that the
Fadila was the queen's most trusted
queen had brought upon herself with
person at court. If asked, she will tell
her sharp fingernails. Fadila says she
the PCs that the queen, a moon elf like
fled in terror that night and never tried
her, was the daughter of a long line of
to visit again. Just recently, to Fadila's
nobles from Kheliah, a desert kingdom
great sadness, the queen was
far beyond the Sea of Salt where also
pronounced dead, reportedly a final
Fadila originates from. King Alrich
stage of her illness. Fadila suspects
who, upon a visit to the southern
that not everything is as it seems
Kingdom, fell madly in love with
though: the night the queen died
Kassarah, was able to convince
Fadila overheard Vizier Eldas shout at
Kassarah's father to arrange a
a group of three servants that were
marriage between the two. While King
usually tasked to tending to the mad
Alrich is far from the looks of the
queen. He was enraged and while she
dashing Knights that lived on the
could not hear what the commotion
courts of Keliah, the queen had
was about the three have not been
become to love him for his kindness of
seen since. Fadila also knows that the
heart and spirit. Unfortunately, Fadila
Vizier and Kal Arax used to be friends
will explain, the queen over the years
but before the wizards' disappearance
started to suffer from headaches which
something must have happened that
progressively got worse - to a stage
turned that relationship sour.
where she had violent attacks of
migraine that left her unable to speak She doesn't have many good words to
for hours. The court wizard and many say about Kal who she thinks is

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incompetent. She doesn't know why he his chambers and read his journal -
and his tiefling apprentice Thyakas left they will learn that he holds Kal Arax
the town but she does know that the responsible for the queen's death. Kal
queen got more and more disappointed had fallen out with the queen because
with the wizard. he could not find a remedy to cure her
cruel migraines. Kal was desperate to
restore his good name but there are
indications that the queen's madness
The vizier will meet the characters in
was not part of her disease progression
the keep's beautifully decorated
but, he suspects, a side-effect of a
library. He is a slender human noble in
potion that Kal administered to her.
his fifties with a prominent beaked
nose and gray wavy hair. He is using a The Vizier (or his journal) will also
walking stick and has a slight mention the three servants that were
hunched-over posture. He was known tasked with feeding, cleaning, and
at court to be a particularly tending to the queen after she had to
fashionable dresser and connoisseur of be restrained in her chambers because
fine wines and fine dining but has only she started to hurt herself. The three
worn black since the queen's death. If have been thrown into the dungeon
the characters meet him he will seem upon the Vizier's command and have
troubled and distracted - trying hard to been executed.
be polite but clearly upset. The Vizier
The Vizier often visited Kal in the past
has been at court for many years and
who had an equal appreciation of fine
has seen the queen's condition
food and drink and of conversations
deteriorate. He mentions that many
about the politics of the land. He (or
have tried to cure her - but some were
his journal) in fact mentions that he
charlatans like the 'cursed sorcerer'
was given a "key" to the wizard's tower
Kal Arax, he says. The PCs will also
by the use of a specific command word.
learn that since the queen's death the
The phrase, the journal says, is 'bovkin
king has fallen into a deep depression
inwold'. Magic users succeeding an
and refuses to see visitors. An Insight
arcana DC18 roll may be able to
DC12 roll reveals that he Vizier knows
identify this as belonging to a lost
more than he lets on.
language that originated in the shadow
If the characters can persuade planes.
(Persuasion DC18) or charm (saving
throw +3) him - or if they sneak into

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help her. He put his trust in Kal Arax
initially, but the wizard ultimately
failed him and the king thinks that his
latest elixir, supposedly the strongest
recipe he had ever crafted, may have
driven the queen insane. He was
outraged and the magic-user, likely
suspecting as much, fled the court that
The king is widely regarded as a
day and has not been heard of since.
respectable and mild-mannered man
The king had to watch in anguish how
who used to care about all who live in
his wife now suffered and even started
his domain and makes every effort to
to hurt herself. He had her ordered to
support his subjects with fair taxes
be bound to her bed until a cure could
and a force of knights and rangers
be found. He also forbade anyone to
protecting the borders. In his younger
talk about her condition and except for
years he traveled the lands with his
a few servants nobody was allowed to
father, Lord Gustav, who was a
see her. Several weeks later the
powerful figure, hero and adventurer.
servants didn't secure the queen
He told young Alrich tales of his many
against the bed properly and she was
Quests with hope to inspire the young
able to get loose, doused herself in
prince to become a hero of the land
lamp oil, set herself on fire and died
himself. Alas, Alrich was always more
horribly. Her screams still haunt his
confident in his ability with words
dreams every night.
rather than his aptitude at swinging a
sword - and so his travels involved The king fell into a deep depression
diplomacy and negotiation of trade since and nobody is allowed to disturb
deals rather than the slaying of him. He will not allow visitors under
monsters. Since marriage to Queen any circumstances and, likely, he may
Kassarah twenty years ago he became never fully recover from the horrible
more and more comfortable and shock. Should he see the characters
started to favor the local cuisine and break into his chambers he will
wine of his kingdom over traveling - immediately call the guards (guard,
which has given him a significantly MOM p347) and likely have the
more husky appearance. He looked characters subdued and thrown in the
with worry at his queen who got worse dungeon to be tortured and executed.
and worse over the last years and tried
to recruit every healer he could find to

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This adventure is probably best played
by the PCs talking to some other
characters around the King to collect
Following a winding path down the
the clues rather than Alrich himself
sides of the hill where Astien overlooks
but documents and notes on the king's
the valley, the characters will soon
table will illustrate his version of the
hear the sounds of a river not too far

story if the PCs decide to break in. away. Following the forest path further
leads past a small pond and onto a
OUTSIDE THE WALL clearing where the smithy is located
right next to the goldenrun river. Delg's
While staying behind city walls is workshop is a wooden building the size
relatively safe for the time being while of a small farmhouse and the
Astien's Knights and Rangers are enormous hammer resting upon its
guarding the walls, the valley below the anvil is driven by a reinforced
keep is a much more dangerous place waterwheel which now lies broken in
to be. The evil is slowly creeping nearer the water at an angle and does not
to the city and soon will surround the turn - it looks like the axle was
hill, making an escape impossible. snapped under a tremendous force.

