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Miller Thomas A. (editor). Modern Surgical Care—Physiologic Foundations and Clinical Applications. Quality
Medical Publishing, St Louis (Missouri) USA. Second edition 1998. 1454 pages. DM 295. ISBN 3-57626-060-7.

This is a rewritten and updated second edition of a Basis for Transplantation exemplify the well written
textbook first published in 1988. The purpose of the and well illustrated text. The “down to basics”
second edition (as was the first) is “to bridge the gap ambition is in full bloom in the chapter on Acute
that exists between the font of information about Abdominal Pain which starts with 8 pages of embry-
physiology learned in medical school during the basic ology to explain the physiology of the acute abdomen.
science courses and the commonly encountered in- Understanding physiology and pathophysiology is to
ability to apply this information to clinical care”. It is me what makes the difference between a surgeon and
therefore a book which approaches disease as a someone who does operations. This book gives you
derangement of physiology that is, pathophysiology. answers to most of the problems of physiology and
The book encompasses 68 areas within surgery, from pathophysiology that might arise in clinical practice
a general chapter on the metabolic response to and also gives you suggestions about where to find
starvation and stress to organ specific areas such as more information. It is a useful book that should be
surgery for morbid obesity. There is a massive available in all surgical units, particularly where any
dominance of American contributors. Most chapters teaching takes place. For those of us who have on our
start with basic physiology, and pathophysiological shelves old textbooks in physiology from our distant
aspects are added. The interested reader may be stuck years in medical school, this book gives us a chance to
with studying areas such as the citric acid cycle, get the surgical physiology updated and put into its
prophylaxis of endocarditis or vitamin-D metabolism, modern clinical context. The 785 illustrations are well
just as happens when you search for a word in an selected and together with tables and condensed lists of
encyclopaedia. facts make it easy to find the information you need
The general format of the book and each of its quickly. The text is so well-written that even non-
chapters starts extremely basic. The reader is then broken pages of text are inviting and despite the present
brought all the way to applications in contemporary day focus on images as carriers of information, reading
medicine including recommended surgical procedures these is surely rewarding.
for various problems. Quite rare procedures such as
continent urinary diversion are also illustrated. The text
is well up to date with several references up to 1997. Svante Nordgren, M.D.
Chapters such as Immunity and The Physiological Gothenburg, Sweden

1999 Scandinavian University Press. ISSN 1102–4151 Eur J Surg 165

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