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Ver. vall(llf) a danqavur drugr

md b50e li a pofenttal pn addici/O/). /t a eredaftve rcomm0)ded
r on/ becauΠtan (11Ck)Y become addtct/ve

g thcdmg•

f/d Htalfb organizofloh (WHO) depnes and dlFFerf)f/QfU Dru

PddtcHon Qnd DniV Habituatton• DnJ9 addidiD") v a Tfafc ff periodit
chronic mt0wcat/0Q produced by thc repeafcd contumpt(0h of q drug,
a//)0fhcr tynthet/t or r)0funQl and found fo detrirnencal fo flqo

mdwdua/ and to the roaeiv, 0) tit Dfherhand, Drug Habitaaffm

the dart fo bave confli)UOWare Of the drug Dut Vith the to

Phywcal/y fnm ulD9 iB

Date -

an fo cimicQ1dc&rim mak/iv md practice/ and ho


R eha/ dtca ff. ces betWCC)

ulc (
malc hac On open and Inlet. male Pdw hu a
ND ch

/t do


With Offće and hał/(hg A,ełrdappeŕlk ar,
7hč pe/lhg Of nourcauś / Titab/c
prtJUmpt1Včor pmbaô/e cgmptorns of prgnaący. R punłcłaJ of a

vegąont noman IJ Q') Of pe//ipg nąUreour. Uhg /tnMbP vłłh tońceć /Î mąy

duc fo gorfnt hyperaqdlŕs/ Hnl wĐutdamulaf płr;g o/ rłcknu. flnd,

havmg a wełrd appeflfc Jhovś and łnd1CQfCJrpec/âl/y capnaĐtU apptŕ;tt.

on the ofhcr hand , the P//ovłna ar "c porttłvt ggnc and rvmptornrOf
płrgnanco/ that woułd COnduś/ąq exlJtcąe, the htanr& the
hear{bćat thc płus, Outlin/hg tnę ftfo/ , M)čvcmeąfOf fht

and x-Rau txamnaHôns

yeśp It 0 gnund pr annu/mtm-
Rf odmłrrmn ha/ sht pcgnąrł by Qsŕrungt fôăr mamaje,and
act Of anceą/łng *haf f0ff a? Hr fłmc Ofmoma0e vould tonsftfUf o ansenŕ

Of C/thcr pony Mat was obtatned bypaud Or pwtad In 45 and Pif. 46


me prqnanq/ (/ldč TO/ a flf hal wou/d confiffh prtgnarru I Men Q

f/(Jh unne potenhly mornłrb uąnô IJ $tlltabłe Or 0 hormone

human chonônłôgonadoffl9P/[)
(HG) is ercrfcd Into unic dunhgpgwrg.

Ić1flr7g pamtal Idenŕlhd. ThiJ Rfc1J +0 ił)č


of pnplts dęfutmmt whciher an mdli/(dua/ 11 Hic błolĐ9łcat Of mołhćt


/ l)eQhh íťľua/ ond and /dmttpcQfłn-it iJ

nozd bhe meanmg PRBMP?fhME md Hr boľ/c POÍlffonĺ.

RHM/?F9mč ctandí Recerry , Pppropnatťnesĺ, mon tofłon ,

2- Wat/ communłcoi/on
, ťedbock Bcŕłvc Lťqrnłng Mu/ŕi-CnC ond
Exeraĺt. /t ží pnmqn•ły usedfo havt an Ltűrning•

7he Baĺ/čs about hnatomłca/ Poĺ/fłon War alm dlítuĺítd, Whee m

Bc Locatłon 0F body partí vłcŕłrn by an nvuŕłgařor ir Common/g



d. fenJ—oLlegaL-Nkdwae—
e, Wood and Alonnal Anatom


ms 0

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