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Computer Assisted Human Follicle Analysis for

Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound

Bart M. ter Haar Romeny1 , Bart Titulaer1 , Stiliyan Kalitzin1 ,

Gabriëlle Scheffer2 , Frank Broekmans2 , Joes Staal1 , and Egbert te Velde2
Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht University,
PO Box 85500, NL–3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Subdivision for Reproductive Medicine,
University Hospital Utrecht, The Netherlands

Abstract. Knowledge about the status of the female reproductive sys-

tem is important for fertility problems and age-related family planning.
The volume of these fertility requests in our emancipated society is
steadily increasing. Intravaginal 3D ultrasound imaging of the follicles
in the ovary gives important information about the ovarian aging, i.e.
number of follicles, size, position and response to hormonal stimulation.
Manual analysis of the many follicles is laborious and error–prone. We
present a multiscale analysis to automatically detect and quantify the
number and shape of the patient’s follicles. Robust estimation of the
centres of the follicles in the speckled echographic images is done by cal-
culating so-called winding number of the intensity singularity, i.e. the
path integral of the angular increment of the direction of the gradient
vector over a closed neighbourhood around the point. The principal edges
on 200–500 intensity traces radiating from the detected singularity points
are calculated by a multiscale edge focussing technique on 1D winding
numbers. They are fitted with 3D spherical harmonic functions, from
which the volume and shape parameters are derived.

1 Introduction
Changes in societal behaviour have led to postponement of childbearing in most
developed countries. In the Netherlands the mean age at which a woman gives
birth to her first child has now risen to 30 years. As female fecundity decreases
with advancing age an increasing number of couples is faced with unexpected
difficulties in conceiving. It is estimated that approximately 15,000 couples visit
infertility clinics in the Netherlands annually. For some 70% of these couples,
age-related fecundity decline may play a role and a further increase is to be
The decline in the number of follicles containing oocytes from the ovary and
a decrease in the quality of these oocytes are the main causes of the decline in
female fecundity. This loss in functional capacity of the ovary is more rapid in
some women. Identification of women with advanced loss in ovarian function has
been quite difficult so far. Recent research has shown that the number of visible

A. Kuba et al. (Eds.): IPMI’99, LNCS 1613, pp. 56–69, 1999.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999

Human Follicle Analysis for Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound 57

follicles, assessed by ultrasound in a group of women, is correlated with proven

fertility [3,4,18]. Based on this observation, ultrasound-based follicle counts are
being developed as a ‘test’ for reproductive age. This enables us to recognise
infertile women with exhausted reproductive capacity and advise them to refrain
from further diagnosis and treatment. Likewise, recognition of especially younger
infertile women with advanced loss of follicles will lead to prompt referral for
the application of assisted reproduction techniques. In our modern emancipating
society, questions are being raised related to the planning tension between career
and family: when I am young, what is the status of my reproductive system; can
I safely postpone childbearing and first pursue a career? When I get older, until
what age am I still likely to be able to conceive spontaneously? It is known that
the decrease in number of follicles is bi–exponential, and accelerates after the
age of 37 [4,18] (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the risk of damage to the ovary during
chemo– or radiotherapy is another reason to predict the age when the follicular
storage is depleted.

Fig. 1. Two 2D slices from a 3D ultrasound image of a normal 23 year old volunteer.
The follicles are clearly visible as dark hypo-echogenic circular areas in the ovary, which
is visible as a slightly darker background in the central part of the images. Typical
diameters of follicles are 2–8 mm, in a 2–4 cm diameter slightly ellipsoidal ovarian

For a large–scale evaluation of these application areas, high quality and au-
tomated information about the ovarian anatomy, especially of the follicles, is
needed. 3D ultrasound turns out to be an practical and cost effective acquisi-
tion mode. Manual counting and measuring all the follicles by inspecting the
2D slices from a 3D dataset is tedious and time consuming, and often inaccu-
rate. Automated analysis reports have been few and only in 2D [15,16,21,22].
Ultrasound data are characterised by interference noise, a wide range of often-
occurring artefacts, and low contrasts. So robust and noise resistant methods
must be developed to find the follicle centres and contours. Often follicles are
not spherical, particularly when they are touching each other, making Hough
transform methods less suitable [16]. This paper describes a new scale-space
58 B. M. ter Haar Romeny et al.

based method to detect and delineate the follicles automatically and accurately
in 3D ultrasound. The paper focuses on the multiscale detection methods. A
clinical paper describing the patient studies in detail is in preparation.

