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PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, ETC - 2014 SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE -I ‘TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions, select at least ONE question from each section, Each question carry equal marks. SECTION -A QA. Briefly explain the history of computer system and basic machine organization, Q.2. Give an overview of Operating system, Compiler and Computer Networks, Q.3, Discuss fundamental programming constructs. What are data types, control structures, functions and arrays, records and files? SECTION -B 4 Explain analog and ciital transmission techniques. What is noise? 5. Discuss the implementation of TCP/IP protocols a ciffrent layers. 46. Discuss the designing and implementation of Full Address and Full subtactor combinational ages SECTION-C 7. Explain te role of Operating system in scheduling, dispatch and memory management 8. Write down short note on any two ofthe following: 1 Sorting Algorithms - Bubble sort and Heap sort 2: hasing 3 Stacks and Queues 4 Evalution af muilti-car euctame PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, ETC - 2014 SUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCE II TINE ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q1..0), What do you derstand by the term CFGP What arts constituent parts? Explain with the help of example 'b), What is the use of heuristic function (¢) Describe Pros and cons of dynamic programming. @ ) Explain the Following search strates: I), Best-fiet saarch il AP Search 1). Hom des an alorithm ser from a program? vilusvate the use of irstordrogc to represent the knowledge, (Q.3, a). How are the two color models RGB and CMY realted to each other? How is the colour system HLS contructed? 1), hat do you understan by the flowing terms? i), Region Fiking i, imation Q.4. a). What do you mean by the data moldesl, explain with examples 1). tence on the fllowing i), etwork data model i), Relational data Model 5.), Explain the various levels of cata abstraction in database system Discuss the concurrency control macharism in dtl using suitable examples 6. Wete nate onthe oloning: i) performance turing i), Query Optimization Q.7. a). What is regression testing? Explain how the use of automated tests and testing framework such as JUnit simplifies regression testing. b), hats the mostimpatantdiference between generic sotnare product development and custom sotnare development? hat might this mean in pracice For users of generic software products? (8. a) hat ae the advantages of iterative methods over dect methods for solving 3 system of near equations? '), Explain Guassordan method to solve the system of equations, ‘To succed lok at ings not as they are but as they canbe.)

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