rel13052020mc Page 15
Even from a distance a big hole in the With a successful Perception DC16
south wall of the building is visible. A check characters will notice that the
closer look reveals a slender tree leaves and vines of the tree are wet and
growing out of the roof. If the slimy with a sticky substance that
characters go near the smithy they will seems to drip onto the floor below.
be able to uncover several of Delg's There are several dark spots on the
tools that have been thrown all around ground where the ichor-like sap has
the place. If they enter the damaged accumulated. If characters step into
smithy read the following passage: any of these puddles they need to roll a
STR save (DC15) or be restrained. A
"The interior features a gigantic restrained character can attempt to
mechanical hammer resting on a black break free each round with a STR save
anvil, several metal chains dangling DC15 as well. Other characters (not
from the ceiling and broken racks for restrained) can assist which gives
weapons, tools and other items at the advantage to this roll. The sap is also
side of the wall. As you step inside the poisonous and if it gets in contact with
wooden building you become aware of a the skin directly causes a burning pain
sweet almost flowery smell that seems and 2d4 tox damage per round.
in stark contrast to the rest of the Removing the sticky substance
workshop. The large hole in the ceiling requires an action and a piece of cloth
near the collapsed south wall is filled or something similar. The dagger is
by an enormous blossoming tree that is also covered with a thin coat of this
bathing the room in an eerie green glow toxin. If the characters remain quiet
due to the light passing through its (Stealth check DC12) and don't wake
crown into the smithy. Next to the tree the tree they can try to carefully
on the floor you notice a reflection retrieve the dagger from beneath the
caused by the blade of a beautiful vine without touching it (requires a
ornamented dagger." DEX check DC15). This will also reveal
a glimpse at the buried ore beneath
The dagger on the ground, partly
amidst the roots. Removing the ore
covered by vines, is indeed Delg's
without disturbing or touching them
dagger. The ore the player characters
requires a DC20 DEX check (as the
have been tasked to find is just below
space there is tight this can not be
the tree, covered by its roots as if the
assisted by others).
plant draws some kind of power from

rel13052020mc Page 16
The dagger is a finely balanced weapon fisherman. At this point it slowly
and one of the best pieces of work the begins to rain.
dwarf has ever produced - it provides
+1 to all attack rolls. Should the "As you step past a small group of

characters disturb the tree it will trees. next to the river you see a few

attack. Read the following passage: racks with nets on them, a pier with a
boat and a small hut silhouetted
"You hear a sickening gurgling sound against the fog and the river bank. You
coming deep from the tree in front of you feel the first drops of rain on your skin
and in an instant its gnarled branches and a few moments later there is a
start to move and its trunk is trembling. bright flash of lightning in the sky and
With a quick flick of its slime-covered thunder booms behind you. As if the
branches it flings a burst of toxic tree heavens suddenly opened up it begins
sap towards you!". to rain heavily."

The characters need to make a DEX If the characters approach the hut they
saving throw DC13 or they will be hit may notice (perception DC10) a dim
at an exposed part of their body by the light inside through one of the two
toxic sap. This causes 2d4 tox damage small windows. Should they peek
per round for a total of 10 rounds or inside they will see:
until removed (as described before).
The tree then attacks the characters. "A figure wearing an elaborate but

Please see the Appendix for stats of the slightly oversized dark blue robe

Animated Toxic Tree. covered with golden runes. He or she

seems to be sitting on the floor, hunched
over a book lit by a small candle.
Around the room, you notice several
If the characters follow the roaring items that look to be equipment from an
river past Delg's smithy the wood will alchemical laboratory."
become sparser with large clearings
and patches of moss. A thick mist Inside the hut is Thyakas, Kal Araxs'

hangs on the ground and thickens former apprentice who fled the city

towards the river bank. After about several weeks ago and held out here

half an hour following the river and until, he hoped, Kal would return with

past several small clusters of reed, the a cure. This didn't happen and he is

characters will arrive at a small hut now trapped here as the trees seem to

that once belonged to a local have come alive. If the characters

rel13052020mc Page 17
confront him, they will notice that he is
scared and is trying to find a way out
of the valley. He doesn't dare take the
boat as the river is too treacherous
further downstream this time of year
and he is afraid of moving, closer to the
trees. Thyakas will be cooperative and
tell the player characters what they
would like to know as long as it doesn't
put him into an unfavorable position.
Ideally he hopes they escort him out of
the valley. Thyakas has solid gold eyes, reddish
skin and slightly curled horns protrude
from his forehead. His long black curly
hair is tied up in a bun. He is wearing
The encounter with Thyakas allows the
one of Kal Arax's robes which he stole,
player characters to find significant
along with some equipment from his
clues as to the whereabouts of Kal
lab when he fled from his tower in fear
Arax. Should the players choose a
that the townsfolk might kill him.
different path that does not lead them
People in Astien have been suspicious
past the fisherman's hut you could
of the tiefling but accepted his
introduce an encounter with Thyakas
presence as long as the court magician
in different ways - he could for
was around.
instance have been grappled by a tree
which then fell dormant/asleep and Thyakas was always fascinated by
trapped him. magic and had considered becoming a
sorcerer at first - but he was secretly
afraid of his innate powers and infernal
heritage. Coincidentally he heard of Kal
Arax while wandering the land trying
to avoid the judging eyes of humans
and elves in the bigger cities that every
tiefling has to endure. The wizards'
reputation made an impression on the
young man and he decided that the
more controlled magic of wizardry was

rel13052020mc Page 18
a safer path for him to take. A year ago true recipe and rather, with his dying
he proposed to join Kal Arax as an breath, gave the eager apprentice the
apprentice. Kal initially refused, formula for a potent potion of
secretly trying to avoid any madness.
complications with the Council of
Kal Arax prepared the magical liquid,
Mages (see Kal Arax in the next
not knowing he was sealing his fate.
chapter for details) but the wizard
He approached the queen one last
ultimately gave in when he learned
time, insisting that this time he had
that Thyakas was a skilled alchemist,
found the ultimate cure. The queen,
had a keen talent for finding rare
again tormented by a particularly
alchemic ingredients and was not too
strong migraine agreed to drink the
burdened by moral codes. Thyakas was
potion. However, an hour after she
often out in the field trying to harvest,
drank it her eyes went wild and began
purchase or steal whichever
rolling back into her head. She started
ingredients his master needed. In
stammering and screaming
exchange he was taught the art of
uncontrollably and Kal realized that
wizardly spellcasting. Kal Arax was
things had gone terribly wrong. Fearing
desperate at this time, to find a cure
for his life he grabbed his things that
for the Queens migraines. He had
night and left the city during the night,
already lost her confidence, and the
before anyone realized what had
king also started to mistrust him.
happened. Thyakas was on another
If asked why the wizard left the city, gathering mission at the same time,
Thyakas will just say that "something and when he came back found the
went wrong". If pressed or offered the wizard missing and noticed the
protection he seeks (by being allowed commotion in the castle. Realizing
to join the PCs until he is in safety) he what might have happened, he also
will reveal that the last potion the made his escape - which ultimately
wizard brewed, a particularly difficult brought him to the fisherman's hut
formula, had failed. In truth Thyakas where he is now stuck.
had obtained the recipe through
He thinks he knows where Kal Arax
torturing a legendary gnome alchemist
has gone, a place he mentioned to
he had lured into a trap to earn the
Thyakas before, and ancient monastery
favor of Kal Arax. The gnome
close by the lake and the most ancient
alchemist, knowing he would not come
and magically potent part of the forest.
out of the trap alive, did not reveal the
Thyakas would gladly join the party