2 Ovarian Anatomy
The decline of human quota of oocytes begins before birth when ovarian aging
begins. At birth some million follicle are present, the number falling continuously
during childhood and adulthood until a few hundreds to thousands remain at the
age of about 50 [18]. During the total reproductive lifespan only a few hundred
will reach full maturation and ovulation. The left and right ovaries are thumb
size structures, containing the collection of follicles. Follicles are round or oval
structures embedded in the tissue of the ovarian stroma. The wall of the follicles
comprises hormone-producing cells that are responsible for the production of
fluid that is contained by the follicle wall and are filled with liquid. In transvagi-
nal ultrasound they appear as clear low echoic spheres (Fig. 1). A prime indicator
for ovarian aging is the number of antral follicles exceeding a certain size, their
relative position in the ovary, and their responsiveness (expressed in growth rate)
to hormonal stimulation [7]. This last measurement typically requires multiple
periodic measurements, i.e. daily measurements over 3–5 consecutive days.

3 3D Ultrasound
2D vaginosonography can only yield sagittal and frontal sections of the lesser
pelvis; 3D volume scanning, however, visualises all three perpendicular planes
simultaneously on a monitor screen. The 3D ultrasound system (Combison 5600,
Kretz Technik AG, Medicor, Austria / Korea) can be equipped with a 12 MHz
transvaginal 3D probe of 2.2 cm diameter, focal distance of 2–10 cm. The system
is capable of a full 3D image acquisition in about 2 seconds. From the pyramidal
volumetric dataset a Cartesian dataset is extracted with equidistant voxels by
interpolation. Sonographically, follicles with diameters of 3 mm and above can
be detected reliably. 3D ultrasound has some important advantages over 2D
imaging. Volume measurements using 2D ultrasound methods have been found
to be much less accurate than 3D ultrasound methods for irregularly shaped
objects [17]. It is a step towards interactive follicle puncturing [5]. To prevent as
much as possible the appearance of vessels just outside the ovary and to restrain
the field of view to the ovary proper, the operator, guided by 3 simultaneous
orthogonal multiplanar reformatted views, performs a 3D cut–off of the total
volume (maximum size 2563 voxels). Typical resulting datasets are 180×180×150
voxels (1 byte/voxel intensity range).

4 Detection of Follicle Centres by 3D Topological

Winding Numbers
The key clinical question is the automatic counting of the number of antral folli-
cles and their size distribution as the indicator for fertility from noisy datasets.
From Gaussian scale–space theory we know that the extraction of (invariant)
Human Follicle Analysis for Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound 59

differential structural information like edges and curvature needs to be done

with regularised differential operators, i.e. Gaussian derivative kernels [6]. The
centre of a hypo–echoic follicle is characterised as a singularity of the luminance
field; here the intensity (of the observed, thus multiscale, blurred image) reaches
a minimum. A singularity is defined as a point where the intensity gradient
vanishes. The local isophote curvature reaches infinity, due to the vanishing of
the gradient. Singular points are important topological structural descriptors of
images, especially when their behaviour is studied as a function of scale. They
are used in the next step after local features detection, as important nodes in a
perceptual grouping process, when the multiscale context of pixels needs to be
taken into account.
The detection of singular points can conveniently be done by studying the
so–called winding numbers. From the theory of vector fields [13] important theo-
rems exist (Stoke’s and Gauss’) giving the relation between something happening
in a volume and just on its surface, i.e. we can detect the singularities by mea-
surements around the singularity. To explain the notion, we start in 2D. Image
intensity is denoted by ξ, the gradient is denoted in index notation by ξi , where
indices always run over the dimensions: ξi = {∂ξ/∂x, ∂ξ/∂y}. The winding num-
ber ν is defined as the number of times the image gradient vector rotates over 2π
when we walk around the point: i.e. we integrate over a closed path, indicated
by ∂W , the increments of angle the vector ξi is making:
ν= ξi dξj εij .

