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Expression Concern

a. What happened?
b. What happened to you?
c. What’s going on?
d. Whats wrong?

Asking why or how something happened

a. Why did he do that?

b. Why did he do that to you?
c. What is he like that?
d. Why was he like that?
e. Why do you think she is like that?
f. Why do you think she is like that?
g. How could that happen?
h. How did it happen?
i. How did you find it out?
j. how did you find it out?

Suggesting past options giving advice

a. You could’ve asked them why they didn’t invite you

b. You could’ve stopped her from to start
c. You could’ve said politely

Giving belated advice showing regrets

a. You should’ve known that people often lie on social media.

b. I shouldn’t have been to preoccupied on social media
c. I shouldn’t have taken it too anxiously

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