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good day

My name is Omar Becerra

I'm from the city of Quibdo
I live in the city of Bogota
I am thirty-five years old
I'm a telecommunications technician
I live with my daughter and wife
where do you live? Donde vive ?
How many siblings do you have ? cuantos hermanos tiene ?
I have three brothers
He's thirty-three, twenty-nine and twenty-six years old.
How do you live in Bogota? Hace cuanto vive en Bogotá ?
Yo vivo en bogota hace aproximadamente trece años ---I live in Bogota
about thirteen years ago
What profession do your parents have --- Que profesion tienen sus
padres ?
My dad is a worker and my mom is a housewife--- mi papa es obrero y
mi mama es ama de casa
Para presentar la entrevista – to present interview

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