Fig. 2. Small rotation a vector along the contour

of the closed path around the point of study

From Fig. 4 we see:

ξ2 ξ2 + ∆ξ2
tan α = , tan(α + ∆α) = .
ξ1 ξ1 + ∆ξ1

We expand the left– and right–hand side of the last equation in a Taylor series
up to first order in α and ξ1 , respectively. For the left–hand side we obtain

tan(α + ∆α) = tan α + ∆α + O(∆α2 )
cos2 α
60 B. M. ter Haar Romeny et al.

and for the right hand side we obtain

ξ2 + ∆ξ2 ξ2 + ∆ξ2 ξ2 + ∆ξ2
= − ∆ξ1 + O(∆ξ12 )
ξ1 + ∆ξ1 ξ1 ξ12
ξ2 ξ1 ∆ξ2 − ξ2 ∆ξ1
= + + O(∆ξ12 ).
ξ1 ξ12

Taking the limit ∆α → 0 and using the expression for tan α we get
ξ1 dξ2 − ξ2 dξ1
dα = .
ξ12 + ξ22

In our case we consider a unit gradient vector, so ξ12 + ξ22 = 1, and using sub-
script notation we obtain dα = ξi dξj εij , where εij is the antisymmetric tensor
{{0, −1}, {1, 0}}.
The rotation is always an integer number times 2π (in 2D), which gives
interesting robustness through rounding. In 3 dimensions we calculate the space
angle of the gradient ξi dξj ∧dξk , where we recognise the gradient ξi and a directed
infinitesimal surface element dξj ∧ dξk . This is a so–called wedge (∧) product
(see e.g. [13]). We integrate these surface elements now over the closed surface
around our point of study, and see how often a full space angle of 4π is reached.
This is then the 3D–winding number.
In practice, in 3D it is calculated as follows: we investigate the 26 voxels
around a specific voxel. The form is defined in 3D as

Φ = ξi dξj ∧ dξk εijk = ξi ∂l ξj ∂m ξk dxl ∧ dxm εijk .

Indices in pairs are summed over the dimensions, which process is called
contraction of indices (the summing symbol in front of the equation is routinely
left out: the so–called Einstein convention). Performing the contraction of indices
on l and m gives

Φ = εijk ξi ( (∂x ξj ∂y ξk − ∂y ξj ∂x ξk )dx ∧ dy

+ (∂y ξj ∂z ξk − ∂z ξj ∂y ξk )dy ∧ dz
+ (∂z ξj ∂x ξk − ∂x ξj ∂z ξk )dz ∧ dx ).

This expression has to be evaluated for all voxels of our closed surface. We can
do this e.g. for the 6 planes of the surrounding cube. On the surface z =constant
the previous equation reduces to

Φ = εijk ξi ((∂x ξj ∂y ξk − ∂y ξj ∂x ξk )dx ∧ dy.

Performing the contraction on the indices i, j and k gives

Φ = 2ξx (∂x ξy ∂y ξz − ∂x ξz ∂y ξy )
+ 2ξy (∂y ξx ∂y ξz − ∂x ξx ∂y ξz )
+ 2ξz (∂x ξx ∂y ξy − ∂x ξy ∂y ξz ).
Human Follicle Analysis for Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound 61

The gradient vector elements ξi = ξx , ξy , ξz = ∂ξ/dx, ∂ξ/dy, ∂ξ/dz can be

calculated e.g. by neighbour subtraction, as can be done in a similar way for the
derivatives of the gradient field, e.g. ∂x ξy = ∂ξy /dx. The single pixel steps dx
and dy are unity.
The general theory comes from homotopy theory, where so–called topological
homotopy class numbers are defined [9,10,11]. In d dimensions we again see how
these reflect the behaviour of the intensity gradient ξi in a close neighbourhood
∂W around a given point. So, the d–dimensional homotopy class number ν of an
image pixel over the surface ∂W of the small environment W around the point
is defined as follows:
ν= ξi1 dξi2 ∧ dξi3 . . . dξid εi1 i2 .

