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No. . Braver Than We Are v.8/12/02 A. niao Jad iret oN 1 will ne-ver sleep. Ev'-0y night Ml be with you ‘There is so much on your aa mind that i don't know Feels like tim on fire and the flames have got no Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.2 m9 TH hermentigdt mutter tnt ine re a fun Times I've want to hide Things Ihavecn't done Things | cast a.- skle So mancy things to or. try So man-y things de - nied There's no de-ny-ing Soon - er or lat - er 1 knew | could run now Braver Than We Are 8/1202 p.3 ) Soon > er or fat - er has fin - al-ly come now! How can we fy —stike the | an-gels in the ier RCE erect sete gE sac-red. ak? High - er and high + er a - bove the world and all its cares! wi Ev-'ry-bo-dy'sread-y to fly but the storms are ney-er so ver-y for and wish my life was shin-ing like a star —sbut the fears are nev-ér ver = y far and Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.4 Doce meno mosso UT Tce teed al ee cle ee dream __wedbe braver bit we nev- er are 1 need so much 1 need your touch, 1am sick of this place and this cold 1 don't want to get old without Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.5 liv = ing 4 am tired dosing just what im told 1 want more than what Aires #0 Yrone’s oW- Jeg There.are go ap ~ y wounds ose can't heal $ ight-mares are tur-ning too real So much of Par - a-dise lost And you add up the net ti Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.6 Alfred ee Alfred. n 9 ‘motto ralt "died close to_you!! = Noth ing thatwe're scared to dot We. al-ways seem so much bray-er than we ever are We aways dream weld be braver than we. Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.7 all. eo erate Let's run a> way 90 too far 1 will ne- ver sleep Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.8 Now my heart has been a - weke-ned to feel the year-ning for a sine gle perefecttouch 6 1 can't af-ford to wait All the mag-ic will be tek - en I don’t wan-na lose it there can nev-er be too much ‘There are times I've got'to run Times I've got to — Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.9 hide Things IVeleft un-‘done Things I cast a~ side. So many thingsto try So man-y things de- RS led And all’ I knows Soon - er or fat ~ ef 1 wan- ted @ chance mom Soon - er ot lat - er is. pocoral, ~~ chee J can dance now! Weight - fess oy free tH be fe - bom it ‘ en - dare im - t+ tess Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 _p.10 y "there'll be no more = boun = Nes = an = y= where, e Do what reas-on does not per- mit And.don't ask:if youth revgret it to-mor. - row. And: my. Wfe is fin - "ly shining ike @ start can leave those fears right where they are leave those fears right where they are now mo Braver Than We Aresi1202 pl —— eee I Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.12 ms Martellato Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.13 Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.14 sraver Than We Are 8/12/02._p.15 Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.16 Alfred col Reb. 2 Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.17 wi should 1 a hy ny Braver Than We Are 8112/02 p.18 Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.19 (CRESC. POCOA POC BraverThan We Are 8/12/02 p.20 Braver Than We Are 8/12/02 p.21 Brayer Than We Are 8/12/02_p.22

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