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RULES OF THE RANGE MIRA LOMA SCHOOL C.R. ENGLAND PACTICE YARD IS AVATDLABLE DAILY UNTIL 9 PM 1. The speed limit is five miles per hour. 2. No shifting practice in the yard. 3. Two students minimum in order to move a track. 4, There must be a spotter visible and in communication ” with the driver when a vehicle is backing or pulling férward. 5. Yield the right-of way to all other vehicles and students. 6. Equal time to all students. desiring to practice. This means you have 10 minutes to complete the maneuver you are working on. = 7. Three points of contact is required when entering or exiting the vehicle. 8. DO NOT RUN OVER THE CONES, THEY ARE MARKERS NOT TARGETS. 9, Ifyou have an accident, regardless how-minor, write down the numbers of the vehicles involved and what happened. Give this information to your instructor immediately. 40. Ifyou have questions about what to do in any given situation, ask one of the Instructors. Other students or drivers should not give instructions. 14; Practice, practice and practice!!! This is the only’ way you will learn all of the backing skills and the pre- trip within the time allowed. 12. No smoking in the trucks. We ask those of you that do smoke, please be considerate of those that do not smoke. Ass REMEMBER, youare a prospective employee and should act and dress accordingly. No open toed shoes allowed. eS

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