There are no singularities on ∂W . For regular points, i.e. when no singularity

is present in W , the winding number is zero, as we see from the Stokes’ theorem:
i1 i2
Φ = ξi1 dξi2 ∧ dξi3 . . . dξid ε , Stokes: Φ= dΦ ≡ 0,
∂W W

where the fact that the (d − 1)–form Φ is a closed form was used. So, as most of
our datapoints are regular, we detect singularities very robustly as integer values
embedded in a space of zeros.

maximum: ν = 1
minimum: ν = 1
regular point: ν = 0
saddle point: ν = −1
monkey saddle: ν = −2

Fig. 3. The direction of the gradient as a vectorfield for a minimum (upper left), saddle-
point (upper right) and monkeysaddle (lower left) in a 2D spatial intensity distribution.
The number of full rotations of the gradient vector tracing a path around a point is the
winding number ν, here indicated as multiples of one full rotation 2π of the gradient
vector. All regular points give rise to ν = 0. The centre of a follicle is a singular point
in 3D, i.e. a minimum with ν = 1
62 B. M. ter Haar Romeny et al.

The winding number has nice properties:

– Within the closed contour there is a conservation of winding number; when
we enclose a saddlepoint and a minimum, we measure the sum of the winding
numbers (they sum to zero in this case as we are close to their annihilation);
– The winding number is independent of the shape of ∂W , it is a topological
– The winding number only takes integer values as multiples of the full rota-
tion angle; even when the numerical addition of angles does not sum up to
precisely an integer value, we may rightly round off to the nearest integer;
– The winding number is a scaled notion, the neighbourhood defines the scale;
– The behaviour over scale of winding numbers generates a treelike structure
which shows typical annihilations, creations and collisions, from which much
can be learned about the ‘deep structure’ of images;
– The winding number is very easy to compute, in any dimension;
– The winding number is a robust characterisation of the singular points in
the image: small deformations have a small effect.

Fig. 4. 2D echographic slices from the 3D dataset. Follicles appear as black circles
(yellow (white) arrows). Detected follicle centres are marked yellow (white), oversized
for clarity. Length arrow: 1 cm

In 1D the homotopy class number boils down to the difference of the sign
of the signals second derivative taken from the left and from the right. We will
use the ‘edge focusing’ multiscale behaviour of this 1D number in the sequel for
the characterisation of multiple points on the surface of the follicle. The the-
ory of homotopy numbers can easily be extended to subdimensional manifolds
(strings, surfaces) in higher dimensions and for other vectorfields, such as the
frames spanned by the eigenvectors of the Hessian, or any other well defined
vectorfield [9].
Human Follicle Analysis for Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound 63

5 The Detection of Follicle Centres and Boundary Points

by 3D and 2D Topological Numbers
The winding number in 3D is computed by adding the increments in orientation
angle of the gradient vector when moving the gradient over a closed surface
around the point of study, e.g. along the 6, 8 or 26 neighbouring pixels. Because
we need detection of the minima of extended structures, i.e. the follicles, which
are much larger then the noise grains of the raw data, we need to move to
a higher scale of analysis (i.e. blur). We perform the following steps for the
automatic detection of the follicles:

– isotropic blurring of the 3D ultrasound data, and the establishment of an

optimal scale in the sense of minimising the number of false-positives; a too
small scale gives too many minima, a too large scale too few;
– calculation of 3D winding numbers as estimators for the follicle centres; this
gives their number and spatial distribution;
– generation of 200–500 radial rays in a homogeneous orientation distribution
from these centres and determine the most pronounced 1D intensity edge
along the ray by its ‘lifetime’ over scale;
– fit spherical harmonics functions to some order to the detected endpoints in
order to get an analytical description of the shape of the follicle; from this
the volume can easily be calculated, and statistics on shape.

