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Transition Metal Chemistry, 19 (1994) 25-27 o-VTSC Ni(II) chelate 25

Physicochemical studies of (o-vanillin thiosemicarbazonato)-

nickel(II) chelate
Badri V. Agarwala*, Sunita Hingorani ~ and Vanita Puri
Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Chemistry, R.D. University, Jabalpur 482001, India

Chunni L. Khetrapai and Gowda A. Naganagowda

Sophisticated Instruments Facility, Indian Institute of Science, Banffalore-560012, India

Summary Nickel( l l ) - o - V T S C chelate

Five- and six-membered rings result from the chelation of The Schiff base ligand o-VTSC (0.005tool, 1.13g) was
nickel(II) by the dibasic tridentate Schiff base ligand, prepared by condensation of o-vanillin with a equimolar
o-vanillin thiosemicarbazone(o-VTSC), a new chelate ratio ofthiosemicarbazide ~6)dissolved in 1 : 1 D M F - E t O H
prepared and characterized. The structural results are (100 cm 3) and added to an aqueous solution of Ni(OAc)2
discussed in the light of spectroscopic and other data. (0.005 mol, 1.24 g). The mixture was boiled under reflux
for 6 h and cooled overnight, after which a brown preci-
pitate formed. This was removed by filtration, washed
thoroughly several times with E t O H and EtzO, and
The number and diversity of sulphur nitrogen chelating finally dried. The chelate was insoluble in H 2 0 , EtOH,
agents used to prepare new coordination compounds, M e O H and common organic solvents, but soluble in
have increased recently (~'2~ and thc pronounced biological polar solvents such as DMF, D M S O and Dioxan. The
activity of the metal chelates obtained from thiosemi- product was rccrystallizcd from D M F ; m.p. > 360 ~ C.
carbazide has created considerable interest ~3~. The com- The chelate is formed in a 1 : 1 stoichiometry, having the
plexes formed with transition metals and uranium with formula [Ni(o-VTSC)H20], as revealed by microanaly-
various thiosemicarbazones and their analogues have tical data (Table 1).
been described earlier (4-m. In this paper thc results of the
i.r., u.v.-vis, spectroscopic investigations, molar conduc-
tance, t.g.a, and n.m.r, data on the nickel chelate of Results and discussion
o-VTSC are reported.

l.r. spectral studies

I.r. spectral data of the ligand and the chelate exhibit
Materials characteristic bands as shown in Table 2. The ligand is
present in the thione form in the solid state and enolizes
o-vanillin-thiosemicarbazide (SISCO), Ni(OAc)24H20
in solution during chelation. A specific band (azomethine)
(E. Merck) and the reagent grade solvent D M F and EtOH
at 1580 c m - 1 confirms the formation of the Schiff base by
were used as supplied.
condensation ofo-vanillin with thiosemicarbazide (m. The
coordination sites are as follows. (a) Phenolic oxygen: ab-
Physical measurements sence of a v(OH) band at ca. 3420 c m - 1 in the complex
spectrum and the v ( C = O ) shift by 20 25 c m - 1 to higher
Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen content were analysed at
wavenumber clearly indicate the deprotonation and sub-
the RSIC, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow,
sequent coordination of o-VTSC via phenolic oxygen.
India, and nickel content in the laboratory at Jabalpur,
The presence of a v ( M - - O ) band in the far i.r. region
India. 1H n.m.r, spectra of the ligand and chelate were
at ca. 590cm -1 further confirms this bonding site.
recorded on a WH-270 F T N M R spectrometer equipped
(b) Azomethine nitrogen: the positive v(C---N) shift by
with an A S P E C T 2000 computer at Bangalore, lndia. The
10cm-1 to 1 5 8 0 c m - t in the ligand and the higher shift
i.r. spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer model 1430
of v ( N - - N ) at ca. 1050cm -1 is observed. New bands
in the 4 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 c m - t range using CsI pallets and the
appear duc to the chelate [ v ( C ~ N - - N ~ C ) skeleton] at
electronic spectrum on a Pye-Unicam SP 8-100 spectro-
ca. 1530cm - l a n d v ( M N) atca. 365cm - ~ f u r t h e r c o n -
firming the participation of azomethine nitrogen ~7).
Magnetic susceptibilities were measured by Gouy's
(c) Thiolic sulphur atom: absence of v ( C z S ) band in the
method using Hg[Co(SCN)4] as a calibrant. The con-
spectrum of the chelate at 1480 c m - 1 and presence of new
ductivity measurements were made on a direct reading
band due to v(C--S) and v ( N i - - O ) at 850 and 580cm -1
Toshniwal conductivity bridge employing a 10-3M
respectively confirm that coordination occurs through the
solution of the chelate in DMF. T.g.a. were made at RSIC
thiolic sulphur atom C8).(d) Coordinated water: presence of
Nagpur employing D u P o n t Instrument.
v(OH), 6(HzO ) and 7(HzO) in the i.r. spectrum of chelate
at 3420, 960 and 650 c m - 1 shows the presence of coordi-
nated H 2 0 in the complex (9). The - - O C H 3 group does
Presented at 29th ICCC, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1992.
* Author to whom all correspondence should be directed. not take part in coordination as the v(OCH3) band
t Present Address:Department of Chemical Engineering, Universityof observed at ca. 2800 c m - 1 in the ligand remains unaltered
Florida, FL 32611, USA. on chelation (~~

