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Radleigh Valentine
Carlsbad, California - New York City
London - Sydney - New DelhiCopyright © 2014 by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
ReviSEd Copyright © 2019 by Radleigh Valentine
Published in the United States by: Hay House, Inn: www
.hayhouse.con1 0 Published in Australia by: Hay House Aus-
tralia Pty. Ltd: - Published in the
United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, wwwhayhouse - Pubiisiwd in india by: Hay House Publishers lndia:
All artwork is copyrighted by the artist and may not be repro-
duced by any means, elEctronic or otherwise, without first
obtaining the permission of the artist.

Cover and interior design: Nick C. Welch

All rights reserved. No part of this guidebook may be
reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic
process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may
it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be
copied for public or private use—other than for ”fair use" as
brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without
prior written permission of the publisher. The intent of the
author is only to offerinformation of a general nature to help
you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In
the event you use any of the information in this guidebook
for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no respon-
sibility for your actions.

A modified version of this deck was previously published as

Angel Answers Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh
Valentine (ISBN: 9781401945909).

Printed in ChinaAlso by Radleigh Valentine

The Big Book ofAngel Tarot
Compendium of Magical Things
How to Be Your Own Gem's
Card Decks
Angel Tarot Cards
Animal Tarot Cards
Archangel Power Tarot Cards
Fairy Tarot Cards
Guardian Angel Tarot Cards
All of the above are available online and
at your local bookstore. Please visit:
Radleigh’s website:
Hay House USA:“
Hay House Australia:
Hay House UK: wwhayhousecauk
Hay House lndia:
How to Work with the
Angel Answers Oracle Cards ......... 1
The Meanings of the Cards ......... 12
A Year from Now ................. 13
Abundance .................... 15
Ask for Help from Others ............ 17
Ask Your Angels ................. 19
Be Assertive! ................... 21
Big, Happy Changes ............... 23
Choose a New Direction ............ 25
Communicate Clearly .............. 27
Compromise ................... 29
Don't Stop! .................... 31
Forgiveness .................... 33
Get More Information .............. 35
Helpful People .................. 37
If You Believe ................... 39Improving Health ................ 41
In the Near Future ................ 43
It's Up to You! ................... 44
Let Go ....................... 46
Listen to Your Intuition ............. 48
Look for a Sign .................. 50
Meditation Brings Answers ........... 52
No ......................... 54
N01 ......................... 55
No Need to Worry ................ 56
Not the Right Time ............... 58
Opportunity ................... 59
Peaceful Resolution ............... 61
Perfect Timing .................. 63
Reconsider ..................... 64
Recovery ...................... 66
Remain Positive .................. 68
Romance ...................... 70
Success! ...................... 72
Take Action .................... 74The Situation Will Improve ........... 76
There's Something Better ............ 78
Trust ........................ 80
Unlikely ...................... 82
Wait ........................ 84
Within the Next Few Months ......... 86
Within the Next Few Weeks .......... 87
Yes ......................... 88
Yes! ......................... 89
You’re Ready .................... 91
The Diflerent Types ofAngel Answers
in This Deck ................. 93
About the Artist ................. 95
About the Author ................ 97How TO WORK WITH THE
0 “How can I get a simple yes-or—no
answer to my question?"
0 ”How do 1 know the timing of when
an event will occur. "
- “I want to talk to my angels, but I
don’t know how to use oracle cards.
How can I get answers? ”
These types of questions have been
asked many times in the classes I teach.
There are occasions when everyone wants
detailed answers to their inquiries. But
what about those times when all you need
is a quick and easy-to-understand response
addressing your concerns?

The Angel Answers Oracle Cards deck

was created for just these kinds of situa-
tions. Perhaps you want to pull a quick
card for support and confidence. Or maybeyou’re trying to choose between multi-
ple options, and you need a crystal clear
sign pointing out which choice to make.
Whether your concern is about romance,
career, health, or even just day-to-clay
decision making, these cards make getting
answers extremely easy!

How to Use YourAngel Answers Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are an ancient and
time-honored way to connect with Heaven
and your angels. They're based upon
Pythagorean numerology, which teaches
that numbers and images all vibrate in a
very precise, mathematical manner.