In Fig. 4 we show a typical result for a patient dataset; the detected winding
numbers are indicated as yellow (white) dots, indicated by arrows. The winding
numbers do not show up in all follicles because only the slices through the
follicle centres are shown. From the winding number locations, 200–500 rays
(1D profiles) are drawn in all directions, and a maximum length of 32 pixels.
The search for the most prominent contrast step along the rays is done by edge
focusing of the 1D winding number over scales 0 to 2 pixels in increments of 0.1.

Fig. 5. Hierarchical multiscale edge detection. Left: noisy 1D intensity profile Right:
sign of the second derivative (subtraction of neighbours) as a function of scale. Scale
(vertical axis) ranging from 1 to 5 pixel units. The sign of the second derivative (black
−, white +) is plotted as a function of scale. Note the closure of the extrema (causality
in a linear scale-space)
64 B. M. ter Haar Romeny et al.

Fig. 6. Left: 3D scatterplot of the detected edgepoints of three bovine ovary follicles.
Right: the corresponding fitted spherical harmonics. Note the irregular shape of the

Figure 5 shows an example where seemingly no edge is present but where

at high scale one edge emerges despite the noise, which is traced down to the
lowest scale. The longest lifetime is taken as a measure of importance of the
edge, indicating a follicle boundary point. When more edges survive at σ = 2
pixels we decided to take the edge at σ = 2 pixels which is closest to the centre of
the follicle. The detected edgepoints are then fitted with 3D spherical harmonic
functions Ylm (Θ, φ) using MathematicaTM1 . Spherical harmonics are orthogonal
functions with respect to integration over the surface of the unit sphere, and
form a natural basis for the description of (in our case convex) 3D shape. The
advantages of spherical harmonics are the wide range of shapes that can be
modelled, giving explicit knowledge about the deviation from a pure spherical
shape, and that the volume of the follicle can easily be calculated by analytical
Figure 6 shows a set of detected points, and the corresponding 3D fit by
spherical harmonics. The method was tested on artificial data: 3 spherical test
follicles with diameters of 3, 6 and 12 pixels (intensity 0) in a 643 pixel cube
(background intensity 1) with additive and uncorrelated Gaussian noise of σ =
0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 intensity unit. Figure 1 shows a plane with some of the
225 edgepoints detected by edge focusing for the largest follicle in the noisy test
dataset (σ = 0.25) and a blurring scale of 6 pixels. The detection works well, and
the average radii were correct within a half a pixel for all tests. The detection of
follicle minima from the 3D US data by 3D winding numbers is scale-dependent
and we need multiple scales. Some follicles are only detected at small scales,
other at large scales.

Mathematica commands to generate the spherical harmonics to 4th order and do the
fitset = Table[SphericalHarmonicY[l,m,Θ,φ],{m,-l,l,1},{l,0,4}];
fitted[Θ,φ] = Fit[data,fitset,{Θ,φ}];
ParametricPlot3D[fitted[Θ,φ]{Cos[Θ],Sin[Θ] Cos[φ],Sin[Θ] Sin[φ]},
Human Follicle Analysis for Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound 65

Fig. 7. Edgepoints are successfully detected on the

surface of the follicle in the noisy testset. Back-
ground intensity 1, follicle intensity 0. Additive un-
correlated Gaussian noise: σ = 0.25. Blurring scale
6 pixels. Image resolution 642 pixels. The detected
edgepoints are indicated as dots on the ultrasound

