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dio: Vocab Flashcards feos eeR eC echt El hotel Kok acampar | to camp lascensor | elevator primer, primerofa fst confirmar una! to contr a elfa botones | belhop segundo/a | second reservacion © reservation lacama : bed tercer, tercero/a : third estar de : to be on vacation ‘ela empleado/a | employee ceuartoja ! fourth vacaciones (fp) lahabitacion ; single, double tofa = fifth hacer tas maletas {to pack one’s individual, dable {room sextofa | sixth suitcases) el hotel hotel ‘séptimo/a : seventh hacer un viaje | to tae a trip eats aa err ane ide compras (fp!) £ to g0 shopping wae ir de vacaciones | foy noveno/a.! ninth to go on vacation elpiso | oor (ota building) écimola | tenth iron autobis (m), ; to go by bus, car taplamataje | grundtior ) a ‘uto(mévil)(m), plane, boat, avin (m,),barco ! motorcycle, taxi | (mn), mota(cicteta) (tht (m) Freee jugar las cartas | to ploy cards ahora mismo: right now tmontara caballo) | to ride a horse abierto/a {open laio | year pescar | tofish aburridefa bored; boring {Cuil es lafocha | Whatis the ge sacartomar fotos #10 take photos | alegre heppy, joyful (de hoy)? £ (today)? (t ph) amablo nice; friendly le buen/mal humor: jo good/bad, ‘ella agente de viajes : travel agent avergonzado/a ; embarrassed laestacion ; season olf inspector(a) de | customs inspector cansado/a | tired et mes month auduanos eorradofa closed todavia | yot sil ola viajerofa : traveler eémodo/a comfortable ln agente cee | ontento/a 7 contont easons, months, : See page oan pee dosordonadofa | disorderly | and datos i ‘enamoradofe (de) | in fove (wth) Weather | Seepage 154 el campo £ countryside | expressions sl equipaie | luggage rect object | See page 174 oquivocada/a | wrong Inestacion de { huis, subway, train i anormal | autobuses, det | station feliz : happy See ee roto, de tren limpiofa clean Jallegada : arrival lista: ready; smart elmar : sea nenvieso/a | nervous el paisaje : fandscapo scupado/a busy el pasaje (de ida: (round-trip) ticket ordenad/a ! orderly vwuelta} preocupado/a (por) : worried (about) ol pasaporte : passport | seguro/a sure; safe laplaya | beach suciofa | dirty fa salida ; departure; exit J) iste | sad

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