rel13052020mc Page 19
who he sees as his only way out. He them, these are their body parts - and
will try to figure out where they are on are standing in a pool of their blood!"
his broad spectrum of morals and act
accordingly. If a situation presents These four trees are about the size of a

itself however where his safety conflicts one-story building each and are

with the groups', he will always act in covered with body parts of the killed

his interest first. villagers. The view is truly gut-

wrenching and characters who see the
scene must make a CON save DC13 or
become nauseous (incapacitated for 2
If the characters follow the river further turns). The trees are (Bloodbarks,
downstream they will find the farms, or Stats in the Annex), and will attack the
what remains of it. There used to be player characters as soon as they
houses, stables, and sheds belonging notice them. Since this fight is taking
to six families here. place during heavy rain fires will be
doused more quickly. Halve the
"The rain is pouring down heavily as number of turns items (or trees) would
you start to see the outlines of several be burning (ie due to spells, alchemists
houses in the distance. This must be the fire etc). Fire spells still do normal
farms southeast of Astien. Some of the initial damage however.
houses are still intact while for others
If the player characters are able to
whole walls have been ripped out or
overcome the monstrous trees they will
bashed in - most likely to get at the poor
be able to search the farms. They don't
souls who tried to find refuge there. As
contain much of value however. Any
you move further, behind one of the
lawful good character in the party will
houses, you see a gruesome display..
likely suggest burying the dead.
four deformed trees, some with axes
and knives lodged deeply in their bark
are standing close together in an
indentation in the ground. You can see
strange objects tangled up in their
crowns and a dark liquid on their bark
that seems to be pooling on the ground
below them. Taking a second look you
realize: the families... they mangled

rel13052020mc Page 20
he approached they decided to try to
THE OLD MONASTERY rob the wizard who was carrying some
of the valuable equipment from his
As the characters leave the village and
former lab in Astien with him.
make their way towards the hills
behind which the old monastery is Kal had no trouble in overcoming them
situated, the rain slowly lessens. The quickly with his sleep spells however.
ground is still wet so movement will be He took them captive, infused them
a bit slower through what is mostly with the same potion he had given to
grassland. There are tracks of the four the queen, and then tested possible
Bloodbarks that made their way to the antidotes. Different were tested on the
farm, which seem to come from the four, but none of them was successful.
direction you are heading. Kal has since found other uses for his
"Standing on the top of the hill and
The monastery only has one point of
looking down in front of you, you can
entry because part of it was built into
see the pale stones of the old monastery
the hills and cannot be accessed other
ahead in the distance. The rain has
than through the front entrance.
stopped but dark, almost black, clouds
have gathered overhead. It almost
"The entrance to the old monastery is
seems like they linger above the old ruin
before you. Large white stone blocks jut
as if to shield it from the light."
like broken teeth from the dark muddy
ground. Several toppled pillars,
This is the place where Kal Arax went
overgrown by moss, are framing a
after he fled from Astien. had been at
walkway towards the hill the
the monastery a few times before and
monastery is embedded in. Some of the
had noticed how powerful the magic
old floor tiles still have washed out
flowed here, most likely due to the
religious symbols which are too faded to
proximity to the ancient forest. After
identify them clearly - but some look
the queen went mad he was
like they have infernal lettering. The
determined to find an antidote for her
wind howls through the cracks in the
walls near the base of the hill where a
The last times Kal visited, the place big door, half unhinged, marks the
was deserted, but this time he found entrance into the dwelling."
some company when he arrived -
recently a band of four bandits had Observant characters (Perception
taken refuge here in the ruins and as DC14) or characters trying to look for

rel13052020mc Page 21
tracks (Survival DC12) will notice white marble pillars holding up a
footprints of humanoid sized boots in bronze roof above the statue. The recent
the soft ground close to the entrance. rain caused small puddles of water to
Closer inspection reveals that these collect at the base and to drain towards
tracks were left by three individuals. the right side of the room where a small
Two of them seem to be wounded or metal grate leads into the darkness
limping. below. There are half-rotten wooden
doors leading into the room left and
right of the hall and one large metal
double door to the front. In addition, two
small stairways towards the end of the
hall, one lead left and one right, lead

A search here will reveal further

footprints all over the place, in
particular to the right room. The door
on that side (3) is open and there is a
distinct bad smell coming from inside.

(2) Dining Hall. There are several

tables and chairs in this room - most
are broken down. Overall enough to
seat about 40 people. One corner
contains a cooking area with a large
pot that has been by the bandits before
Kal's arrival.