Figure 1 shows the detected number for blurring scales 3, 4, 6 and 10 pixels.
At σ = 3 pixels, many minima are detected, but also many false positives. At
scale σ = 4 pixels (without scale σ = 3 pixels) only one minimum is missed. At
σ = 6 pixels we have little errors, but also few new detections. At σ = 10 pixels
we have no errors, we only detect the large follicle(s). These cannot be seen at
smaller scales, due to the impossibility to detect minima at a small scale in a
homogeneous region of a follicle (i.e. the follicle is large relative to the size of
the operator). This leads to the conclusion that two scales suffice: σ = 3 and
σ = 10 cover the detection range well for the 3D US datasets. Processing times
for typical datasets (150 × 150 × 150 pixels) take about 1 minute per scale on a
300 MHz Pentium II PC.

Fig. 8. Upper left: number of detected

points as a function of scale. Upper
right: cumulated number of detected
points. Lower left: Diagram of detected
follicles in bovine ovary II as a function
of the blurring scale (vertical scale, in

False positive winding numbers also generated 225 edgepoints which should
be discarded. If such a winding number emerged as a noise minimum, the set of
edgepoints can be tested for roundness i.e. discriminated by the large variance
of the detected radii length, or a test can be done on the (low) intensity of the
internal pixels of the pseudo-follicle. This turned out to be very difficult due
to the great variability in echo amplitude output. If the false winding number
is due to another structure (vessel, another follicle) the shape derived from the
edgepoint fit may discriminate. We have not performed this test yet. However,
66 B. M. ter Haar Romeny et al.

if the data is cut off in such a way as only to include the ovary, such detections
are unlikely to occur. We employed this strategy as much as possible, because it
is a fairly easy task to restrict the Cartesian volume to the ovarian space after
The algorithm was implemented in a universal image analysis program writ-
ten in Borland C++ (Image Explorer by van Ginneken and Staal (ISI)).

6 Validation of the Detection Procedures with Bovine

To calibrate the full range of steps of the automatic detection procedure, two
fresh bovine ovaries with multiple follicles of widely different diameters were
used as test objects. The thumbsize ovaries were subsequently:
– scanned with 3D–US, immersed in physiological salt solution and with the
3D ultrasound probe at the same typical object–probe distance (2–4 cm)
as applied on female patients; three subsequent acquisitions with different
probe positions;
– scanned with high resolution FSE (fast spin–echo pulse sequence) MRI: slice
thickness 0.5 mm, non–overlapping, in–plane pixelsize 100 × 100 µ, TR = 20
ms, TE = 75 ms; (An example 2D slice from the 3D MRI is given in Fig. 4.)
– sliced with a microtome, embedded in CMC (carboxymethylcellulose) and
after freezing (−30 to −35 0 C), into anatomical coupes of 25 micron thick-
ness. Image resolution 1528 × 1146 at 100–micron intervals with a digital
camera (300 images, no histological staining).

Fig. 9. Calibration of the automated method with two bovine ovaries. Left: Anatomical
coupe. Middle: Coronal MRI, FSE. Right: 3D surface rendering of the follicles from
the MRI acquisition shows their spatial relationship. Segmentation by thresholding

We analysed the 3D–US data with scales σ = 3, 4, 6 and 10 pixels. The

cumulated number of pixels detected as a function of scale for the first bovine
ovary is indicated in Fig. 9 (left). For σ = 3 we find 11 follicles detected, when
also scale σ = 4 is included, we find 12. Adding σ = 6 we find 13, and adding
σ = 10 no extra follicle is added. If we start from a slightly higher scale, i.e.
σ = 4, we see in Fig. 9 (right) that only 5 follicles are detected, then adding
σ = 3 gives 12 detected. Only scales σ = 4 and σ = 6 gives 7 detected follicles,
and only scales σ = 3 and 6 gives 13 detected. The conclusion here is that two
scales suffice: σ = 3 and σ = 10. If computing time is no penalty, σ = 6 could
be added.
Human Follicle Analysis for Fertility Prospects with 3D Ultrasound 67

The images from MRI and anatomical slices were analysed with standard im-
age visualisation and measurement tools. The 3D-ultrasound data were acquired
three times individually. The method of winding numbers introduces negligible
dislocation of the minima despite the wide range of blurring scales, as can be seen
in Table 1 where the x, y, z co–ordinates, the distances between the minima and
the volumes of the three largest follicles of each acquisition is given. The average
diameters (over 3 perpendicular directions) of the test follicles were measured
after identification of the follicles in the corresponding 3D ultrasound datasets.
The volume measured from the MRI and anatomical data are estimated from
the average diameters and assuming a spherical shape.

