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not be just focused on making money but should really be focused on

managing your trading attitude and risk and then the profits will come…
My real “Aha” trading moment came when I reset my trading mindset and
started to incorporate a variety of well defined, low risk Option Strategies
into my trading. To be a successful trader mindset, risk management and
consistency is what wins out and this is what I’ll cover in this presentation.

Here are some important actions you can take that will get you started on
your trading journey to becoming a successful trader.

I. Actions & Attitudes of Successful Traders:

Mistakes sabotage every area of our lives, and trading is no exception.

The good news is that we learn from our mistakes. In fact, seeing mistakes
as learning opportunities is the popular approach to viewing human error
and with good reason since they provide learning lessons aplenty, albeit
often excruciatingly painful ones both in the psyche and the bank account.
In over 3 decades of trading, I have probably seen every trading mistake
possible, and I’ve even made most of them.
As in life, mistakes seem to recur until we own them and modify, at which
time we overcome that particular error and move on to the next. The good
news is that you can learn by observing and studying the behaviors and
habits of successful traders who have already been in the trenches and
learned from their mistakes. This practice can shave years off of a trader’s
learning curve. It’s all about adopting the powerful actions and attitudes of
successful traders. 
There is no perfect trader or perfect system but in order to become a

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