(3) Bathroom and toilets. The smell

here is intense. This room has two
(1) Entry Hall. toilet holes in the ground that lead to a
large waste chamber below - there is a
"You step over the large broken door
trough in the corner that probably was
and enter. After a short corridor the
once regularly filled with water from
path widens and you enter a hall, as
the nearby lake by the acolytes who
tall as 2 men that contains a pedestal
used to work in the monastery many
with a weathered stone statue of a
hundreds of years ago. Now it is dried
giant demonic-looking snake; framed by

rel13052020mc Page 22
out and the only water in the room is short bow with 17 arrows, and three
the overflow from the rain that entered pieces of leather armor here. All very
the Entry Hall. neatly arranged in a corner. Among the
equipment is also a pouch of gold
(4) Temple Hall.
containing a total of 140gp.
"The heavy double door leading from The stairwell leads to the first floor of
the entry hall swings open with a loud the monastery (as do the stairs in the
screech that echos in the room beyond. entrance hall.
You step through the gap in the
Characters trying to find out more
doorway into what appears to be a
about the murals and paintings on the
large chapel. The high ceiling has begun
wall need to succeed in a religion DC12
to crack in places and dirt and rubble
roll. If they succeed they will identify
has collected on the once smooth stone
the religion as the Cult of Sood. An
tiles that line the floor. There are
ancient and destructive cult that
ancient murals and symbols all over the
worshipped a humongous demonic
hall, making it likely that this was
snake that they believed would once
indeed a place for rituals or prayer.
bring the end of the world by devouring
Most of the paintings have faded
all living beings. They made sacrifices
decades ago but a few are still visible.
to Sood and it, in return, granted them
One is depicting a gigantic snake
magical powers. Part of the reason the
devouring a group of chained prisoners
monastery was constructed so close to
while a group of, what appears to be,
the ancient enchanted forest was to
priests kneel nearby with their arms
power rituals that would bend the
outstretched. At the far end of the room,
minds of all who lived in the area to
you can see a balcony that connects to
worship the demon goddess. The cult
the first floor. On the left on the far end
was ultimately overthrown, or so it is
of the temple below the balcony, you
believed, and all priests and acolytes
see a stairwell leading up."
either fled or were hunted down and
In the corner of the room the killed. Other abandoned monasteries
characters can find some gear that like this one still exist elsewhere -
belonged to the group of bandits that some of them containing lost artifacts
used this place as a hideout. There are or demonic writings and spells.
the equivalent of two adventurers
packs two swords, two daggers, one

rel13052020mc Page 23
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(5) Acolyte rooms. Here the young search these rooms please use the
members among the priests used to table below to randomly determine
live and sleep. The rooms generally their contents. On all these tables
contain two stone benches on each ignore if a number occurs again and
long side of the room which, pick the next one on the list that has
presumably, were meant for sleeping. If not yet occurred until all items have
the characters would like to enter or occurred once.

Acolyte Room contents table (1d6):

1 This room has collapsed and its entrance is blocked by rubble

2 This room has a partially collapsed ceiling and is otherwise empty.

This room looks intact. It has been cleaned properly and contains writings
on the wall (see writings table below).

4 This room is empty and contains nothing of interest.

This room contains a pack of rats. They quickly scurry away if anyone
opens the door. The rats have been nibbling on something that looks like a
small piece of skin or meat. Inspection (investigation DC17) reveals it's
human meat.
This room has partly collapsed. If characters succeed in a perception DC14
check they will notice some valuables here. (see valuables table below)

Writings table (1d6):

(underscore indicates unreadable words)
1 (in infernal) She who devours shall be praised. ____ who devours shall reign.
2 (in common; recently added) Harkash was here.
3 (in dwarvish) Despair and be devoured by the _______
A number of scratches on the wall - possibly representing days. A total of
212 are on the wall if someone is keen enough to count.
5 (in common lettering) 'Kaliss.'
A drawing of a snake and what looks to be a summoning circle is scratched
into the wall.

rel13052020mc Page 25
Valuables table (1d6):
1 2d4 silver pieces
2 a pouch with material components for spells
a stone engraved with a demonic snake (worth 50 gp for a collector,
worthless otherwise)
4 a metal drinking cup
5 a small box containing 2 figurines of elves made from bone (worth 20gp)
a rusty key (it was for the food storage in the caved-in part of the
monastery, now doesn't fit anywhere).

If the characters enter the room read

the following description:
(6) Meeting room. This room was once
a beautiful meeting room where the
"You see a large room with old, rough
high priests met and dined. Not much
stone walls - apparently currently
is left of the former glory other than a
occupied! There is a table on your left
large stone table, covered in dust and
that contains several alchemy books, a
rubble, and a few faded wall paintings
reading light, and a notebook with ink
showing a great war between the forces
and quill - all neatly arranged on the
of good and evil.
table. There is a makeshift sleeping
(7) Kal Arax's room. This room's door spot in the opposing corner where a
is guarded by a glyph of warding that sleeping bag has been put on top of a
will activate if touched by anyone other foldable mattress. Arcane chalk
than Kal Arax. Characters succeeding drawings showing various alchemical
in an Investigation DC18 roll will notice formulas mark the walls."
the faint glyph drawings hinting at a
If Thyakas is with the party he will be
potential trap. A detect magic spell will
able to identify these items belonging
be able to reveal the nature of the
to Kal, making it likely that he is
glyph. It is a spell glyph storing a
indeed living here and chose this room
powerful sleep spell (PHB 276). The
as his residence. Kal's coat and staff
spell will affect 11d8 hp worth of
are missing, indicating that he is
creatures. Kal choose a sleep ward
currently out. Thyakas will try to
particularly to be able to find new
prevent the PCs from looking at Kal
(living) subjects for his
Arax's notebook. He will either attempt
to steal the book and put it in his

rel13052020mc Page 26
possession or convince the characters been consumed by insanity. This
that it is 'warded by powerful magic becomes apparent in his handwriting
and in any case unreadable' - or which is becoming more and more
something along these lines. sloppy and scratchy. The most recent
entries are most difficult to read but it
If characters do look through the
seems the wizard had started working
notebook, which is written in beautiful
on an alternative solution for the
handwriting - at least at the beginning
problem - giving up hope that any cure
of the book- they will see Kal's account
could be manufactured.
of the story, including the role his
apprentice played (see Kal Arax and The journal ends with a note that two
Tyakas for more information). They will of the bandits had to be dismembered
also learn that Kal experimented, but that he found a use for the other
unsuccessfully, on the Bandits, then two as well.
changed his recipe to one particularly
(8) Alchemy
dangerous and unstable one
lab. The door to
containing the sap of a Gulthias Tree
this room is
(see Appendix).
locked but can
Characters proficient in ancient lore or be broken with
arcana will know that these trees are Lockpicking
rumored to contain the evil soul of a tools (DC 15) or by force (STR check
powerful vampire and spread their DC16 or 20 hp of damage).
corrupting magic throughout the soil
they are planted in. Kal's journal also "This room seems to have been outfitted