Table 1. x, y, z co–ordinates in pixels of the centres of the three largest follicles, from
three individual 3D ultrasound acquisitions (v00, v01 and v44) of bovine ovary I. Inde-
pendent measurements. Note the accurate correspondence in the calculated distances
between the winding number points, indicating independence of scale-dependent dislo-
cation. The difference in volume from the spherical harmonics fit was about 4% for the
two larger, and 10% for the smallest follicle. The three methods of volume measuring
compare very favourably

Follicle x y z distance to volume from volume volume

# centre centre centre neighbour spherical harmonics from MRI from
(pixels) (mm3 ) anatomy
v00 99 51 35 25.4 259.7 250.0 262.1
93 28 44 45.0 28.4 27.0 29.8
113 55 74 41.6 56.2 54.9 59.3
v01 33 41 66 25.3 242.3
47 22 75 44.5 34.0
64 49 44 38.9 54.7
v44 72 49 84 25.4 239.7
69 28 70 45.2 28.4
32 51 82 40.1 59.3

7 Patient Data
This study focuses on the methodology to automatically count and analyse the
follicles from the 3D-ultrasound data, and only limited patient studies have been
carried out so far. The follicle count results on 10 patients are shown in Table 2.
Each dataset was cut off to include only the ovary immediately after scanning
by an experienced echographer, and automatic and human expert counts were
compared. We are currently finalising a clinical PC-based system with a user-
friendly user–interface. In a next phase of the study the accuracy and efficacy of
the method will be evaluated on a large patient group.

8 Conclusion and Discussion

The automatic detection of follicles from 3D ultrasound data is not an easy
task, given the strong noise characteristics of the ultrasound signal, the size
and contrast of the follicles and the follicle looking like structures in and at the
68 B. M. ter Haar Romeny et al.

Table 2. Performance of the algorithm compared with a human expert. Number of

follicles found. Data for 6 patients. The datasets are cut off to contain only the ovary.
Scales used: σ = 3.6, 4.8, 7.2 and 12 pixels

Patient # manual Computer Patient # Manual computer

1 17 15 4 14 9
2 10 8 5 9 7
3 7 5 6 9 7

immediate neighbourhood of the ovary. Clinically, the most important parameter

is the number of follicles. Still, with the introduction of multiscale topological
and edge focusing methods we are able to extract the follicles automatically with
95% accuracy. Good cut-off to leave only the ovary region in the resulting 3D
datacube by the operator immediately after scanning is an important step to
higher score.
We exploit knowledge about the convex shape of the follicles by means of
spherical harmonics function fitting. This can be exploited in other ways, such
as by a Hough transform, parametrically deformable contours [23] or scale–space
primal sketch blobs, each over a range of scales. Our approach however enables a
much better accuracy of shape description than e.g. a 5 parameter Hough trans-
form for ellipsoidal shapes [15,16]. The approach is computationally efficient,
with just sign differences over 1D signals. The method can now be applied in a
larger scale clinical setting, which is scheduled as a next phase of the project.
Acknowledgments. We like to thank Jan Doorn and Gerda van Wierin-
gen of the Dept. of Functional Anatomy, Utrecht University, for the anatomical
preparations and digital images of the bovine ovaries, Bram van Ginneken for
the effective PC program Image Explorer enabling fast implementation. The
support of the Foundation for Neural Networks and the Dutch Foundation for
Applied Sciences is greatly acknowledged.

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