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An electronic signature is a form of replacing handwritten signature by using electronic means it

can be in the form of scribbling or other means while a digital signature is a cryptographic means of
protecting a digital document so that changes can be detected by the recipient of the document.
Open the PDF document.
Click on the PDF document where you want to add the digital signature.
Select Digital signature.
Select the Digital signature that you want to use.
Verify the digital signature selected is correct.
Click save.
Your signature will be inserted.
3. Explain how digital certificates attain the following
a) identifying the identity of the signer
Digital certificates identify the identity of the signer by comparing
b) Approbation ( formal approval of something)
c) integrity of the message
d) public verifiability (automatic verification of communicating entitites)
a) Total Break- it is when an attacker manages to compute the signer’s secret key.
b)Selective forgery- it occurs when an attacker finds the valid signature s of a given public key for a
message m and the message must be fixed before the attack starts.
d)Existential forgery- it is when an attacker manages to create a message/signature pair where the
signature is not from the signer and the message does not have be relevant.
A sender signs a document using a Private key (a,p,q)
While the reciever verifies the authenticity of the document using Public key (b,n)
such that n = pq and
a = b – 1mod(phi)
ab = 1 mod phi
we sign message m using signature (S) and message digest (D) such that:
D = Sa mod n return x,y
the reciever verify’s the signature (S,D)
if S = Db mod n returns true the document is authentic else if it gives false the document is not
6. Bob wishes to send the message digest 48 to Alice. Given the prime numbers p= 7 and q = 13
a) Determine Bob's public and private keys
n = pq
7*13 = 91
phi=(p-1) (q-1)
ab = 1 mod phi
a=5-1 mod 72
private key (29)
public key(5, 91)

b)Determine Bobs digital signature for the message.

S=Da mod n
S=4829 mod 91
c) Sate the Key that Bob will send to Alice in advance
the public key (5,91)
c)explain what Alice will do upon receiving the signed message to determine the Authenticity of the
message source and the integrity of the message.
Alice will calculate the message digest using the signature if the digest is equal to the one given the
message is authentic.
D = Sb mod n
=555 mod 91
shows that the message is authentic.

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