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Panic Attack

Ways to reduce the possibility of getting it:

1) Exercise - secret dopamine and make your happier thus reduce stress/ anxiety hormone

2) Meditation - help to calm your mind (especially in this fast-paced world). Take a few minutes
everyday for yoga/prayers/meditation/mindfulness practice.

3) Writing - let your mind flow, keep a journal. Write everything during the day or anything that are
bothering you at the moment.

4) Aromatherapy/perfume - A nice soothing scent usually help to calm us down (lavender help
you sleep better, lemon help you freshen up). Smelling something will also help us to be
present in the moment.

5) Reduce amount of caffeine intake- Caffeine is a stimulant thus it will increase heart rate and
blood flow that will make you feel anxious. Alcohol

Ways to combat during the event:

1) Deep breathing - this will helps your mind to slow down as breathing is a mechanism that helps
you to focus on here and now

6) Acknowledge that you are having a panic attack - don’t try to fight it. Denying and fighting it(the
symptoms you are facing) will not help you. In fact it will make it worst. So embrace and
acknowledge that you're having panic attack at the moment and get into the next step of
controlling it.

7) Get out of the stimuli/crowd/triggers - Even though there is no triggers in the moment we are
having PA, get out from any stimuli around you may help to calm yourself down. If you can't get
out from the situation, close your eyes. This will help to block out any stimuli and help you to
focus on breathing.

8) Practice mindfulness - the easiest way to practice mindfulness is by physical sensation. As PA

might make you feel detached or separate from reality/current situation, trying to feel an object
with your hand (ex: feel the texture of your jeans, your shirt). You can also grab anything in
front of you to and focus on the physical sensation (rough/smooth/sticky/wet). This will help you
to focus on here and now and help to slow down your heart beat.

What to do after the event:

1) Have a drink - the sensation of drinking a hot or cold drink can help to ground us (stay in the
moment/ here and now). Hot drinks can be very comforting and cold drinks can be very
refreshing. Tea or juice may help. Chamomile tea were found to be really helpful as it gives this
calm and soothing effect.

9) Seek comfort - get inside your blanket and hug your favourite pillows gives this comfort
sensation that will help us to calm us down. If you are away from bed, try to imagine it. Your
mind can be tricked as if you are inside your imagination.

10) Talk to someone - about what you went through and let them to give you some feedback on it.
11) Reflect - once you have recovered from a panic attack and had a bit of time out, it can be
helpful to reflect on what happened, either alone or with someone. Reflecting on what may
have triggered the panic attack, the way you coped with it. Find out whether or not this way of
coping was helpful to you if it happen again in the future.

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