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The Top 100 Emojis Explained

Emoji Name Meaning

Face with Tears of Joy Extreme happiness or laughter
Love (red by default, but meaning is same for any
Red Heart color)

Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Love or adoration

Rolling on the Floor Laughing Intense or hysterical laughter

Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Positive or happy

Person with Folded Hands Prayer, thank you, and sometimes a high five

Two Hearts Romance or love is in the air

Uncontrollable tears, perhaps due to sadness or
Loudly Crying Face joy

Face Throwing a Kiss Kissing someone, or general expression of love

Thumbs Up Sign Well done, good job, or approval

Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Cold
Sweat Relief, nerves, or excitement

Clapping Hands Sign Round of applause in celebration

Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Glowing, beaming happiness

Fire Hot or excellent

Broken Heart Grief, loss, or longing

Sparkling Heart Extra special love, sometimes playful

Crying Face Upset or in pain

Thinking Face Pondering or questioning

Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Tightly-
Closed Eyes Great excitement or happiness

Face With Rolling Eyes Sarcasm or boredom

Flexed Biceps Strength or fitness

Winking Face Joking or being cheeky

Smiling Face Happy or positive

OK Hand Sign Okay or correct

Hugging (love and support) or jazz hands
Hugging Face (enthusiasm)

Pensive Face Reflective or remorseful

Smiling Face with Sunglasses Cool or confident

Smiling Face with Halo Angelic or innocent

Rose Romance or to be used on a special occasion

Face Palm Frustrated or dumbfounded

Party Popper Celebration or congratulations

Revolving Hearts A whirlwind of love

Victory Hand Peace or success

✨ Sparkles Positive, happy, or celebration

Shrug Indifference or unknowing

Face Screaming in Fear Shocked or scared

Relieved Face Content or calm

Cherry Blossom Love or to be used on a special occasion

Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration Celebrating with hands in the air

Face Savoring Delicious Food Cheeky, poking fun, or enjoying food

Smirking Face Mischievous or flirting

Slightly Smiling Face Happy, but often used ironically

Grinning Face with Star Eyes Amazed, impressed, or excited

Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling
Eyes Great happiness

Grinning Face Elevated happiness

Smiling Face with Open Mouth Happiness

Hundred Points Symbol 100 percent approval

See-No-Evil Monkey Hiding, cringing, or in disbelief

Backhand Index Pointing Down Pointing down

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Multiple Musical Notes Three eighth notes, for singing or music

Unamused Face Annoyed, sceptic, or irritated

Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes and Hand
Covering Mouth Giggling or cheeky surprise

Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament Emphasized love

❗ Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol Emphasis or shock

Face with Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking
Eye Fun, joking, or cheeky

Kiss Mark A seductive kiss

Eyes Shifty or sneaky, sometimes flirtatious

Sleepy Face Ill, tired, or sad

Expressionless Face Bored, indifferent, or pausing to collect thoughts

Collision Symbol Explosion or exciting

Happy Person Raising One Hand Waving or asking a question

Disappointed Face Disappointed, upset, or remorse

Weary Face Distressed, drained, or deep enjoyment

Pouting Face Annoyed or angry

Grinning Face with One Large and One Small
Eye Goofy, wild, or unhinged

Fisted Hand Sign Punching or giving a fist bump

Sun Sunny, warm, or hot

Disappointed but Relieved Face Upset or concern

Drooling Face Desiring something or delirious

Backhand Index Pointing Right Pointing to the right

Dancer Excitement, positivity, or happiness

Flushed Face Embarrassed, surprised, or flattered

Raised Hand Stop or high five

Kissing Face With Closed Eyes Puckering for a kiss

Face with Stuck-Out Tongue and Tightly-
Closed Eyes Playful, fun, or happy

Sleeping Face Tired or bored

Glowing Star Strong approval or celebration

Grimacing Face Tense, nervous, or awkward

Upside Down Face Silliness, often used for irony or sarcasm

Four Leaf Clover Good luck

Tulip Love or to be used on a special occasion

Smiling Cat Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes Love or adoration, plus it's a cat!

Face with Cold Sweat Downbeat, sad, or disappointed

⭐ Star Rating something, giving approval, or celebration
✅ Check Mark Button Approval or verification

Rainbow Love or gay pride

Smiling Face With Horns Cheeky, naughty, or mischief

Sign of the Horns Rock on or let's party

Splashing Sweat Symbol Sweat, working hard, stress, or liquids

Check Mark Approval or verification

Persevering Face Struggling or annoyed

Runner Fitness or escaping a situation

Bouquet Appreciation or happiness

Frowning Face Sad, concerned, or disappointed

Confetti Ball Celebration or congratulations

Heart With Arrow Lovestruck, as if by Cupid

Angry Face Annoyed, angry, or mean

Index Finger Pointing Up The number one, to interject, or to point up

Confused Face Puzzled or disappointed

Hibiscus Beauty or to be used on a special occasion

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