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Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

• A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is
a graphical representation of the flow
of data through an information system.
• A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how data
is processed by a system in terms of inputs
and outputs. As its name indicates its focus is
on the flow of information, where data comes
from, where it goes and how it gets stored.
Types of DFD
Data flow diagrams can be divided into logical
and physical
1. The Logical data flow diagram describes flow
of data through a system to perform certain
functionality of a business.
2. The Physical data flow diagram describes the
implementation of the logical data flow.
Characteristics of DFD

• It is a Tool for Structured Analysis & System

Design Methodology
• a diagramming technique with explanation
• Describing the flow of activities/processes of
the target system
• allowing for behaviors of parallel and
asynchronous process
• Stepwise refinement through hierarchical
decomposition of processes.
Components of DFD
There are 4 Components of DFD

1. External entities are objects outside the system,

with which the system communicates.
2. A process transforms incoming data flow into
outgoing data flow
3. Data stores are repositories of data in the system
4. Dataflow are pipelines through which
information flow
Data Flow Diagram Levels
• Draw data flow diagrams can be made in
several Levels.
• A single process node on a high level diagram
can be expanded to show a more detailed
data flow diagram.
• Draw the context diagram first, followed by
various levels of data flow diagrams.
Data Flow Diagram Levels
1. Level 0 or Context level / System/Module
2. Level 1 or sub module level
3. Level 2 or sub module level and so on
Data Flow Diagram Levels
• In Context Diagram, the process could be
considered as the project itself, module(s) in
the system.
• In Level 1 of DFD, the processes could be
considered as the sub-module(s) or
function(s) of the project
• Level 2 of DFD and so on, similar to Level 1.
Level 0 or Context level
Level 1 or Sub module level


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