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Surabaya, 6 Januari 2019

For Hiring Manager

PT. Bank Mandiri

Dear Mr./Mrs. Hiring Manager PT Bank Mandiri,

With great willingness, I am applying for the position of which was advertised on the UNS
Jobfair. I believe that my education, skill-set and experience make me a suitable candidate for this
My Name is Hafidz Aditya Pratama. I have finished my study in Diploma Degree of
Electrical Engineering Program from Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta (UGM) with GPA
2,88. After Finishing my study in UGM, I choose to continuing my study to Bachelor Degree in
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya and take Electrical Engineering Program with
power system engineering concentration. Now I have graduated from ITS Surabaya with GPA
about 3,09.
When I take studying in UGM. I following any organization internal of campus, the
organization that i follow are Music Community and KMTEDI. In Music Community organization
I work as Humas Staff. And then in KMTEDI I work as Minkat (Minat dan Bakat) staff. The other
following the organization internal of campus, I follow organization from external of campus too
the name of organization is KEMANGGA (Keluarga Mahasiswa Purbalingga Yogyakarta). In this
Organization I work as PSDM staff. In the last semester in UGM I take internship program for 5
months in PLN Area Surakarta. In there I make a report about “Pemeliharaan Transformator
Distribusi 1 Fasa Di PLN Area Surakarta” and already finished on time for 5 months. After that i
take final report too in last semester in UGM about “Perbaikan Drop Tegangan dan Rugi-Rugi
pada Jaringan dengan Penambahan Transformator Distribusi Sisipan 1 Fasa Di PLN Area
Surakarta” and already graduated on time about 3 years.
After that, I continuing my study in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember to take Bachelor
degree of Electrical Program. On 2nd semester when I take study in ITS I have choose Power
Engineering concentration to my professional field college. After that On 3rd Semester I take
Internship Program in PLN Rayon Dukuh Kupang Surabaya for 1 months and make the report
with title “Pemeliharaan Jaringan Distribusi SUTM”. On the last semester in ITS I take final report
and take the title of final report about “Analisa Hibrid AC/DC Mikrogrid untuk Melayani Beban
Intermiten dengan Metode Perbandingan Kombinasi Operasi Jaringan”. And now I just waiting
for last exam period then waiting for graduating day in March 2019.
I believe all of my experience that I got in college have give me many soft skill and hard
skill on social experience, time management, software experience that I got from my final report
in UGM and in ITS. So, what I’ve been learned and all experiences when I got in college hopefully
can very usefull in work later.

Thank you for reviewing my application and I look forward to hearing from you soon

Best Regards

Hafidz Aditya Pratama

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