It’s impossible to make a mistake when

using oracle cards, because they operate
within the infallible Law of Attraction.
This means that your inquiries (or those
of the person you're doing the reading
for) will always attract the perfect cardsas answers. Each one yOu pull will
match the vibration of the question.

These Angel Answers Oracle Cards are

meant to be inclusive of all belief systems.
Therefore, words such as the Divine, Source,
the Universe, God, and Goddess are all con—
sidered to be references to the same aspect
of pure Love. If the word used in any par-
ticular part of this guidebook is different
than the one you prefer, please feel free
to cross it out and write in the word that
resonates with you.

Preparing Your Cards

Here’s how to prepare and work with
your Angel Answers Oracle Cards:
Step 1: Clear Your Card Deck
Your cards are sensitive, and they
absorb energy from everyone who touches
them. So they’ll need to be cleared of anyenergy they may have absorbed from the
manufacturing and shipping process. Steps
1 and 2 only need repeating after another
person touches your cards or if your read-
ings lack clarity because the cards have
become clogged with too much energy.
To clear your deck, hold the cards
in one hand and sweep your other hand
over them. Then think the thought that
y0u’d like the cards to be cleared, and say
a prayer over them, such as: ”Dear Angels,
thank you for lifting away anything from
these cards that is not of Divine love.” This
clears out the old energy and makes them
ready to receive your special energy.

Step 2: Prepare the Cards

Briefly touch all the cards to introduce
your own energy to them. You can simply
touch one Of the corners of each to do this.
Then fan the cards out with the artworkfacing you. Hold the fanned cards to your
heart and think about any prayers or
intentions you’d like to bestow upon them.

Your cards are sensitive to your desires

for them. They now carry your personal
vibration and wishes.

Your Angel Answer Oracle Cards are

designed to be grouped into three types
of cards: Angel Messages, Timing Cards,
and Yes/No Cards. Divide the cards now
into those three categories. You’ll want to
keep your cards in these separate piles for
your readings.

To help you organize your cards,

there’s a list of the categories at the end of
this guidebook. The cards also have differ—
ent colored borders:
' Angel Messages are purple.
' Timing Cards are gold.
0 Yes/No Cards are blue.Step 3: Ask a Question
Think of a question you‘d like to have
answered. If you’re pulling cards for some-
one else, ask him or her to either think
of or voice a question. Heaven hears your
thoughts, so you don’t need to say your
question out loud.

Step 4: Shuffle the Cards

Now chOOSe which of the three stacks of
cards you're going to work with. If the ques—
tion is a timing question like “When will
this happen?“ then use the Timing Cards.
If you’re looking for a Straightforward yes Or
no an5wer to a question such as “Should I do
this?" then choose the Yes/No cards. If you
have a general question like ”What do the
angels want me to know right now?” then
use the Angel Messages cards.Think of the question as you shuffle
the cards, and ask Heaven to help you with
answers and guidance. 1 often say this
prayer, similar to the one in Step 1, while
Dear angels, Please bless and protect this
space. i ask that you ensure only pure and
trustworthy answers from the Divine come
through these cards. i ask that the messages
l receive be clear and easy to understand.
Please help me see, hear, feel, and know the
messages you have for us. l ask that this card
reading bring blessings to everyone involved.
And so it is.

If one or more cards ”jump" out of the

deck while you’re shuffling, place them to
the side. They’ll be part of your reading.

As you're shuffling, you’ll likely

notice thoughts, words, feelings, or
Visions. These inner messages will help
you understand the cards you draw, sopay attention to everything that you
think, hear, feel, and see.

You may also receive a feeling or a

“knowing" to stop shuffling the cards, or
you may even hear the words Stop shuffling
now. These intuitive messages are helping
you with the reading. You can’t make a
mistake and stop shuffling too soon, as
the Divine Law of Attraction ensures that
you‘ll always select the correct cards.

Step 5: Choose a Card

Once you stop shuffling, pull any card
from the deck. The card you draw is always
the right one. Every card is positive, so
don't worry about choosing wrongly. You
may pull a card from the tOp of the stack or
select one from anywhere in the deck that
you feel called to.