0340-4285 (C) 1994 Chapman & Hall

26 Agarwala et al. Transition Metal Chemistry, 19 (1994) 25-27

Table 1. Analytical, conductancea and magnetic data for o- is found to be 2.30 B.M., which is intermediate of tetrahedral
VTSC chelate. (3.2-4.1 B.M.) and square planar (diamagnetic) complexes,
suggesting that this chelate shows the rare phenomenon
Compound Found (Calcd.)(%) Am ~eff of spin-state equilibrium between the spin-free tetrahedral
M C H N (B.M.) and the spin-paired square planar configurations (~3). This
o-VTSC b - 48.1 5.0 18.7 - - rules out the possibility of octahedral geometry where
(48.0) (4.9) (18.7) - magnetic moment values lie in the range 2.9-3.3 B.M.
[Ni(o-VTSC).H20] 20.1 37.0 3.4 14.3 3.83 2.23 Similar high spin-low spin equilibrium has been noticed
(20.8) (36.1) (3.7) (14.1) in the nickel(II) complex formed with a macrocyclic tetra-
dentate ligand derived from 2-aminobenzaldehyde by
aMolar conductance, measured in ca. I 0 - 3 M D M F solution and Busch et al. (la) The D4h symmetry is preferred rather than
expressed in o h m - 1 cm 2 m o l - i; bo_VTSC = o-Vanillinthiosemicarbazone: Oh for the complex and a singlet-triplet equilibrium may

Table 2. Prominent i.r. spectral data (cm- 1) for o-VTSC and Ni--o-VTSC chelate.

Compound v(NH) v(C=N) v(C--N--N=C) v(N--N) v ( C : S ) v(C--S) v(M--O) v(M--S) v(M--N)

[o-VTSC] 3130 1580 - 1050 1460 . . . .

[Ni(o-VTSC).HzO] 3140 1590 1530 1070 - 850 580 440 390

v(H20) ca. 3480, 5(H20) ca. 1660 and ?(H20) at ca. 680cm-1 in the chelate.

110 0.6 H
lOO ~ I- 275.49~
1 H N I
90 288.96~ t.1291.39~
o~ 80 -8.724% r~1349.21o C
0.4~ o~ i
~" 70 I ~ 377.70~ (I)

o 60 tt/ -~ OCH3 I
5o 0.2 g
Figure 2. Structure of Ni--o-VTSC chelate.
40 I I \ \\ 788.56oc _ Pi
30 W 50074~ ~
20 I I , I I 150774(c ~ - - ~ ' - - ~ 0.0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (~
The t.g.a, data shows a percentage weight loss of 6.00
Figure 1. T.g.a. of Ni--o-VTSC complex. (calcd 6.40) for N i - - o - V T S C chelate, corresponding to
one molecule of coordinated HzO, which is consistent
with the analytical and i.r. spectral data. The pyrolytic
Electronic spectra and magnetic susceptibilities curve for this chelate is shown in Figure 1.
In the electronic spectrum of o-VTSC, three intense
maxima are observed at 235, 268 and 350nm due to 1H n.m.r, spectra
n - a*, a - a* and n - n* transitions, respectively(11).
The latter two bands show blue shift by 40-60 nm in the 1H n.m.r, spectra of N i - - o - V T S C chelate were recorded
brown coloured nickel(II) chelate. The three bands observed and the spectral lines assigned for all protons with the help
at 420, 570 and 870nm are assigned as 1Bzo*--1A1 o, of the deuterium exchanged spectrum. The chemical shift
values are given in Table 3. The disappearance o f - - N H
1A20*-- 1A1~ and 1E0*- 1Alg transitions, respectively(~2).
and - - O H proton signals in the spectrum clearly shows
The magnetic moment ofmonomeric N i - - o - V T S C chelate
the sites of coordination with nickel. Also the aromatic
protons signals at 6.95 and 7.55 p.p.m, of the ligand have
shifted to 6.90 p.p.m., the proton at 6.75 shifted to 6.45 p.p.m.
Table 3. H a n.m.r, spectral data of o-VTSC and its nickel(II) Olefinic CH shifted from 8.4p.p.m. in the ligand to
chelate. 7.9p.p.m. The - - N H 2 and - - O C H 3 have shifted from
8.0 to 6.35 p.p.m, and 3.8 to 3.75 p.p.m., respectively. The
Nuclei Chem shift (p.p.m.) Chem shift (p.p.m.)
results are in agreement with the proposed structure
nickel(II) chelate o-VTSC
(Figure 2).
Aromatic protons 6.45(0,6.9(d) 6.75(0, 6.95(d),
Alkene-CH 7.9 8:4 Conclusions
Alkene-NH2 6.35 7.9, 8.1
Alkene-OCH 3 3.75 3.80 The ligand o-VTSC behaves as a dibasic tridentate ligand
Alkene-OH - 11.4 towards nickel(II) and the three bonding sites are con-
Alkene-NH - 9.2 firmed to be phenolic oxygen, azomethine nitrogen and
thiolo sulphur atom based on spectral, magnetic and t.g.a.
Transition Metal Chemistry, 19 (1994) 25-27 o-VTSC Ni(II) chelate 27

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