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Hi everyone! I’m Jhun and I’m also playing in Server 44 and Server 61. I created this simple
guidelines so we can grow as a server. This guidelines is very basic and not too technical.

Retainer Management

• Have top 4-5 retainers (recommended attribute: 600 each), this way you won’t be a food
in CS tribunal. Later on, you can expand and make it top 8-10. If you have been playing
CS tribunal, you would have noticed that players with low aptitude (less than 100) usually
get feed on. To avoid being a food, work on your retainers’ aptitude.
• Most of us have 30 retainers, this is the ideal amount of retainers to have. Some
experienced players have less than 30 retainers. Less than 30 retainers is good for Royal
Tribunal. In S61, I only have 17 retainers since my alliance is Royal Tribunal-focused,
however, every CS Tribunal, my rank is always in the top 150 because I have less retainers
to push further.
• If you have between 25-30 retainers, do not colour all of them at the beginning but since
a lot of new players tend to do this, this is OKAY! Just work on their aptitude. The more
you colour your rets, the weaker your tribunal defense becomes because you will have to
spread out the attributes and aptitudes to all of your retainers. But once again, if you’ve
already done this, just work on fixing your top 4-5 retainers first.
• Keep saving gold. If you have at least 20 retainers, it is ideal if you can unlock all 20 seats
in the institute.
• Use scrolls on 4-5 stars specialty only. Do not waste scrolls on 1-3 stars. Using scrolls on
6-7 stars is also okay but do this at your own risk. You get better power increase when
using scrolls on 4-5 stars specialty.
• Build your retainers properly according to their specialty. For example, William Wallace’s
specialty is Strength (and if he’s one of your top retainer), you feed him Strength
• It is recommended to have 1 top retainer for each specialty: Strength, Politics, Charisma
and Intelligence.
• Book exp can be used on 6-7 stars.


Confidant Management

• Focus on one confidant at a time. Do not spread out the charms and intimacy. I did this
in S44 and I kept getting lousy babies. In S61 and S80, I focused one confidant at a time
and I get power babies.
• Exile the confidants that you don’t need but make sure their partnered retainer is also
exiled. Be sure to use the confidant exp skills before exiling both of them.

Prison Management

Day 1: Do not punish any prisoners yet.

Day 2: Start punishing prisoners.

Cross Server Events

• It is highly recommended to join every CS/MS events especially Power and Tribunal.
Intimacy can be skipped once in awhile since it’s the most expensive. Aptitude can be
skipped if it happens 2-3 times/month. In older servers, it happens 2-3 times/month.
• The more you participate in CS/MS events, the more resources you get for powering up.
I used to skip a lot of CS/MS events in my original server and I missed out on a lot of

Local Event Management

• Hoard everything – power items, aptitude items, intimacy, coins, troops, and crops. Wait
for local event to come then you can pump. If the events do not have CS/MS tickets, you
can pour all your stash.

Enjoy the Game!

Try not to offend anyone. You never know who will be your future alliance mate, friend or even
leader. You never know one day you might need to ask help from them (for example: got
snatched in envoy, etc.).


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