The card you pull is the answer to

your question. As you read the words onit, notice any additional words, thoughts,
feelings, or visions that come to you, as
these are also messages from Heaven for
you. The picture on the card, too, is import-
ant. Notice where your eyes go when you
look at the card, and pay attention to how
you feel. Everything you see and feel is part
of the answer to your question.

If you set aside a card (or cards) that

”jumped" out of the deck while you were
shuffling, look at it, too. The jumping card
is also giving you a message.

These Angel Answers Oracle Cards were

designed to give you the perfect answer
with just one card for each question
you ask. In a situation where you are
comparing possibilities, you would pull
one card for each option. If, after pulling
a single card, you decide that you would
like additional information, you can ask
your angels for more detail, shuffle, and
pull another.Step 6: Read This Book
Turn to the entry for each card within
this little book. As you read the words,
remember to notice any thoughts or
feelings that come to you, as they’re also
part of the answer. Heaven will give you
answers and help pertaining to every part
of your life.

ThreedCard Spread
After completing Steps 3 and 4, pick
three cards from the top of the deck, (For
this type of reading, you’ll likely be pull-
ing all three cards from the Angel Mes-
sages stack.) With the pictures and words
facing up, lay the first card to your left, the
second one in the middle, and the third
to the right. The card to your left speaks
about the immediate past with respect
to the situation you inquired about. Themiddle card reveals your question’s cur-
rent status and what you need to know
or work on right now. And the card to
the right shows your immediate future if
you continue on your present path and
follow the guidance in the middle card.
Again, remember that you can improve
your future by holding a positive outlook
and following your inner guidance.

Multiple Card Decks

Angel Answers Oracle Cards are
designed to work with other oracle or
angel-based tarot cards in order to provide
more detailed answers should you need
them. Simply complete Steps 3 through 6
for each deck, Look for common themes
among the cards you’ve chosen, and that
is the answer to your question.


This guidebook explains the general
meanings for every card in the deck.
The names are listed alphabetically
according to the first words on the card.
At the end of the guidebook, you’ll find
The Different Types of Angel Answers
in This Deck, which organizes the cards
into “Angel Messages,” “Timing Cards,"
and “Yes/No Cards.“
When you’re ready to look up a card’s
meaning, find the corresponding page and
read the interpretation. Your inner wis-
dom will tell you if any of the information
applies to you, or it may trigger further
insights about your situation. Also remem-
ber that your intuition will offer you even
more personalized messages from your
angels, so as you read, simultaneously pay
attention to your thoughts and feelings.


The event you are asking about will
occur within this year, or soon after.
During this time interval, you’re encour-
aged to stay optimistic, and to con-
tinue with self-care activities and other
preparations for your desire. Remem-
ber that other people's freewill choices
are involved. Your angels are presently
l 3working behind the scenes on your
behalf, even if you can't immediately see
the evidence of your answered prayers.

Great abundance will find its way into
your life! Your plans will yield prosperity,
providing a sense of security about the
future. Your angels will be with you as you
take the actions necessary to manifest your

Abundance is not always financial in

nature. You may be seeking to manifest
new ideas, a large circle of friends, vibrant
l5health, or romantic love. This card can
also reflect an inflow of any of these types
of treasures into your life. Open your arms
to Heaven to receive with gratitude that
which you desire!ASK FOR HELP
It's not necessary to do everything on
your own. Your angels are asking you to
reach out to those around you for assis-
tance. By allowing others to lend a hand,
you greatly increase your chances for suc-
cess, and your plans will begin to moveforward. The help you receive may also
include important information provided
by knowledgeable individuals.

The stress of doing too much can cre-

ate both physical and emotional health
challenges for you. Surround yourself with
loving friends and family who are willing
and able to lighten your load, and you’ll
begin to feel much better!


Your angels are always with you! How-
ever, you must ask for their assistance in
order for them to provide you with the
help you’re seeking, because Heaven
respects your freewill choices. State your
questions to your angels clearly. You can
do so either out loud or silently in yourown mind. Your angels will instantly help
you according to Divine will.
Your angels may also have special
messages for you about the situation you’re
asking about. Sit quietly in a peaceful place
indoors or out in nature and ask for advice
and guidance. Notice what messages come
to you. It’s possible the answers will come
to you through your feelings, hearing, or
sight—or perhaps you will just know the
answerl You can also ask the angels for
signs during the day to guide you onto
the right path.