details how he seeded the tree in the as an alchemy lab. While the equipment

ancient magical grove and how it had is minimal, you can see a distillation

started to alter the forest - but that he device and some glassware set up on

himself and those with him were an old stone table. As you enter you

"invisible" to the forest awoken from its hear a strange sound coming from a

slumber as long as he carried a corner in which a black cloth has been

Gulthias Tree seed with him. draped over a wardrobe. One of the
books on the table seems to be an
Once he ran out of subjects to
ancient tome - many parts crumpled
experiment on, Kal started to
and withered - that carries the sign of a
experiment on himself - taking low
giant snake and several occult symbols
doses of the maddening potion. He
on the cover."
thinks he is unchanged but in fact has

rel13052020mc Page 27
The sound comes from a horrible The ancient tome on the table, written
creation that Kal, in his madness, has in infernal, contains several demonic
pieced together from the bodies of two recipes - most are unreadable by this
of the bandits. The wizard realized that point. One particular potion is
he likely could not cure the queen (he described to be able to restore the
is unaware that she is dead at this mind - it requires the sap of a Gulthias
point) so he decided, in his insanity, to Tree. There are three flasks containing
construct a "new queen" for the king by a dark liquid in this room. These flasks
creating a flesh golem with the intent hold the same potion that was given to
of casting a permanent illusion spell on the queen and will turn anyone
its face to make it appear as if it was drinking them permanently mad (DM's
the King's wife. Kal has not completed discretion to exact effects here) unless
his project yet and is on the lookout for they succeed a CON DC 13 roll. If they
a suitable face to carry the illusion and succeed the insanity is only temporary
to cover his construction's skull. As and will wear off after 2d6 hours.
soon as the characters remove the Those immune against poison are not
black cloth read: affected. Resistance against poison
prevents permanent madness - here a
"You stare at a horrible beast, failed roll means 2d6 hours insanity
seemingly sewn together from dead and on a successful roll the character
flesh, wearing black rags with long is Dazed for 1 hour. There are also
black hair framing a bright orange skull several other alchemical ingredients
where the head should be. The creature here, among them sap and seeds of the
has human eyes in its sockets however, demonic Gulthias Tree. Carrying the
which it will suddenly open wide the seeds will make the characters
moment you remove the black cover. It invisible to the animated trees (see
will groan with a throaty, mournful Corrupted Grove below.)
sound, make a sudden jagged move
(9) Priest rooms. These rooms
with its long black hair flailing wildly
seemed to have once belonged to the
and then angrily attack with
high priests living and working in the
outstretched arms".
monastery. These rooms are a bit
See flesh golem for stats of the larger and contain some items of value.
monster (MOM p169). The golem will See the table below for details (assign
fight till the death which will also end the room numbers as you see fit).
its horrible torment.

rel13052020mc Page 28
Priest Room Number
This room has collapsed in on itself. Searching through the rubble will
reveal a red robe with a golden demonic snake stitched into it. The robe
1 belonged to a high priest and grants the wearer +1 AC. It also emits an aura
of evil and unless the wearer is of evil alignment, it will attract demons and
other monsters to seek the character out and kill him or her.
This room contains several wall paintings showing scenes from the demonic
planes. There are also some writings on the wall which seem to be a prayer
to Sood. Besides some rotten wood and rubble nothing else is to be found in
this room.
This room is empty but an Investigation DC14 roll will identify a small
compartment behind a wall painting depicting a burning mountain. The
compartment is locked by magic and can only be opened by a dispel magic
spell or by uttering the word "Kaliss". The compartment contains a ring of
mind shielding (DMG 191). The ring emits a demonic aura and those able to
pick these things up will be suspicious of its wearer. Over time, the ring will
also start to make telepathic suggestions to the wearer. DM's discretion as
to the exact nature of these suggestions.
4 This room is empty and contains nothing of interest.
This room contains a stone bookshelf. Most of the books have rotten away
over time but a few are still intact and readable. They all are written in
infernal, show a large demonic snake on the cover, and contain necromantic
spells, demonic prayers, and recipes for poisons among other things.
This room is locked. The door can be lockpicked (DC 10) or forced open (STR
check DC 12 or 10 Hp to destroy). If the door is opened it triggers a trap
(can be spotted with Investigation DC18) where a toxic powder is dropped
from the ceiling, filling the room and 10 ft outside with fine dust. The dust
is painful to inhale and causes violent coughing. Characters must make a
CON save DC14 (poison) or take 2d8 points of damage, half if the save
succeeds. The room contains a sarcophagus. Inside is the mummified
corpse of a high priest wearing a bronze crown on his head (worth 20gp;
200gp to a collector) and is clutching a staff with the symbol of a snake at
the end of it. The staff looks like it is in pristine condition. This staff can
cast dominate person at 6th level (DC 17) once per day. Every time the spell
is cast the user must also make a DC17 WIS save or temporarily become
prone to Sood's influence. This influence will be subtle at first but ultimately
Sood aims to restore her followership and will use the character to do so.

rel13052020mc Page 29
breath and his expression suddenly
THE SHOWDOWN changes to a creepy toothy smile which
he holds for an unnaturally long time.
Kal Arax will return to the monastery
not too long after the characters have In this instant a near unbearably stench
started exploring the place. Ideally you of rotting flesh enters the room and next
will find an opportunity to create a to the man two horribly disfigured
surprising situation where Kal turns creatures with long tongues and claws
up at a time the characters don't and gray skin appear in the doorway.
expect. This is a great opportunity to
'You must be starving..'. I am Kal Arax,
build suspense. Kal is quite insane at
maybe you have heard of me--'. In an
this point, speaking with a slurred
instant then his eyes become extremely
tongue and prone to hallucinations. He
wide and his smile immediately drops.
will try to capture the characters to
experiment on them if he can but won't 'Traitors!!', he screams, 'Intruders!!
hesitate to kill the most dangerous Murderers!! Assassins!! Did the King
ones if necessary. If things don't go send you?! You shall die!!'"
well for the wizard he will attempt to
flee by casting invisibility or some of After his outburst he and his two
his other spells as means of escape. undead companions, two of the
Once he makes an appearance you can bandits he decided to re-animate as his
read this description: bodyguards, will attack. The two
undead are ghasts (MOM p148) that
"Suddenly you hear a soft voice 'Well, Kal created using a magic ritual he
well, well - guests I see - how nice! I discovered in the ruins of the
had not prepared for it but please make monastery.
yourselves at home and I shall see
While seeming sane for some seconds
what we have in the pantry. You like
he snaps into insanity the next second.
venison?'. A tall man in a red robe
Every round roll 1d6. On 1-5 he
embroidered with numerous arcane
attacks the characters, on 6 he snaps
symbols stands in the doorway and
into the "court wizard mode" for a
gestures towards you with his bony
round and acts as if he was attacked at
hands. His near-white skin, thin face
a dinner party without provocation -
and bloodshot eyes sitting in deep
calling for help and for the city guard,
eyesockets makes him appear almost
speaking to or calling for Thyakas etc.
undead. He is, however, taking a deep

rel13052020mc Page 30
If Thyakas is with the party he will stay lookout for the practice of black magic
in the background and, should the (Necromancy) which they outlawed in
combat not go to the PCs favor flee. He this area.
knows that Kal would make him
While an apprentice, Kal never really fit
responsible for the queen's madness.
in well with the other students. He
Thyakas can't imagine the cruelty he
started to learn to manipulate people
would suffer if he fell into the mage's
into liking him. Once Kal finished his
training with Jark Kyleth, he left the
school without making too many
friends despite his efforts.

