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When we we're a child we fear ghost, we fear vampire, horror movies and the like.

But as we grow up, there's still this fear but in a different object. Such as fear
to fail, fear to feel lonely, and fear fear.
Then once again, as we grow older, we fear and worry what to eat, where to find job
and so many other things. Though the object changes, one thing remains FEAR.

But here's a realization for me with regards to it. In the bible, the word of the
Lord it says there in Colossians. "All things were made for God. " Then, it says
also in the bible that all things work together for those who love God. God has a
plan Jer. 29:11. God loves and cares for us John 3:16. God gave us self control
1Tim. God said do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself
Matthew. Then when Jesus is about to ascend in heaven, He said to His disciples,
Don't be afraid, believe in me. Because I live, you will live. John.

These are, but few of the many promises and assurance of God. Maybe, the way to
combat fear is not to feel fear or to ignore fear. But to shift our thoughts to
what the bible is telling. To what God is telling. For in His word, there is truth,
there is peace.

Once we understand how glorious, amazing thing, the Lord has prepared for those who
love Him, it's incomparable to the things we might imagine, we might assume. It's
far better. But for us, to start to deal with this fear, let us approach the throne
of grace, for His grace is new every morning. For He is gracious to forgive us in
all our sins, and willing to give us His Holy Spirit to give us power, if only we
ask Him and believe in Him. But for those who ask, they must not doubt James 1.

Here's the thing, if we approach God, whether fear is still there, maybe it will
never be absent at some point, but if we have Jesus in our hearts, wether fear is
there, or not. I know for sure, that whatever it is we fear, we will overcome. We
will be victorious, because we already are. For in Christ Jesus there is
Victory. :)

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