This situation calls for you to take

matters into your own hands! You must
get Clear on your personal feelings and
then pursue the fulfillment of your desires
with courage and self-confidence. Ask for
what you need, without watering down
your request in order to satisfy others.Remember that seeing to your own
needs is nothing to apologize for! Set
boundaries with those around you in
order to create a safe and fair environment.
Tailor your actions so that you earn the
respect from others you deserve, and then
move forward.


Big positive changes are coming into
your life! You may find yourself on a new
career path, entering a new relationship,
or moving to a new home or City. Embrace
these exciting events, knowing that your
angels will be beside you all the way!

What you are asking about may

require you to take leaps of faith that
23seem frightening or beyond your ability.
Trust that the opportunities before you
are meant to bring you happiness. These
options would not have presented them-
selves unless you were ready for them.
Release your fears and follow your heart.

The time has come to choose a new
direction for your life. The circumstances
that you find yourself living in may seem
unfulfiiling, or perhaps your heart is
full of discontent. You know that there is
something more out in the world for you,
25and you’ve been procrastinating following
the guidance of your angels.

Make a conscious Choice to be the

person you are meant to be. Create an
action plan for yourself that leads you in
the direction of your Divine life purpose.
Begin taking steps immediately toward a
happier future!

This situation requires very precise
and careful communication. Don't assume
that others involved understand what you
want or need from them. In-person dis-
cussions are preferable, but if that’s not
27possible, make sure that your communi-
cation method is very thorough.

This card can indicate that there has

been a miscommunication that is creating
a Challenge for the parties involved. By
clearing up any misunderstandings, you
can heal the situation so that everyone can
start moving forward again.

In order to create a happy outcome
for this situation, you will find it nec-
essary to compromise. Allow yourself
some time to become Clear about what
is truly important to you. Also, take note
of matters where you would be open to
Changing your position. Work toward an
agreement where everyone wins.

29Be open to cooperation that would

allow you to get what you need while also
assisting others in fulfilling their desires.
Be objective about finding a balance
between respecting everyone else’s view-
points and still being true to your own.


This is not the time to give up! Con-

tinue to move in the direction of your
hopes, dreams, or plans. You are on the
right path, and you should see progress as
long as you stay the course!

It’s very important that you stand

your ground and believe in yourself. Don’t
let others intimidate you into quitting.

3 |Just because they don‘t have your vision

doesn't mean you shouldn’t follow your

I ." Ewfifl- .3.
Forgiveness can work miracles. When
you release the past, a weight is lifted from
your shoulders, and a sense of freedom
washes over you. Ask your angels to help
you let go of sadness or pain caused by
others so that you can be free!

This card can also refer to a need for

self-forgiveness. It’s time to let go of any
33guilt you are holding on to regarding past
mistakes you may have made. Give your-
self credit for having tried your best even
if the results weren’t what you would have
liked. Focus on the changes you’ve made
since then that have made you a better

The situation you’re asking about
requires more information in order for you
to make a wise dECision. Approach those
kn0wiedgeable about the topic to solicit
their advice. If there are friends or family
35members in your midst who have insight
into the matter, ask for their observations.

You may need to do some analytical

research in order to get the data you need.
This could include reading books, taking
classes or seminars, or gathering informa-
tion from the Internet.


This card indicates that it’s time to
expand your circle of friends. Or yOu may
find yourself needing to do sorne profes-
sional networking. Make time to branch
out in order to create the personal or
career connections necessary to be happy
and successful!

37This card can also indicate that your

situation requires the input of those who
can assist you in accomplishing the task
before you. This may include professionals
in fields related to your question or others
who work for or around you. It could also
include people in your personal life who
have experience that would be useful. This
card lets you know that someone will be
entering your life soon who can help make
your dreams come true.

What you need right now is faith. You
can have what you desire, but you must
believe that it can be 50! Stay positive and
visualize the outcome yOu’re hoping for.
Set aside all negativity or pessimism in
favor of a sunny outlook.

The Law of Attraction brings to us what

we expect to receive. If our perception is
39that we deserve great things, then we will
attract happiness. If we fall into doubt and
don't believe in our own self-worth, then
our experiences will match that energy.