Kal Arax, often called "the Pale" behind Kal was, and still is, craving the
his back is a tall man with almost admiration of others and is driven by a
grotesquely thin and bony facial strong curiosity and fascination with
features, thin lips, and a bald head anything regarding Necromancy - an
with blueish-white, paper-thin skin. interest that he kept a secret.
Disappointed by his failure to extract
praise from his teachers at wizards'
school he sought out a remote place to
further his study and, hopefully,
without too much competition. He
found Astien to be an ideal place to
settle. His research indicated that a
demonic cult had built a base there
centuries ago to satisfy his curiosity.

Due to a lack of any other wizards in

the area Kal's skills quickly became
chief mage and alchemist of the city.
Born to wealthy parents, young Kal
Over time he also managed to earn the
trained in the legendary school or Jar
trust of the king and queen which gave
Kyleth - one of the most accomplished
him a great boost of confidence. On
wizards of his time and member of the
court he lived a comfortable life that
Council of Mages of the Eastern
allowed him a lot of freedom for his
Kingdoms. The council is tasked with
own private pursuits. His main duties
oversight over all matters regarding
included to counsel the king on all
magic in the kingdoms and they keep a
arcane matters as well as to support

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the city council and healer's guild with more and more pressing for his
important input. standing at court he started to look
into various cures. Ultimately nothing
Kal noticed early on that if he played
he tried was successful and soon the
along with being the helpful court
queen, later the king, started to doubt
wizard he would be able to perform his
his skills as an alchemist and he began
research quietly and without
to fall in disfavor of the royal couple.
interference from the Council of Mages.
His privileges and resources were
Despite this, over the years, he started
reduced and his advice was
to grow more confident and wanted to
disregarded. He started to feverishly
establish himself as an influential
restore his position by looking into any
figure. He started a magic school of his
means, legal or otherwise, to find a
own which was situated in the Tower of
cure. Around the same time he was
Eyes on the outskirts of the town (now
contacted by a young tiefling, Thyakas,
closed) and was able to attract a few
an outcast of sorts who reminded him
students. However, this did also attract
of himself. He took him on as an
the attention of the Council of Mages
apprentice and that proved to be a
who did not approve of Kal's teachings.
fateful decision. Thyakas was eager to
Exact details are unknown but it is
satisfy his master and proved to be
rumored there were some concerns
very resourceful in finding information
about his interest in black magic. The
and novel recipes. Kal had discovered
school was subsequently forced to
mention of a particularly powerful
close, much to Kal's anger. He still
potion invented, but kept a well-
kept on doing his research and even
guarded secret, by a famous gnome
managed to make a friend in the Vizier
alchemist and sent Thyakas to obtain
who shared the wizards' interest in the
it - no questions asked. Thyakas was
finer things in life. They regularly
successful but the formula was deeply
hosted exclusive dinners in Kal's tower.
flawed causing the queen's insanity
A turning point in his position, rather than cure in the end. Kal fled
unfortunately, started when Queen the castle in terror the same night he
Kassarah started to complain of saw this happen. Rightfully fearing
headaches and he was tasked with that the king would have him killed, he
finding a cure. Initially this task only was seeking refuge in the old
bored him and only when the Queen's monastery that was once used by a
migraines became worse and worse cult and rumored to contain tomes,
and the need to find a cure became forbidden by the Council of Mages, with

rel13052020mc Page 32
demonic alchemic recipes. The his influence like a festering wound. If
monastery also was close to the the characters travel to the heart of the
enchanted forest which he know grove where the Gulthias Tree is
harbored particularly potent planted, read the following description:
ingredients for alchemical preparations
- preparations, he hoped, would allow "At the end of a winding path through a

him to cure the queen's madness. As dead forest full of dark withered trees

fate would have it, he encountered you see a large clearing with a small

several bandits in the monastery and hill made of blackened earth. A large

took the opportunity to capture them black tree with a trunk glistening with

and use them for experimentation. He sticky slime reeking of decaying flesh.

gave them the same potion that the The slime has seeped into the soil below

queen had consumed, turning them and can be seen bubbling from the

mad. He then tried to cure them with earth occasionally, causing a foul

recipes he found in the demonic stench. The surrounding trees are

scriptures from the Cult of Sood. One of similarly corrupted, deformed and

the recipes required the sap of a withered. There is a powerful dark aura

Gulthias Tree. He owned a seed for surrounding the central tree and

years and decided to plant in the fertile anyone looking upon it will feel uneasy

soils of the magic forest. His plan in the presence of pure evil before

worked out and the tree sprouted from them."

the ground in a mere three days,

The tree has since corrupted the forest
corrupting all the trees around it and
and caused death and destruction in
spreading his evil across the forest.
the area. Kal harvested black seeds
Animating the trees and fueling them
and some sap from it on several
with a murderous rage.
occasions and the wizard won't be
attacked by the evil forest.

