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Execution Styles

Q. How do I do the various Execution Styles that I am missing?

A. Here is a list of The Execution Styles and how to do them (feel free to send
in changes or improvements for this section if you have a better way of doing on
(Note: Most of these styles you will need the Rival Family Member to be low on h
ealth before you can use execute on them. Some of them you will need to wait unt
il you see the Execute prompt at the top of the screen before you can do it and
others you will just need to do the specified act to complete the Execution. You
will need a Rival Family Member to do these Executions with as using just anyon
e won't work.)

#1 Blackhand Execution
Kill Rival Family Member with Blackhand fighting without grabbing them.

#2 Bombs Away Execution

Blow up a Rival Family Member with Dynamite or a Bomb.

#3 Cocktail Hour Execution

Use a Molotov on a Rival Family Member

#4 Grand Slam Execution

When you see a Rival Family Member is on their knees go up to them (facing them)
with a Bat and use Execute.

#5 Blackhand Grapple Execution

Grab Rival Family Member and kill them with Blackhand fighting.

#6 Hard Head Execution

Grab Low on Health Rival Family Member and face either side of them towards a co
unter before slamming the side of their head into it to kill them.

#7 Last Gasp Execution

Grab and Strangle (L3+R3) Rival Family Member.
#8 Over Cooked Execution
When you are in a Funeral Home or Bakery grapple a Rival Family Member and take
them over to the oven. Push them towards it with your left Analog stick (with th
eir backs facing it) and while holding the left analog stick towards it Push the
m in with your right analog stick.

#9 Road Rage Execution

Run over a Rival Family Member with your vehicle.

#10 Silent Assassin Execution

Sneak up and use your Garrote Wire on a Rival Family Member.

#11 Stained Glass Execution

Throw a Rival Family Member out of a One-Story window. Push them towards it with
your left Analog stick (with their back facing it) and while holding the left a
nalog stick towards it Push them out of it with your right analog stick.

#12 Watch Your Step Execution

Throw a Rival Family Member out of a Two-Story window, off a Rooftop, over a rai
ling or any other high up places. Push them towards it with your left Analog sti
ck (with their back facing it of course) and while holding the left analog stick
towards it Push them out of it with your right analog stick.

#13 Traffic Accident Execution

Throw a low on health Rival Family Member in front of a moving car. This one is
a bit tricky you need to not stand directly in front of traffic but just to the
side of the traffic to still let the traffic flow. Throw the Rival Family Member
in front of a car or just toss them towards a still moving car to kill them (th
is takes practice but you should eventually get it).

#14 Wallpapered Execution

Slam a Rival Family Member against the wall until dead.

#15 Hats Off Execution

Shoot a Rival Family Member in the Knee to get them on their knees. Go up to the
m (facing them) with a one handed weapon and use Execute.

#16 Pistol Execution

Use a One handed weapon on a Rival Family Member while they are standing and use

#17 Faceoff Execution

Shoot a Rival Family Member in the Knee to get them on their knees. Go up to the
m (facing them) with a two handed weapon and use Execute.

#18 Gut Shot Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member in Gut (Auto Aim and move the reticle down their body
until it turns red at the stomach area).

#19 Disarmed
Shoot Rival Family Member in Shoulder to make them drop their weapon.

#20 Kneecapped
Shoot Rival Family Member in Knee to make them drop to their knees.

#21 Firearm Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member using a Firearm.

#22 Sure Shot Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member with a Head Shot to kill them.

01 - Empapelado
Estampa a un enemigo contra una pared hasta que muera.
02 - Último aliento
Asfixia a un enemigo (L3 + R3) con las manos hasta su muerte.
03 - Mira por donde vasTira a un enemigo por un balcón, cornisa o similares.
04 - Cabeza Dura
Estampa a un enemigo contra una barra o similares para darle con la cabeza hasta
que muera.
05 - Accidente de Tráfico
Lanza a un enemigo contra un coche que vaya a pasar cerca para que lo atropelle
y muera.
06 - Mano Negra
Realiza un combo de golpes completo.
07 - Mano Negra con Estrangulamiento
En una pelea, ejecuta a un enemigo con R2 de forma que lo estrangules.
08 - De Tiro Certero
Mata a un enemigo de un tiro en la cabeza.
09 - Con Arma de Fuego
Mata a un enemigo con un arma de fuego en puntos no vitales, como el cuerpo.
10 - Con Pistola
En un tiroteo, consigue cargarte a un enemigo acercándote mucho a él, de forma que l
o agarres y ejecútalo de un tiro en la cabeza con la pistola.
11 - Arrodillado
Dispara a un enemigo en la rodilla.
12 - Sombreros Fuera
En un tiroteo, ejecuta a algún enemigo acercándote a él, de forma que lo agarres y pégal
e un tiro en la cabeza para que se le caiga su sombrero.
13 - Cristal Manchado
Mata a algún enemigo lanzándolo por el escaparate de alguna tienda.
14 - Hora del Cóctel
Quema y mata a algún enemigo usando cócteles molotov.
15 - Desarmado
Dispara a un enemigo es su arma o mano para que se le caiga.
16 - Bomba Fuera
Acaba con un enemigo lanzándole dinamita.
17 - Furia en la Carretera
Atropella y mata a algún enemigo.
18 - Gran Golpe
En una pelea, consigue ejecutar a algún enemigo con R2 usando un bate de béisbol.
19 - Cara a Cara
En un tiroteo, hiere a algún enemigo de forma que se quede de rodillas y ejecútalo c
on R2 usando la escopeta o la metralleta, disparándole en la cabeza (tú lo debes sos
tener con el pie para que no se mueva).
20 - Con Escopeta
En un tiroteo, consigue ejecutar a algún enemigo con R2 usando la escopeta.

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