Believe in yourself and your cherished


The angels want you to know that
the health of the person you asked about
is going to improve. You can request
the assistance of Archangel Raphael and
your guardian angels to speed along the

This card may also be urging you to

make more healthful choices in your life.

4|If you’re feeling called to detox from harm-

ful foods or substances, you should fol-
low that guidance. Removing unhealthy
practices from your life will make you feel
Vibrant and strong!

What you are asking about will occur
very soon, so you won't have to wait much
longer. Stay optimistic and continue upon
your current path. Be open to receiving.



The end result of the situation you

asked about is entirely in your hands! You
can affect the outcome by taking a proac-
tive approach to solving any challenges.
Stand in your own power and have confi-
dence that you have what it takes to bring
about a happy ending!

44Don’t wait for someone else to rush in

and take charge. In order to come to a suc-
cessful conclusion, this situation requires
your unique perspective and experience.
45The time has come to let go of this
situation. Stop focusing on how or when
it will be solved or even why it occurred.
Relationships that are unhealthy or
unfulfilling should be released in order
to allow something better to come along.
Don’t worry—Source and your angels have
everything under control.

46A key aspect to manifesting your

desires is to ask for what you want and
then to release it to Heaven. If you’ve
drawn this card, you may be holding on
too tightly to the way your dreams will
unfold. Make a wish, and then leave the
rest to your angels!

Your intuition is completely reliable
and accurate at this time. Listen to your
own inner guidance and you can’t go
wrong. You can be certain that the mes-
sages you’re receiving from your angels are
real and trustworthy.

48Have faith in your feelings about the

circumstances you're experiencing. Your
insights into other people and their true
feelings or motives are perfectly accurate.
There is no need to question what you
know is true!


Your angels have a very special and
specific answer to your question. You can
expect to see signs right away that will
have deep meaning to you. Many people
see white feathers to indicate that their
angels are with them. Or they may smell
scents from their childhood that they con-
nect with a family member.

50Signs require focused attention, so be

awake to the possibilities. Don’t mistake
synchronistic events for mere “coinci-
dences" at this time. They are a message
especially designed for you!

5 li. .I
; mprmnomx

Trying to come up with an intellectual
answer to your concerns hasn't been suc-
cessful. That's because the solutions you
seek can only be found by going within,
through meditation or inner spiritual

52You may also gather insights from

your nighttime dreams, as your subcon-
scious creates solutions for you that are not
available to your waking mind.

53The answer to your question is no.
You may gather additional information
by asking another question surrounding
this issue and drawing another card.

54The response to your inquiry is a firm
no! You needn't worry, though, as you will
see why this was the perfect answer as
time goes by.


Your worries and concerns regarding
your question are unnecessary. Your angels
have the situation well in hand, and every-
thing is going to turn out perfectly]
Obsessing over this subject isn’t
helpful. The energy of fear and worry
only slows the eventual manifesting of
your desires. ViSualize loving and happy
56outcomes, and keep your thoughts posi-
tive. Very soon you will wonder why you
were worrying about this at all!

This is not the right time presently
for what you’re inquiring about. This
answer is not a “no," just a “not yet.” Have
patience. Your angels will give you a Sign
when the timing is perfect.

Positive growth and expansion is on
the horizon for you. This opportunity may
bring with it inspiration and insight, or
it could be the chance you've been wait-
ing for to take action on ideas you already

You may be seeking to manifest the

chance to create changes in your career,
59buy or sell a home, or bring romance into
your life. Whatever your desires, your
angels are about to open a door of possi-
bilities for you. Step right through!


The challenges you're inquiring about
are going to come to an end. Conflict will
cease and soon be replaced with harmony.
There will be a sense of peace shared by
all, even if some only “agree to disagree."
Disagreements will be resolved in
your favor. This includes struggles with
employers, legal battles, arbitration, and
6|even strife among family or friends. Be for-
giving and understanding with those who
may have been in error. Allow peace to
come, with grace and dignity for everyone.

This is the perfect timing for the sit-
uation you’ve asked about. Move forward
with confidence! Don't delay or hesitate,
because an energy gateway is presently
open for you. Conditions are ripe. Even if
you don‘t feel prepared, rest assured that
you are!

