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Company Profile

Since the 1820s, various forms of public transportation have come and gone throughout
the world thus making an impact not only on how we travel but also on today’s general
structuring of cities. As the earliest bus services started springing up all over the world,
getting from point A to point B became easier than ever, furthering the divide between
the urban city centers and suburban neighborhoods.
Company H is a bus company that provides transportation to passengers traveling to
the Northern Cordillera. Its route is from Baguio to Bontoc and vice versa via the
Halsema Road which operates from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Company H started its first operation in 2002 which started with only two jeeps with
Abatan-Bauko as its route. After a few years of operation, the owners started investing
for 5 units (bus). Currently, the company owns 20 buses that travel from Bontoc-

Mission of the Company

Provide a reliable and comfortable public transport service which people can look to as
a viable and convenient.

Vision of the Company

Deliver a service of excellence that exceeds the needs or expectations of our customers.

Organizational Chart

Figure 1: Company H's organizational chart

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