For this nightmare to end and for the

Regardless on how the encounter with trees to stop murdering innocents the
Kal pans out, the heart of the problem Gulthias Tree needs to be destroyed.
lies with the corrupted magical forest
Attacking the tree, or setting it on fire,
that needs to be addressed. A small
will override the effect of being in
path leads past the lake near the
possession of a seed of the tree. Please
monastery to a grove where the evil
find the stats of the tree in the
tree was planted and has since spread

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Astien will turn cold. Most people are
EPILOGUE still not entirely sure what happened -
some blaming it on a curse that befell
The forest will return to a dormant
the king and queen - possibly a spell
stage in the instant that the Gulthias
by the court wizard who seems to be
Tree is destroyed. All trees that moved
missing. Many have lost loved ones.
away from the grove will remain where
they are now. Much of the forest was Thyakas, knowing that trouble will

corrupted and, unless some efforts are head his way if he stays (assuming he

taken, will slowly be poisoned by the is alive) will try to leave the kingdom as

toxic earth left behind in the area quickly as possible and take a ship

where the evil tree once stood. If the across the sea of salts to new shores.

soil is replaced the grove will recover He would love to be able to take along

but no trees will grow in a large circle some of Kal's spellbooks but is not

around the area and the magical aura sure he can risk entering the city once

of the forest will be forever tainted and more. He may try to convince the

weakened. characters to do it for him if he feels

there is an opportunity and the
Astien will slowly return to normal.
dangers of the forest have been
Trade will pick up again and bards will
begin to write spine-chilling songs of
what happened here. The Council of If Kal Arax survives he will remain a

Mages will soon send one of their constant danger in the region as his

trusted agents to investigate what madness and drive for admiration by

happened in the area and start looking others will make him hunger for power

to arrest (and subsequently likely and, likely, the domination of the

execute) Kal and his apprentice (should kingdom. In one of his clearer

they have survived the adventure). The moments, he will drop the idea of

king will never return to his former seeking the king's approval, knowing

cheerful self and will remove himself that this is now impossible given the

from most business at court. In his king blames him for what happened to

stead the vizier Eldas will begin to his wife, and will instead plot to take

steer the fate of the kingdom. Eldas over the throne for himself - dreaming

lacks the compassion of his king and that the citizens of Astien would

favors coin over kind words. The once worship him as their new god-king.

warm welcome that travelers from all

places used to receive at the gates of

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c c

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(1) Main Hall. A beautiful room with red walls and a high ceiling. Several pillars
(black circles) reach to the ceiling and connect to the outer walls of the tower. To
the left is an unlocked door to a bathroom. On the right is a platform with a long
dining table and several elaborately carved wooden chairs in front of a fireplace in
the corner. A colorful mosaic showing two dragons intertwined decorates the floor
and the walls have several paintings of impressive landscapes. The room also
contains two display cases with withered stone statues in them looking like giant
snakes. Characters succeeding in a Religion DC18 roll can identify these as
symbols of the Cult of Sood. See "The Monastery" for details on the cult. Kal Arax
used to hold his fine dinner parties in this room.

(2) Master Bedroom. The door to this room is unlocked and left open. A highly
decorated and neatly organized bedroom with an impressive wooden bed and
several wardrobes with elaborate clothes. Some clothes are thrown on the ground,
out of place for the otherwise orderly appearance, as if someone was searching for
something here.

(3) Master Bathroom. There is a large golden bathtub here, as well as a magical
outlet for water. A small cupboard stacks several accurately folded towels and
various soaps and similar items.

rel13052020mc Page 36
(4) Apprentice's Chamber. A small bedroom containing a simple wooden bed, a
couple of books on basic alchemy and student's notes, transcribing several recipes.
It looks like this room was left in a hurry by whoever lived here. Several pieces of
clothing are littered on the floor and the wardrobe is left open.

(5) Guest Bathroom. A bathroom for guests with a toilet and a small water basin.
Walls are painted in lavender and containing several pots with aetheric oils
smelling of flowers.

(6) Garden Toolshed. There are various tools here to tend to the indoor garden.

(7) Kitchen. A neatly organized and well-equipped, meticulously clean kitchen.

There is fine silverware cutlery and china stacked in racks below the black marble
kitchen table.

(8) Pantry. A selection of cured meats, spices, and vegetables are stacked here.
Some are engulfed by a light blue stasis field that seems to stop the aging and
spoiling of any item placed in it.

(9) Library and Study. There are several large bookshelves here that are placed on
rails so they can be moved. The books in this library contain a large proportion of
forbidden tomes on demonic cults, necromancy and alchemy. There is also a large
armchair and a lectern here. There are gaps in the library and it seems like some
books were removed in haste.

(10) Laboratory. On a raised platform there is a large alchemical laboratory

containing huge copper barrels, various pieces of glassware, distillation equipment,
and a large collection of alchemical ingredients. The room also contains several
cages of dead rats that seem to have starved to death. One rat still seems to be
moving in an unnatural fashion. Characters succeeding in an Investigation DC12
roll will notice that there is something wrong with this rat.. it is, in fact, undead.
The doors to (11) are locked but the locks can be picked with thieves' tools (DC 13)
or forced open (STR check DC 14 or 20Hp of damage). The laboratory also contains
a small display case that was left open with an empty small bowl in it.

(11) Indoor Garden. This room contains a bright globe of magical light floating in
the middle of the room. There are large flowerbeds on the floor and suspended from
the ceiling that stretches from one end of the room to the other. The plants have
started to overgrow here and it is almost like walking in a jungle. This garden
contains several rare and valuable alchemical ingredients.

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Huge plant, chaotic evil.

Armour Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit points 120
Speed 20 ft.


23(+6) 8(-1) 21(+5) 4(-3) 16(+3) 4(-3)

Damage vulnerabilities fire

Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Senses passive perception 13
Languages none
Siege Monster. The animated tree deals double damage to structures.

Multiattack. The tree makes either two branch-, two grapple-, or one branch and
one grapple attack.
Branch attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 28
(4d10+6) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3)
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple
ends the target is restrained and the tree can automatically hit it, using one of its
attacks (2d10+3 bludgeoning damage).

rel13052020mc Page 38
Huge plant, chaotic evil.

Armour Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit points 120
Speed 20 ft.


18(+4) 8(-1) 21(+5) 4(-3) 16(+3) 4(-3)

Damage vulnerabilities fire

Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Senses passive perception 13
Languages none
Siege Monster. The animated tree deals double damage to structures.

Multiattack. The tree makes either two branch-, two grapple-, or one branch and
one grapple attack.
Branch attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 19
(3d10+4) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4)
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple
ends the target is restrained and the tree can automatically hit it, using one of its
attacks. Only one creature can be grappled at a given time.

rel13052020mc Page 39
Large plant, chaotic evil.

Armour Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit points 60
Speed 30 ft.


20(+5) 10(+0) 21(+5) 4(-3) 10(+0) 4(-3)

If the tree is hit it will start to bleed human blood.

Damage vulnerabilities fire
Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Senses passive perception 13
Languages none
Siege Monster. The animated tree deals double damage to structures.