There is an element of your plan that
should be reevaluated. Take some time to
really go through your project or proposal
thoroughly. Share your intentions with
a trusted friend or advisor who can give
you objective feedback. Ask your angels
for guidance.

64This is not the moment to make the

Change in your life that you’re consid-
ering. A better time will come, or you’ll
realize that you wish to choose a different
kind of transformation for yourself.

This is a period of recovery and heal-
ing for you. The Challenging emotions that
you’ve been dealing with will fade away
with time. Although it may be difficult to
see now, there is a joyful future awaiting
you. But for now, take all the time you
need to regain your strength.

We 66This card can also mean that your

recovery is nearly finished or already com-
plete. Send words of gratitude to Heaven
and begin planning for the next exciting
phase of your life!
The angels are asking you to keep an
optimistic attitudel There is a very positive
momentum beginning to build toward
the creation of your desires. You’re speed-
ing your dreams along by maintaining a
cheerful and confident demeanor.

68It may seem as though your plans are

taking a long time to manifest, but very
soon you will see a change. Don’t allow
yourself to lose hope when your dreams
are so close to coming true!

A very important relationship is about
to enter, or has recently entered, your life.
This is the romance you have been waiting
for! Like all partnerships, there may be ups
and downs, but don‘t let that deter you
or shake your confidence. Have faith that
love is coming into your life to stayI
7OIf your question was about a current
relationship, you can expect the parties
to become closer to one another. Past dis-
agreements will fade away, and trust will
grow. All relationships have peaks and val-
leys. This card indicates an upward move-
ment to a new level of dedication and
intimacy. This can include engagement,
marriage, or a form of recommitment to
one another.


Congratulations! You are on the road

to success. You needn’t have any reserva-
tions about your situation, as it’s going to
work out beautifully]
Part of living a successful life is tak-
ing care of yourself. It’s wonderful to
have many things to be grateful for, but
72make sure you don’t wear yourself down
by working too hard. Take time to enjoy
peace in your life.

The time has come to take action!
Your angels are waiting for you to take the
next step so that they can assist you along
the path to your dreams. Do away with
procrastination and uncertainty. In your
heart, you know what to do. Get going!

74Whether you're focused upon career,

relationships, or some other topic, the ful-
fillment of your wishes isn’t going to just
fall into your lap! You must be actively
focused on the pursuit of what you want.

6%;-[L’€IMPR,\{E -‘
Your angels want you to know that
they are aware that things look difficult
right now. However, the situation is going
to improve. It may take some time, and
there will most likely be some hard work
ahead of you. But the effort you put forth
76will be worth it, and things are going to
get better!

Now is not the time to give up on

wounded friendships or ailing relation~
ships. There is still hope for the future.
Take heart, and c ntinue to work toward
a partnership where both parties are ful-
filled and happy in the future.

Heaven has something wonderful
in mind for you! However, it’s not the
same thing you have planned. Ask your-
self what you would rather have: the very
thing you’re asking for or something that
mux‘nhx” 73 w" “Wmwould make you much happier and more

Sometimes the Divine has joys in store

for us that we could never imagine on our
own. Open your mind and heart to the
possibility that you deserve even more
than What you’re asking for. Trust your
angels to guide you in new and exciting
directions!This is a time for trust. Sometimes
there is no yes or no to a question. There
are situations where we are better served
by not knowing what is to come so that
the miracle can unfold before our very

80Like Children opening a gift, part of

the magic of our lives is found in the joy
of surprise! Trust that your angels have
something amazing in store for you even
if they can‘t quite tell you yet what it is.

The situation you have asked about is
unlikely to occur as you are imagining it.
There may be a different version of events
that will take place. Or it may be that what
you’ve asked about is simply not in your
highest, greatest good.Place your focus on an alternative
possibility. Open your eyes to different
opportunities. Be willing to experience a
unique and more uplifting outcome than
What you had planned for yourself.

83Your situation is going to require a
little patience. Your angels are not say—
ing “no,” but they are saying ”not yet."
Sometimes Heaven needs a little extra
time to make all the pieces fall perfectly
into place.

84What you are asking for may have an

effect on the lives of others. When that
occurs, it can take additional prepara-
tion to make sure that everyone’s needs
are seen to. Be patient so that all who are
involved can have the experience they're
meant to have.


