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Give Up Tomorrow

Autopsy report: Gang rape

July 17 – Paco was in school (Manila)

6 other suspects

Related to the Lito Osmeñ a (nephew)

42 witnesses claimed that Paco was not in Cebu (police did not investigate the

Media was anti – paco

Case transfer from Cebu to Manila denied

Mr. Chiong owned a trucking business allegedly related to drug trafficking, was
called to testify against the drug lord, before this scheduled testimony, his daughters
went missing, he did not testify

NBI tasked to solve Chiong Case

Pablo Labra started apprehending people on the juvenile list (Paco included in the
list due to a scuffle in a parking lot)

6 months after the arrest, police still had no solid evidence against the accused

Cheryl Jimenea (Thelma Chiong) appointment secretary of Erap

Case moved swiftly due to Erap assigning 4 agencies to handle the case

Government caravans went to the farm owned by Larranagas (tip that there were

Government started digging around, alleged order by the President

They found no body

10 months after the arrest, police arrested Rusia (felon in the US)

Rusia’s confession gave the prosecution a “viable case” against the accused

Trial happened 1 year after the arrest

Rusia became a state witness

There was a televised reenactment of the events

Rusia avoided cross-examination by pretending to be ill

Rusia was tortured by the police to confess to the killing

Thelma Chiong did not recognize the body

Police sliced skin from the thumbs and declared that it matched Marijoy’s voter ID

Issues on the wrong body

Judge claimed that the identity of the bodies are not anymore relevant, did not allow
the forensic experts to testify

Counsel for the defense withdrew

Judge Ocampo claimed that it was an attack on his integrity, and that it was an act of

Sent the 5 defense lawyers to jail

Judge assigned PAO lawyers to the defense

Witnesses claimed that Paco was with them

Alleged photo tampering

Judge removed the witnesses (too many witnesses)

Paco wanted to take the stand

Judge Ocampo did not allow such, granted Rusia’s freedom

Verdict 2 years after arrest – Guilty, 2 life sentences

Prosecution panel got promoted

Erap was not satisfied, wanted death, DOJ will appeal

Paco transferred from Cebu to Manila

Appeal to the SC

Judge Ocampo dead in the waterfront hotel

Ocampo killed himself, self inlicted

Both wrist, superficial, tried cutting his ankle, he was walking around the room

He shot himself in the temple

Prison 3 years after the arrest

Paco and the accused joined Batang Cebu gang for protection

Give up tomorrow, if you want to give up tomorrow, give up tomorrow

SC sentenced Paco to death penalty by lethal injection

Fr. Reyes ran a campaign, justice for Paco

The Larranagas ran to the Spanish Government

Amicus Curae submitted to the SC

Spanish journalists started a campaign to save Paco’s life

SC d disregarder all legal pressure from the international community

Chief justice of the SC was related to the Chiongs

Applied to the UN Human rights committee agreed to take the case

 Insufficient evidence
 Denial of justice
 SC failed to respond accordingly

Asked clemency from Arroyo

Death sentence will not be executed

Arroyo abolished the death penalty

Spanish king praises PH for abolishing death penalty

Transfer of convicts – prisoner exchange treaty

Paco out on parole (3rd grade prisoner)

Transfer 12 years after arrest

Paco was sent to Spain

Paco being forced to admit the crime so he can be recommended parole

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