Multiattack. The tree makes two attacks.
Branch attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 20
(3d10+5) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d10+3)
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple
ends the target is restrained and the tree can automatically hit it, using one of its
attacks. Only one creature can be grappled at a given time.

rel13052020mc Page 40
Large plant, chaotic evil.

Armour Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit points 50
Speed 35 ft.


16(+3) 13(+1) 21(+5) 4(-3) 16(+3) 4(-3)

Damage vulnerabilities fire

Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Senses passive perception 13
Languages none
For every 20 points of damage the vine takes it looses one attack (vines are
cut/burnt off).

Multiattack. The thorned vine makes four attacks with thorned tentacles.
Branch attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 7
(1d8+3) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3)
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14).
Until this grapple ends the target is restrained and the tree can automatically hit it,
using one of its attacks. The vine can only grapple one target at a time.

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Medium humanoid, 2nd level wizard (necromancy), neutral evil.

Armour Class 13 (Kal Araxs' Blue Robe gives +2 AC)

Hit points 14
Speed 30 ft.


10(0) 13(+1) 14(+2) 16(+3) 10(+0) 12(+2)

Damage resistances fire

Senses passive perception 10
Languages common, gnome, infernal, orc.
Notable Skills Arcana +5, Investigation +5, Persuasion +2
Spellcasting DC 13, Spell Attack +5.
Cantrips (at will): Thaumaturgy, Mage Hand, Chill Touch
1st level (3 slots): Charm Person, Disguise Self, False Life
Abilities Grim harvest (PHB page 118)

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit: 1d4+1 piercing.

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Medium humanoid, level 10 wizard (necromancy), neutral evil.

Armour Class 15 (Kal Araxs' Red Robe gives +2 AC and advantage on fire saves)
Hit points 42
Speed 30 ft.


8(-1) 13(+1) 10(+0) 18(+4) 14(+2) 15(+2)

Saves +8 Int, +6 Wis.

Damage resistances necrotic, cold (ring of warmth)
Senses passive perception 10
Languages common, gnome, infernal, orc.
Notable Skills Arcana +5, Investigation +5, Persuasion +2
Spellcasting DC 16, Spell Attack +8.
Cantrips (at will): Thaumaturgy, Mage Hand, Chill Touch, Friends, Prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): Charm Person, Disguise Self, False Life, Sleep
2nd level (3 slots): Melf's Acid Arrow, Suggestion, Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd level (3 slots): Animate Dead, Feign Death, Glyph of Warding
4th level (3 slots): Blight, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility
5th level (2 slots): Dominate Person, Contagion, Raise Dead
Abilities Grim harvest (PHB page 118)

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit: 1d4+1 piercing.

Pouch with material components for spells, a small bejeweled dagger (worth 150gp),
a book of spells, rubies (worth 400gp), a pouch with 300gp, a ring of warmth, a
black staff made of demon bone with white ivory inlays (worth 1200 gp to a
collector) that can cast a 5th level darkness spell twice a day.

rel13052020mc Page 43
Huge plant, chaotic evil.

Armour Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit points 250
Speed 30 ft.


23(+6) 10(+0) 21(+5) 4(-3) 10(+0) 4(-3)

Damage vulnerabilities fire

Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Immunities Immune to necrotic, poison, psychic damage.
Senses passive perception 13
Languages none
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Regeneration If the tree is reduced to 0 hp it appears to be dead but will slowly
regenerate at a rate of 1 hp per day. The tree can only be killed if also it's roots are
dug out of the ground and burnt. The roots are covered in a toxic slime that causes
2d4 toxic damage on touch until removed or until 1d6 rounds have passed. Gloves
protect from the toxin.

Multiattack. The tree makes either two branch-, two grapple-, or one branch and
one grapple attack.
Branch attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 28
(4d10+6) bludgeoning damage.
Grapple. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3)
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple
ends the target is restrained and the tree can automatically hit it

rel13052020mc Page 44
3 months ago: The queen drinks Kal Arax's potion and goes insane. Kal runs from
the city. Thyakas remains behind for a few days, staying in Kal's tower but keeping
a low profile. He soon realizes that he will be found if he stays as the Vizier
suddenly looks through the tower in search of Kal. Thyakas isn't seen but he
decides to leave as well and stay outside the city for a while.

2 months ago: Kal experimented on the bandits and turned them all insane. He
tries various recipes and plants the Guthas Tree. Kal now starts to take small
doses of the madness potion himself, still aiming to find a cure using the sap of the
rapidly growing Guthas Tree.

Thyakas has taken refuge in the old fishing hut near the farms, waiting for Kal to
return with a cure for the queen. At night he sometimes sneaks into Astien for food
or to fetch items from Kal's tower.

Fadila sneaks into the queen's chambers and is disturbed by what she sees.

1 month ago: The Gulthias Tree's evil spreads and the forest suddenly becomes
alive with a rage, fueled by the evil spirit and by their ancient magic. They start to
kill farmers and move towards Astien seeking blood.

Trade stops due to dangers on the road. Scouts are sent out to report.

Kal has turned insane as well - he gives up on making a cure and switches to
creating a "new queen" instead. He also turns two of the bandits into ghasts,
assuming that the animated trees may cause some unrest but hoping it won't be
linked to him.

Thyakas decided too late to escape to the next city and now is forced to stay in the
hut to avoid the blood-thirsty trees who he thinks may have killed the farmers. He
hopes to hold out in the hut until he can use the boat to escape.

3 weeks ago: The servants tasked to take care of the queen forget to fasten her
restraints on the bed - the queen kills herself.

The king falls into a deep depression. The vizier orders the servants to be thrown
into the dungeon, tortured, and killed. Thyakas hears of this and decides to escape
the city in fear of being killed by an angry mob.

rel13052020mc Page 45
This concludes the adventure, I hope you had as much fun playing it as we - the
trolls and I - had writing it for you!

Pretty please: let us know what you think here (mini-survey). It's 3 Questions,
takes 50 seconds to answer -- yes I timed it!

It helps me to know what you guys like to make more stuff you enjoy.

If you would like to support my work, consider one of the paid courses on, spread the word, or buy me a coffee, err I mean buy the trolls a food

If you would like to get in touch, you can send me an email here. Be nice.

Thanks to:

Lola (our puppy dog) - for showing great interest in the printouts and only chewing
on some of the pages.

Petra - for looking through the manuscript and valuable feedback.

Mario and Mari - for inspiration

.. and you!

Copyright 2020, Mark Millard,

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