In the next few months, what you are
asking about will occur. Divine timing
means that other people's freewill Choices
are also involved, so keep the faith while all
of the pieces of this puzzle come together
and the situation resolves itself beautifully.

What you asked about will happen
this month, or soon thereafter. Your
patience is rewarded!


The answer to your question is yes. If
you want a more detailed reply to your
inquiry, you can ask additional questions
and pull more cards.


Bravo! The decision you’ve made is the

right one. There’s no need to continue to
sort through additional options. You know
what to do, and you should move forward
with your plans!

You’ve made the correct choice for

your personal growth and development;
89however, some decisions can be a true
Challenge. If the task ahead of you is
daunting or even sad, then proceed with
your plans in a way that is life affirming
and self-loving. Ask your angels to be with
you every step of the way, and don’t hes-
itate to call upon friends and family for

All your past experiences have led to
this moment. You’ve studied and grown
spiritually in many ways. There is nothing
more to do. You’re ready to move forward
and to embrace the pawn you know in
your heart you are meant to be.

9 |The world is anxiously awaiting the

contributions that fOIIOWing your life pur-
pose will provide. You may have to put
yourself first in this situation. It’s time to
do what is right for you.

Angel Messages (purple)
Ask for Help from Others
Ask Your Angels
Be Assertive!

Big, Happy Changes

Communicate Clearly
Get More Information
Helpful People
If You Believe
Improving Health
It’s Up to You!

Let Go
Listen to Your Intuition
Look for a Sign
Meditation Brings Answers
No Need to Worry
Peaceful Resolution
Remain Positive

The Situation Will Improve

Timing Cards (gold)
A Year from Now
In the Near Future
Not the Right Time
Perfect Timing
Take Action
Within the Next Few Months
Within the Next Few Weeks
You're Ready
Yes/No Cards (blue)
Choose a New Direction
Don’t Stopi

There's Something Better


You can order prints of many of
the images in the Angel Answers Oracle
Cards deck. The prints come in different
sizes, without the border or words that
appear on the cards. To purchase a
print, please contact the artist directly
through his website. Neither Hay House,
Inc.; Magical Things, Inc.; nor Radleigh
Valentine assumes responsibility for any
sales conducted between you and the
individual artist.

Marius Michael-George is a classically

trained Visionary artist and art teacher who
specializes in Sacred Art. He is a native of
Eastern Europe, born in Bucharest, Roma-
nia, and presently divides his working time
between an art studio in Paradise Valley,
Montana, and an art gallery in Mount
Shasta, California.

95'Scanning the unseen through the

“eyes of the soul,” Marius Creates images
that become portals into other realms and
invite the Viewer to participate in a spiri-
tual experience. Angels, faeries, saints, and
ascended masters seem to feel at home in
his studio, and whether in ethereal bodies
or physical form, they are the main protag-
onists of his compositions.

Marius studied painting with master of

classical art Frank Mason at the Art Students
League in New York City, and afterward
he was trained in the system of classical
realism at Atelier LeSueur and Atelier Lack
in Minneapolis. His original oil paintings
and murals are found in public and private
collections across North and South America
and Europe, and all artwork is published
internationally as prints and cards.

Website: http://mariusfineartcom
Best-selling Hay House author
Radleigh Valentine has inspired audi-
ences worldwide with the angelic messages
of pure love and unconditional support.
He is the author of six card decks, includ-
ing the best-selling Angel Tarot Cards,
and his books How to Be Your Own Genie
and Compendium of Magical Things offer
insightful, exhilarating lessons about how
to manifest the life of our dreams and find
our own unique language for communi-
cating with the Divine.

An internationally known spiritual

teacher and speaker, Radleigh has
appeared at the Angel World Summit
in London, Engelkongress in Germany
and Austria, and more than a dozen
Hay House I Can Do It events. In his
97weekly Hay House Radio show, Magical
Things with Radler'gh Valentine, and in
the popular streaming Video Show, Ask
Rad! on Facebook and Instagram, he
infectiously enchants audiences with the
message that each and every one of our
lives . . . is magic! For more information,
please Visit

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You’ll learn inspiring tips, powerful exercises: and

encouraging ways to use angel tarot readings to
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